Puzzling for Mindfulness

Sat, Nov 4th 2023 at 9:30 am - 10:30 am

DG Kate is inviting you all to a Zoom talk on puzzling for mindfulness when Rtn. Catherine Eagleson will run an interactive puzzle solving session to demonstrate that the enjoyment of solving puzzles can alleviate anxiety and improve mental health.

Rotarian Catherine Eagleson (PP, PHF) has been in Rotary for nearly 17 years, and her vocation is Crossword Compilation/Library Services.  Catherine is currently a member of the Rotary Club of Glenferrie (D9800) and is also an ambassador for Smile Radio which is based in the U.K.

Over the last 20 years, Catherine has built a small business called the Clue Detective Puzzle Agency which has led to her creating a niche that I call puzzling for mindfulness/mental health.  Catherine's aim is to demonstrate to people how the enjoyment of solving puzzles can alleviate anxiety and improve mental health.

We in Rotary in the Thames Valley are currently building a valuable partnership with Catherine to raise mental health awareness with the publication of a District 1090 Puzzle Book.

The presentation will include information about Catherine's lived experience with bipolar disorder, creating Clue Detective Puzzle Agency and highlighting how puzzles can be beneficial for mental health. Catherine will run an interactive puzzle solving session so come along to meet the puzzle Detective and enjoy solving some puzzles.

Register, by clicking here, for this Zoom meeting on Puzzling for Mindfulness

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