Tilly visits St Ebba's

Sunnybank Trust and Epsom and Ewell Rotaries visited St Ebba's to bring a festive spirit to the residents.

Dorothy Watson, CEO of Sunnybank Trust approached Epsom amd Ewell Rotary Clubs to help her make Christmas a bit special for the residents of ST Ebba's sheltered homes.  Tilly the Train was used to drive past the homes in a regal way, closely folowed by Father Christmas (from Sunnbank Trust).  Clive and Anne Richardson together with Mike Waddilove represented Epsom and John Brewer  and Olive represented Ewell. Other walkers were from Sunnybank.

The residents were as pleased as Punch to see the procession and some even joined in.  We felt it was a really worthwhi;e event

Clive Richarson

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July 2020 to June 2021

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