Our President leads our club for one year, is elected by the club members to serve as President at our Special AGM in November as President Elect, for the following year (July - June) before taking on the Presidents role the following year. This gives them plenty of time to plan their year, ensure continuity from previous President and a smooth hand over to the following President. Every one makes their own unique stamp on that year and has the opportunity to focus on a particular Charity during their year, if they wish.
Our President for 2024/5 is Sue Vargyus
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Our GDP policy covering our Club and Rotary Club of Chestfield Trust Fund, Charity activities
moreInternational Committee
moreCommunity & Vocational Committee
moreClub Protection and Health and Safety
moreClub President Elect and Membership Officer
moreFund Raising Committee
moreRotary Foundation - our International Charity
moreThis is where we interact with younger members of our Community.