
International links with Foundation to form Rotary's service avenue for improvements in International Understanding.

Rotary Foundation & International Committee

The Rotary Foundation is Rotary International’s own charity and is a charitable corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation worldwide who share its vision of a better world.   The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.

Worldwide Rotary Foundation delivers grant support of over $100 million per year to humanitarian and educational projects making it one of the largest international humanitarian and educational NGOs.

There are many examples of Rotary Foundation’s good work including the programme to eradicate Polio throughout the world.  This monumental effort of funding and coordination has markedly helped to reduce the incidence of Polio worldwide.  The programme assisted by Rotarian Doctors has now almost eliminated Polio.   Apart from the funding it is the international scope of Rotary that makes this possible.   Rotarians on the ground, the world over, carry out the organisation, the procurement and the vaccination programme to make this seemingly impossible task happen.

Rotarians are very responsive to world disasters and again their international organisation manages to access disaster areas and provide immediate hand to hand assistance and shelter boxes with tents and provisions often well ahead of governments.  We will ensure we are prepared with Shelter Boxes for ad hoc world emergencies.

In support of the Rotary theme “We are for Communities” arrangements are in hand to hold a seminar involving the four local secondary schools.  This will be the fourth seminar we have held covering subjects of peace and conflict, energy and challenges of modern migration which have been very well received by school students and teachers alike.   The seminar will look at the subject of “Free Speech” and give students the chance to listen to expert speakers on the subject as well as to discuss a subject which may be outwith the normal curriculum.

We will continue to organise the delivery of books for Books Abroad.

We will continue to collect spectacles regularly from the local hospital to help deprived people in the world who have poor eyesight.

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International pages:

Gamboura water well repair.

more Many happy faces in the village of Passa as their well is repaired with a £1000 contribution from the Rotary Club of St Andrews.

Rwanda Interprofessional Education

more Dr Andrew Blaikie ophthalmology consultant and senior lecturer at St Andrews University explained links with the University of Rwanda

Shelter Box

more Steve Small gave a presentation on the work done by this charity all over the world during the pandemic

Christmas Lunch 2018

more Festive lunch for family and friends and students from 20 different countries

Taifara Project Report, Cameroon

more This is a translation of the narrative part of the report from the Fondation Bethléem following the successful completion of the work at Taifara in Cameroon, supported by the Rotary Club of St. Andrews.

Gamboura Drought Relief, Cameroon - A Global Grant Project

more The outline of a proposed project for Drought Relief, in Gamboura, Cameroon being initiated by the Rotary Club of St Andrews.

Ukraine school playground equipment for disabled children

more George Finley has gained the co-operation of 3 other clubs to supply playground equipment to a school for disabled children in Ukraine

World Polio Day

more £1745 raised by a few stalwarts from the Rotary Club and Rotaract Club including doubling donation from Bill and Melinda Gates

Success of Gamboura Water Wells Project

more Hamish Tait was pleased to report on the successful completion of water wells to help the population of the Gamboura village in N Cameroon

Gamboura Water Project -

more Gratitude from the Increasing Numbers of Children Attending School in Gamboura in North Cameroon

Support for Rehabilitation of Children in Ukraine

more St Andrews Rotary Club donated £300 to help the Rotary Club of Rivne in Ukraine provide medical aids and play equipment for disabled children.

Arclight Eye Project

more This is St Andrews Rotary Club's main project for this year. We plan to send 3000 of these £10 efficient devices to medical students, nurses and clinical community officers in Malawi, with training.

World Toilet Day

more Check video on District website under International Service, Sub page World Toilet Day.

Cameroon Borehole

more Funds from our Club, together with a District grant has allowed Foundation Bethleem to repair a borehole in the village of Taifara in the Far North Region of Cameroon

AGM Report

(members only log in for more information)

Report to Council

(members only log in for more information)

Christmas Family and Student Lunch

more A fun lunch with family and 22 students (who can't go home) from 14 different countries. Xmas food,balloons and carol singing enjoyed by all.

Christmas Family and Student Lunch 2011

more Families welcomed to Xmas lunch also Students from many countries who cannot go home for Christmas

Cameroon succesful operation for child with Hydrocephalus

more with funds from Rotary Club of St Andrews

Rwandan Wild Life Park Guide

more Narcisse Ndayambaje stays with hosts of our St Andrews Club for 2 weeks then stays with Howe of Fife Rotary Club for 2 weeks.

Thanks from Narcisse from Rwanda

more Grateful thanks to the Rotary Clubs of St Andrews and Howe of Fife for their inspiration and education which he will pass on to others

Narcisse makes plans

more Narcisse uses inspiration from his trip to Scotland to develop new projects in Rwanda

Rwandan park ranger's diary of Scotland visit 2011

more Narcisse was hosted by St Andrews and Howe of Fife Rotary Clubs. His experience gave him a vast knowledge in a short time.

Denis on Colin's farm

Denis Bannah from Sierra Leone visits Scottish farm

more Denis is a Forest Research Officer from Sierra Leone hosted by our Club for 2 weeks and then by Howe of Fife for 2 weeks He talked on his work in the rain forest identifying plants and animals. He saw animals of a different kind on Colin's farm