Completed meetings and events 2020-2021
Wed 30th June 2021 Presidential Handover
Jeanmarie hands over the reins to David Jump
Wed 23rd June 2021 Fellowship Meeting at the Chichester Park Hotel
We're got everything crossed that Club Members will be able to meet in person, after many months of Zoom meetings, and enjoy sharing breakfast together once again!!!Wed 16th June 2021 Club Assembly via Zoom
This is where our incoming President David and his Team Leaders outline their plans for the forthcoming Rotary year.
Wed 9th June 2021 Business Meeting via Zoom
Team Leaders give an update of what their teams are up to.
More souvenirs will shared.....
Wed 26th May 2021 Fellowship Meeting entitled "Among My Souvenirs"
Members are invited to bring something along to the meeting that means a lot to them (it could be a postcard, photograph, item of jewellery, anything!) and tell the story behind it.
Wed 19th May 2021 Speaker Meeting with Nigel Gossop via Zoom
Nigel will be giving a presentation entitled . One for the Boys and Something for the Girls : The Story of the Boys’ and Girls’ Own Papers.Wed 12th May 2021 Business Meeting via Zoom
A review of all the current activities taking place.
Wed 5th May 2021 Speaker Meeting with Sue Hepburn via Zoom
Sue tells the story of Ralph Ellis and his service with the 7th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment from 1914 until he was wounded in 1917Wed 28th April 2021 Fellowship Meeting via Zoom
A chance to catch up with fellow members via the wonder of ZoomWed 21st April 2021 Club AGM via Zoom
Where we receive:Annual Reports from our Team Leaders,
Treasurers Report including Subs Budget,
Elect Honorary Members
Elect Team Leaders,
Elect Ordinary Members for Management Team, and
Elect District Representatives.

Wed 14th April 2021 Speaker Meeting with Colin Butcher via Zoom
Colin will be telling us all about Pet Detectives
Wed 7th April 2021 Speaker Meeting with Anne Scicluna via Zoom
Anna Scicluna will be giving a talk “The History of Chichester in 100 Street names
Wed 31st March 2021 Race Evening
A warm up for the National . A fundraising Race Evening via Zoom . All profits will be donated to Brain Tumour Trust / End Polio NowWed 24th March 2021 FELLOWSHIP MEETING via Zoom
An informal meeting where members can catch up on the latest gossip.
Wed 17th March 2021 SPEAKER MEETING with Kevin Keily (Tangmere Solar Farm)
Kevin will be telling us about the Tangmere Solar Farm. All via ZoomWed 10th March 2021 BUSINESS MEETING
A chance for Team Leaders to update Club Members on the progress made re their projects. This is a Zoom meeting.Wed 3rd March 2021 SPEAKER MEETING with Paul Legrave (Officer to the Lieutenancy)
Paul will be telling us about the work of the Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex. This is a Zoom meeting.Wed 24th February 2021 FELLOWSHIP MEETING via Zoom
David W will be entertaining attendees with a quiz entitled "How well do you know your fellow members"?Wed 10th February 2021 SPEAKER MEETING with Tracey Shaw from Chestnut Tree House Hospice
Tracey will provide an insight into the only children's hospice in West Sussex, which will be followed by our usual monthly meeting, all by way of Zoom.
Mon 1st February 2021 - Sun 28th February 2021 CHESTNUT TREE HOUSE NURSE'S STEPS CHALLENGE
14 club members are undertaking this challenge to complete between 7000 and 10,000 steps each day in February to raise funds for Chestnut Tree Hospice. To support them and make a donation please visit:
Fri 29th January 2021 Quiz Evening with Fish & Chips Supper
It's going to be a bit different this year !! This Light Hearted Quiz is via Zoom , so you have to provide your own Fish and Chips and drink !!Contact Barbara Spearman on 07947402297 for tickets at £5 per head .

