Speaker meeting via Zoom with Robin Wraight - Rotary Youth Services

Tue, Mar 9th 2021 at 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

'China the Enigma' Partners and guests welcome.

China The Enigma, facts and figures, a couple of funnies, and Rotary in China.

Robyn first visited China in1977, since which time he has regularly visited/worked/lived in mainland China.

Robyn spent a year learning Mandarin and admits he failed miserably.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary believes in developing the next generation of leaders. Our programmes help younger leaders build leadership skills, expand education and learn the value of service.

Therapy Cats can help support people affected by Dementia

We have raised over £7000 to support people affected by Dementia

Andrew presents a cheque to the Befrienders

Working with local people to raise funds for the local community.

Brazil Cancer Centre

Raising cash for the world's disasters

Crocus Planting for Polio

Rotary's own charity raising funds for eradication of Polio across the world and supporting local and international educational needs.


This page outlines the amount donated by the Club over the years


Making sure that the Club runs smoothly for our Members


Questions and Answers about Rotary Clubs.
