Rotarian Keith Shedden takes over as Club President 2020-2021

Rotarian Keith Shedden takes over as President of The Rotary Club of Thornhill and District at their Presidential Handover 2020-2021

Rotarian Keith Shedden takes over as President of The Rotary Club of Thornhill and District at their Presidential Handover 2020-2021

Recently, Wednesday 1st July 2020 outgoing President Michael Keene presented the chain of office to incoming President Keith Shedden. Keith’s background is in education although he has also been involved in the hospitality trade. He moved to Thornhill from Manchester back in September 2016 and is no stranger to Thornhill as he has been visiting the area for over 20 years.

Keith joined Rotary in December 2016 and since then he has been heavily involved as a convener within our Youth Opportunity schemes, including Young Chef,Young Photographer and Young Musician, to name just a few. Keith also liaised with the local schools in Mid and Upper Nithsdale to promote our mock interviews where Rotarians and local businesses assist school children to present their strengths when leaving school.

The handover doesn’t end there because Rotarian Charlene Henderson this year takes over as President Elect (Vice President). Local business woman Charlene joined Rotary back in March 2014 and for the last three years has been involved in our International programmes. This year as well as holding the position of Vice President she will continue to be International convener whilst taking on the additional role as convener of Rotary Foundation.

The Club wishes both Keith and Charlene all the best in their roles in the forthcoming Rotary year.

A.S. 30-06-2020

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Blake Milteer, photography curator at the National Galleries of Scotland, with the first exhibition of the Mackinnon Collection of which dates from 1840s to 1940s

Recently, Wednesday 10-06-2020 Blake Milteer joined our weekly online Zoom meeting. Blake, Curator of photography for the The National Galleries of Scotland oversees the MacKinnon Collection of historic Scottish photographs


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Youth Opportunities


First Update at 07/04/14
