Guide dogs at Whitchurch Primary School

Thu, May 25th 2023 at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Guide dogs at Whitchurch Primary School

Guide dogs and Whitchurch Primary School Rotakids

ROTAKIDS at Whitchurch Primary School invite Guide Dogs and their owners to school

For their final project the 2022/23 Rotakids decided to support the cost of training Guide Dogs which help the visually impaired lead independent lives.

On 25th May three ‘trained’ Guide dogs and a ‘mischievous trainee puppy’ came to school and were met with great enthusiasm by over 700 children.

They were given a presentation by The Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Graham Hinchey who, during his term of office, has risen over £75,000 for Guide Dogs Cymru. The owners of the Guide dogs gave interesting examples of how the dogs help them in their homes, enable them to go shopping, visit the theatre, dentist, doctors and travel on public transport to various places, keeping them safe from harm and help them live independent lives. They showed the dogs working in harness, explaining that when a dog is in a harness it is working and must not be touched or distracted. The pupils were given an opportunity to ask questions, which ranged from how often they get fed to how much does it cost to train a dog.

Rotakids have decided to raise money for the Guide Dogs Cymru Charity by organising a sponsored read on Friday 30th June; this coincides with the School’s Summer Fair. All pupils will be asked to read for a specific length of time. If weather permits this reading session will take place outside but, if not, peace will descend inside the school! Then it will be all fun and games at the Fair.

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