Rotary Club of South Foreland Photo Galleries

Environmental News January, February and March 2025
Latest Environmental News from Janet (January, February, March 2025)
Could this be Sepsis?
Xana Sidibeh Manager of Caremark Dover, gave a presentation about sepsis, a condition that results in thousands of deaths each year. She is passionate about raising awareness in the medical profession and in the general public so that lives can be saved.
A celebration of Christmas for Dover
The Rotary Club of South Foreland supported the Reverend Peter Sherred and his wife Mary in organising a Christmas Celebration of religious and secular songs and readings at the Church of St Mary in Castro
A Celebration of Christmas for Dover
The Rotary Club of South Foreland supported a Christmas Celebration at St Mary in Castro on Sunday 22nd December 2024. Organised by the Reverend Peter Sherred and his wife Mary, it was a family event which included both religious and secular items.
Our Flying Rotarian
Stuart McVey describes the exciting flight he and Elspeth enjoyed with George Ritchie and his wife Caroline. On 24th June they few from Rochester Airport to the Isle of Wight.
Graham's Amazing Job Talk
Graham Leadbeater gives a presentation on his colourful career which took him to many interesting parts of the world.
Stuart's Ben Nevis Challenge
Stuart's challenge is to climb the equivalent of 1345 metres, the height of Ben Nevis, by walking laps of his garden. He is raising money for local charities which support people in need at this difficult time. To support him see 'Details'.
Virtual Handover
The handover from 2019/20 President Janet Dagys to 2020/21 President Pauline Goldsack took place on 24th June in a zoom meeting attended by members and partners who dressed up for the occasion.
'My Berlin' - Mark Watson
Mark gives an account of his Berlin experiences. Personal recollections and history of the Cold War form the basis of his fascinating presentation
Ugandan Water Project - Ken Berkin
Ken has worked with the poor and orphaned children of rural Kigesi for over 47 years. He and his wife set up the charity 'Friends of North Kigesi Diocese' over 20 years ago. This presentation to the club describes the charity's water project.
Rotary Trip to Cambridge: 13th - 15th March 2020
The Trip to Cambridge included a visit to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford and a visit to the American Cemetery and Memorial. There were visits to the city of Cambridge and to Ely. £1100 was raised for Dover Foodbank
Asian Adventure
The Rotary Club of South Foreland contributed to Zak Wills' fundraising for his World Challenge Trip to Thailand and Laos last year. On 19th February Zak and his friend Sam gave a presentation about their trip to the club.
Fan Bay Deep Shelter
David Gilchrist organised a visit to this World War 2 site below the White Cliffs.
Visit to the East Kent Railway Heritage Site
On 21st August members enjoyed an evening which included a rail trip, naming of a locomotive and a fish and chip supper
Dover Western Docks Revival
Chris Talbot, Communications Manager for the DWDR, gives an update on the progress made in turning the vision into reality.
The Dover Western Docks Revival - Update 15/05/19
Chris Talbot, Communications Manager for the project, gives an update on the progress of this important and complex engineering project.