Actual Initiatives and Relevant news

What is your Club doing? What do you know that's relevant?

Reading Matins: Considering working with a Refuge Support Group in Reading. Very pertinent as 3 hotels are being prepred for Afghan refugees . This co-operation would ensure that the most appropriate items are supplied.

Reading Abbey have a Rotary stall outside the Oracle Centre and are collecting donations.

Elthorne -Hillingdon' sPresident hasa charity called Serving our Superheroes and is providing clothing and baby items to the influx of refugees around Heathrow. Supported by the Club, looking for donations of baby related items.

A Rotary Scholar at Pembroke College ,Oxford is doing a masters in Refugee and Forced Migration. Now concentrating on Afghan issues. One idea is to offer a spare room via the Refugees at Home charity.

Oxford: Oxford Hub and Asylum Welcome are loking for all sorts of help through their website. A transit hotel is being set up so translators, drivers general helpers are particularly required. Maybe the Oxford Clubs could get involved?

David SutherlandContact David Sutherland about this page:

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Help for Afghan Refugees in our District

back Every Club is encouraged to make contact with their local Council and register to help Afghan refugees who may be housed in their locality.Let me know how Clubs are actually helping so I can share good initiatives for replicating elsewhere.