Rotary Club of Barton-le-Clay Photo Galleries

February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/ Resolution Month
This is not a time to just focus on restoring peace to war torn countries but to think about how we bring peace and avoid conflict in our everyday lives – in our homes, schools, work places and in our Rotary Clubs.
Myles takes part in a Wing Walk to raise funds for Just be a Child
Sunday 4th August at Shuttleworth (Old Warden) Airfield Lenka was witness to the act of bravery
....The Magic of Rotary.... The New Team for 2024/2025
Past President David, President Andy & President Elect Barry
Club Meeting
Wendy Morrison "Hill Forts" Dinner Menu: Bolognaise Penne Pasta with Garlic Bread.
Visit to Tools For Self Reliance, Milton Keynes
Club night on Tuesday 8th August 2023 was a visit to TFSR Milton Keynes. Club members were very active with cleaning and refurbishing hand tools. The evening was rounded off with a fish & chip supper.
Club Meeting
Rtn Howard Mann "How I built a house" Dinner Menu: Cottage Pie with Country Vegetables.
Donation to Luton Foodbank
Following an appeal by Maggie Herod of Silsoe. Club members donated food to the Luton Foodbank. Follow this link by going to POPULAR PAGES at the bottom of this main page and clicking on the last link.
Presentation of the new Sand Blaster
Dickie Bird and Adam Beesley(workshop manager) at the presentation of the new Sand Blaster at Tools for Self Reliance, Milton Keynes
Michael Lobb is inducted as our new member
President Andrew welcomes Michael Lobb as a member of our Club
Concert for Ukraine
A musical evening will take place in St James Church, Silsoe Saturday 20th August 2022 7.00pm
Visit Jordans Mill. Tour of mill & gardens.
A food heritage attraction situated on the banks of the river Ivel in Southill Road, Broom, Nr Biggleswade. SG18 9JX
Join Rotary
By joining Rotary, your journey on the road to transforming communities begins Contact Bob Knowles about this page:
Club Meeting
Emily Roberts "CBC Ukraine Appeal" Zoom will be available for members & guests who cannot attend a face-to-face meeting. Dinner Menu: Roast Turkey Dinner with all the Trimmings.
Club Meeting
Rtn. Richard Sharp. The Carlisle & Settle Railway Zoom will be available for members & guests who cannot attend a face-to-face meeting. Dinner Menu: Chilli Con Carne with Rice & Nachos.
Santa's Tour of Barton-le-Clay 2021
Tuesday 21st December 2021 Starting 5.00pm Including Gale Court, Old Road, Washbrook Close, Hexton Road, Church Road, Manor Road, Blakelands, etc.
Club Meeting
James Peck "Farming in Central Bedfordshire" Zoom will be available for members & guests who cannot attend a face-to-face meeting. Dinner Menu: Bolognaise Penne Pasta with Garlic Bread.
District 1260 Conference 2021
The Grove Theatre, Grove Park, Dunstable. Refreshments together with lunch will be available, all for the cost of registration of £25
Club Meeting
This week we are joining the District 1260 Assembly session on International & Foundation. We are meeting via Zoom
District 1260 Conference 2020-21
Saturday 20th March 2021 from 10.00 hrs when the Community Showcase opens and the Conference will commence at 11.00 hrs
CANter Equine Assisted Learning & Therapy
CANter is based at ‘The Stables’, Fielden Court, Lower Gravenhurst, Set in an idyllic remote village of Gravenhurst, between Luton, Bedford and Hitchin which makes the venue easily accessible.
Club Meeting
President Peter Aspinall "My Life after Death" We are sad to announce that due to the nationwide restrictions caused by the Coronavirus, for the time being our Club is not gathering for face-to-face meetings. We are meeting via Zoom
Barton-le-Clay Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights Trail. Friday 11th to Sunday 13th December 2020 5.00 to 8.00pm
St Nicholas' Christmas Tree Festival 2020 Village Tree Trail
The 2020 Covid- 19 Safe Edition Saturday 5th December & Sunday 6th December 2020 11.00am to 4.00pm both days
Club Meeting Members Christmas Crackers
We are sad to announce that due to the nationwide restrictions caused by the Coronavirus, we cannot gather for our Club Christmas Dinner. so via Zoom, a fun evening.
Rotary congratulates African region on becoming wild poliovirus-free
After decades of work across 47 countries on the continent, the World Health Organisation has certified the Africa region free from wild poliovirus.
World Polio Day
Saturday 24th October - 17.30 Streamed live on the Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland YouTube Channel
Great British September Clean
Club members will be litter picking in Silsoe, Campton & Barton-le-Clay. Official bags are being supplied by Central Bedfordshire Council.
Myles runs the 2.6 miles Sunday 26th April 2020
His chosen charities: The Salvation Army and the NOAH Welfare Centre, Luton.
Our Club Display at District 1260 Spring Expo
Saturday 29th February 2020 Rothamsted Park, West Common, Harpenden.
