RI President Stephanie Urchick celebrates the magic of Rotary. She says members create that magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary.
Sunday 4th August at Shuttleworth (Old Warden) Airfield Lenka was witness to the act of bravery
DetailsThis is not a time to just focus on restoring peace to war torn countries but to think about how we bring peace and avoid conflict in our everyday lives – in our homes, schools, work places and in our Rotary Clubs.
DetailsPast President David, President Andy & President Elect Barry
The Club has a small but very active membership and organises a series of events throughout the year and seeks a range of opportunities to raise money and support our chosen charities.
The Club meets weekly on a Tuesday evening (7:15pm) at the
Jolly Coopers, Wardhedges, MK45 5ED
We enjoy a meal together, before listening to one of our many interesting speakers.
We welcome guests and potential new members at all our meetings and anyone wishing to learn more about Rotary or wish to attend a meeting they are very welcome to contact us using the link provided.
If you wish to join us on a Tuesday evening-Tue, Feb 18th 2025 7:15 pm
Paul Wilson "The Ark in the Park" Dinner Menu: Steak and Ale Pie, Vegetables & Mashed Potato
Tue, Feb 25th 2025 7:15 pm
Sadika Shahjahan & Jo Emmerson " Access Bedford: British Sign Language" Dinner Menu: Cottage Pie with Country Vegetables.
detailsWe meet on Tuesdays at 19.15
WardhedgesBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.