Wed 23rd December 2020 Fellowship Meeting via Zoom
No doubt Christmas jumpers and hats will be mandatory...
Tue 22nd December 2020 Xmas Dinner Dance SORRY CANCELLED
.....Yes, you've guessed correctly, an evening when we all get dressed up in our finery and enjoy a hearty supper accompanied by some wine!Sun 20th December 2020 Xmas Collection at the Cross
Bucket collection with any funds raised being spent locally to help those most in need.Fri 18th December 2020 Xmas Collection at the Cross
Bucket collection with any funds raised being spent locally to help those most in need.Wed 16th December 2020 Reunion Meeting
A Zoom reunion with past RCCH members Margaret Benjafield, Steph Crowther and Mike Gratwick when we ask the question "Is there really life after Harbour?".Tue 15th December 2020 Xmas Collection at the Cross
Bucket collection with any funds raised being spent locally to help those most in need.Sun 13th December 2020 Xmas Collection at the Cross
Bucket collection with any funds raised being spent locally to help those most in need.
Sun 13th December 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.Wed 9th December 2020 Club Carol Service SORRY CANCELLED
...Wed 9th December 2020 Special General Meeting
This where we confirm the election of the Club's next President, and elect the President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. We also approve the Accounts from last year...all via Zoom.Tue 8th December 2020 Xmas Collection at the Cross
Bucket collection with any funds raised being spent locally to help those most in need.Sun 6th December 2020 - Mon 7th December 2020 Xmas Collection at Tesco
Bucket collection at Tesco with any funds raised to be spent locally to help those most in need.
Sun 6th December 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.Sat 5th December 2020 Xmas Collection at the Cross
Bucket collection with funds raised being spent in the Local Community to help those most in need.
Wed 2nd December 2020 Speaker Meeting with Jenny Mason from West Sussex Archives
Jenny’s talk is entitled “History in the Making - Covid 19”, and is brought to you by the magic that is Zoom.Wed 25th November 2020 Fellowship Meeting
All by the wonder of Zoom
Sun 22nd November 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Sat 21st November 2020 Coffee Morning and Craft Sale - CANCELLED
Wed 18th November 2020 Speaker Meeting with Clare de bathe
Clare will be talking about Greylingwell Past ,Present and Future via Zoom.
Sun 15th November 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Sun 8th November 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Wed 4th November 2020 Speaker Meeting with Lindsey Parslow
Lindsey will telling us all about Business2schools .This Zoom meeting is open to Non members . Just contact Glyn on for an invite.

Sun 1st November 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.Wed 28th October 2020 Fellowship Meeting via ZOOM
Breakfast at the Chichester Park Hotel , a chance for members and guests to catch up with each other.
Sun 25th October 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Sat 24th October 2020 Pie and Shuffleboard Evening SORRY CANCELLED !!
An entertaining evening with a hearty supper of a Turner's Pie with Mash.Wed 21st October 2020 Speaker Meeting with Nick Drake our District Governor
The annual talk to Club members by the DG Nick Drake .All via Zoom

Sun 18th October 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.Wed 14th October 2020 Business Meeting
Team Leaders will give an update re all ongoing projects.All by the wonder of Zoom.

Sun 11th October 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Wed 7th October 2020 Speaker Meeting with Nigel Brown
Nigel will talk about the City Walls of Chichester
Sun 4th October 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Sun 27th September 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.Wed 23rd September 2020 Beach Clean at Bracklesham Beach
As part of our environment programme members and friends will be undertaking a beach clean at Bracklesham Bay meeting at the car park next to Billy’s at 11.30
Wed 23rd September 2020 SPEAKER MEETING with Reg Ling
Reg will be talking about a polio-free world via Zoom .Contact Glyn on if you would like to attend

Sun 20th September 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.Wed 16th September 2020 BUSINESS MEETING
Regular monthly review of Club activities via Zoom
Sun 13th September 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Wed 9th September 2020 SPEAKER MEETING at the CPH with Linda Smith
The meeting is at the Chichester Park Hotel (CPH) but will also be broadcast live via Zoom.
Sun 6th September 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Wed 2nd September 2020 SPEAKER MEETING via Zoom with Chie Suzuki
Chie is a Rotary Global Scholar from Japan.
Sun 30th August 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.Wed 26th August 2020 FELLOWSHIP MEETING at the CPH
Our first meeting back at the Chichester Park Hotel (CPH) for a while. As numbers will be limited, part of the meeting will be available live via Zoom!
Sun 23rd August 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.
Wed 19th August 2020 SPEAKER MEETING via Zoom with Andrew Gibson
Andrew will be talking about the Chichester Canal.
Sun 16th August 2020 Bike Ride
A small group of cyclists meet at The Cross in Chichester to take part in a leisurely cycle ride around the surrounding countryside. We cycle between 20 and 40 miles, trying to avoid hills, and always include a cake and coffee stop. All welcome.Wed 12th August 2020 Business Meeting
Team Leaders will give an update on the various ongoing projects being undetakenSun 9th August 2020 Bike Ride
Wed 5th August 2020 SPEAKER MEETING with Sonja Curtis
Sonja will be giving an insight into Extreme NursingSun 2nd August 2020 Bike Ride
Wed 29th July 2020 Club Social at the 'Billy Can'
The 'Billy Can' is on the Ford Road Arundel. Covid-19 pandemic permitting, this will be a bring-your-own picnic and drink gathering.Wed 22nd July 2020 SPEAKER MEETING with Julia Sander
Julia will tell us about the three Community Gardens within our city.Wed 15th July 2020 BUSINESS MEETING
Team leaders will give us an update of what they have been up to.Wed 8th July 2020 SPEAKER MEETING with Sheila White
New member Sheila will tell us all about the journey she has taken to be a member of our Club.
Richard hands over to Jeanmarie and we induct new member Linda Smith. All of this will take place at a "social distance" in Priory Park.