Club Meeting & Handover
We are sad to announce that due to the nationwide restrictions caused by the Coronavirus, for the time being our Club is not gathering for meetings. But, we are meeting via Zoom
Mike Jarrard
.....Sadly passed away on 7th May 2020..... Mike joined the Rotary Club of Barton-le-Clay in May 1990. 3 years after it was formed
Club Meeting
Tim Mason Dry Stone Walling Nominative Determination Nominative determinism is the theory that a person's name has some influence over what they do with their life Menu: Beef Bouguignon, Mashed Potato & Vegetables
..Santa's Tour of.. Barton-le-Clay
..Saturday 21st December 2019.. Old Road - including Washbrook Close, Church Road, Manor Road, Blakelands, etc.
St Nicholas' Church Christmas Tree Festival
..........Saturday 30th November & Sunday 1st December 2019........ Come and see the Barton-le-Clay Rotary Club tree "Rotary Connects The World"
A Night at The Auctions
...Thursday 28th November 2019... W&H Peacocks Auction Centre, Bedford MK42 0PE £15.00 per head- includes cold platter & wine (or tea/coffee)
Barton-le-Clay Christmas Lights Switch On
Sunday 24th November 2019 4:00pm Barton-le-Clay High Street
Gastro Quiz
Saturday 16th November 2019 7:00pm ......Silsoe Village Hall...... Teams of 6 £12.00 per person/includes baked potato with chilli or cheese supper
Return of the Village Gate
Sharpenhoe Road has it's gate back. After being run into by an out of control car, the gate is now repaired and back in-place.
World Polio Day Thursday 24th October 2019
...Polio- A Personal Perspective... Martyn Gates shared his life story after contracting polio at the age of 18 months
Shelter Box
Families urgently need support in north-eastern Syria. We're providing shelter for families who have been forced to leave their homes due to the conflict in Syria.
Senior Citizens Light Lunch & Afternoon Tea
.....Friday 27th September 2019........ "Zing"- Carole & Peter entertaining our guests.
Mercy Ships new "Global Mercy" Global Grant
Globally, five billion people have no access to safe and affordable surgery when they need it. Mercy Ships operates the largest charity-run hospital ship in the world, taking free medical care and surgery directly to those who need it most.
District 1260 Conference 2020
With the position with regard to Coronavirus causing more concern, the decision has been taken to postpone the District Conference until 19th - 21st March 2021 Hilton at Ageas Bowl, Southampton
The Rotary Foundation
Barton-le-Clay Rotary Club supports fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
Andy Knight is inducted as a member
President Bob makes sure Andy will always remember the day he was made a Rotarian
Luton & Dunstable Hospital Helipad Appeal
When someone suffers a major trauma, the quicker they receive specialist emergency care, the more likely it is that the treatment will prevent death or serious disability. This is referred to as the ‘Golden Hour’
Tibbs Dementia Foundation attracts further support
Launch of a Nordic-style walking programme
D1260 Beds, Bucks & Herts donates FibroScanner to Lister Hospital
The Rotary Club of Barton-le-Clay lends money to entrepreneurs in various parts of the world where most good can be done.
Barton-le-Clay Rotary Crocus in full bloom for International Rotary Day 23rd February 2022
Our vision is to see a world where no family is without shelter after disaster. Our teams work with disaster-hit families around the world, offering emergency shelter and other essential items to support them in rebuilding their lives.
Congratulations Derek
Rtn. Derek Hardy has been awarded a District 1260 Service Award for outstanding service in promoting Rotary's capability in supporting projects in the international arenas. In recognition and appreciation of his dedicated service to Shelter Box.
......Handover Night..... 2nd July 2019
Past President David Swain hands over to President Bob Knowles
Rotary Theme 2019/2020
R I President Mark Daniel Maloney's theme for 2019-20, Rotary Connects the World, asks Rotarians to strengthen the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, building the connections that allow people to unite and take action through Rotary service.
Annual visit to Tools For Self Reliance Milton Keynes
Club members cleaning and giving a new life to hand tools whilst on our annual visit of Tuesday 21st May 2019
Donation of towels to the NOAH Welfare Centre
Our latest contribution to the Noah Welfare Centre 152 towels that were passed on to the Club by a local business.
Luton Park Street Soup Kitchen
Barton-le-Clay Rotary Club's first involvement with the Soup Kitchen and Night Shelter was in 2011
Barn Dance 2019
A fun and enjoyable night was spent barn dancing in Barton-le-Clay Village Hall on Saturday 30th March 2019 Music from the group Abella and the caller was Andy Rouse. Highly tasteful Hog Roast supplied and cooked by John Fraser and Clair Burton
Minor Sports Wednesday 24th April 2019
George getting to grips with the old game of Tethered Skittles
Bee Orchid
The bee orchid has been the emblem of the Rotary Club of Barton-le-Clay since its foundation. The orchid, Ophyrs apifera var. aurita, grows wild on the Chiltern Hills behind the village of Barton-le-Clay.