Puzzling for Mindfulness

This presentation by Rtn Catherine Eagleson (Glenferrie, District 9800) describes how a love of puzzles and living with bipolar disorder led her to create the Clue Detective Puzzle Agency and highlights how puzzles can be beneficial for mental health.

Puzzling for Mindfulness

On 4th November 2023 we hosted, on Zoom,  a presentation by a Rotarian from Australia entitled "Puzzling for Mindfulness".  Below is a synopsis and video of that presentation. 

Because DG Kate felt that this meeting would be addressing an important subject she sent invitations to join the meeting to a number of District Governors across the world.  Consequently we had the following registrations:

  1. 25 from District 1090 in the Thames Valley
  2. 15 from other District in the UK
  3. 10 from the USA
  4. 3 from the Pacific

Because of the different Time Zones only half joined the actual meeting. However all those who registered have been given a link to this page.

The presentation by Rtn Catherine Eagleson (Glenferrie, District 9800) describes how a love of puzzles and living with bipolar disorder led her to create the Clue Detective Puzzle Agency and highlights how puzzles can be beneficial for mental health.

We in Rotary in the Thames Valley are currently building a valuable partnership with Catherine to raise mental health awareness with the publication of a District 1090 Puzzle Book.

Resources for further information

Catherine’s New Book:
Catherine’s website:

Links to the Organisations mentioned in presentation 
Australian Rotary Health/Lift the Lid on Mental Illness
Rotarian Action Group on Mental Health Initiatives
Warm Welcome Spaces 

Here is the email that Catherine is circulating now that this recording is available


My name is Catherine Eagleson and I am the owner and founder of the Clue Detective Puzzle Agency.  I have been designing (crosswords and other) puzzles for over 20 years.  This was as a result of a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

This has led me to creating a niche I call puzzling for mental health awareness.  My aim is to demonstrate to people how the enjoyment of solving puzzles can alleviate anxiety.

I now work with educationalists, libraries, workplaces and mental health advocates to develop education, mindfulness and teambuilding programs using puzzles as a basis.

I joined Rotary in 2006.  I am a Past President, holding the office in 2017-18 at the Rotary Club of Drysdale/Bellarine North. I then became District Chair of Australian Rotary Health (ARH) for 9780, and am now ARH District Secretary of ARH for 9800, having moved to the Rotary Club of Glenferrie.

On 4 November 2023, I was delighted to accept the invitation of DG Kate Hodges.  I spoke at the 1090 District Conference (Thames Valley, UK) about my mental health experience and subsequent work.  This session was recorded and is now available to clubs as a mental health resource.  If you are interested in viewing and sharing this video please visit puzzlingformindfulness.thamesvalleyrotary.info

Yours in Rotary,
Catherine Eagleson