The Trust Fund is governed by Appointed Trustees in accord with the Charities Commission and is totally separate from the Rotary Club of Buxton's general account which primarily comprises members' fees for club administration.
To apply the capital and income in the relief of the poor and needy or to such other charitable purpose, institution, society or object by grants to individuals and organisations and providing human resources, advocacy, advice and information in regard to general charitable purposes, education/training, medical/health/sickness, disability, overseas aid, famine relief, sport and recreation.
If you think you might make more Gift Aided donations in future, please use Gift Aid Form (Multiple Donations)
Online Shopping via the Easyfundraising Portal
If you are anonline shopper, then support our Trust Fund via Easyfundraising - a shopping directory listing 4,000+ online stores including big names. It's completely FREE to register and USE. Just go to your usual online retailer via the the Easyfundraising site whenever you shop online and, at no extra cost to you, we'll receive a free donation by the retailer from every purchase you make. You won't pay a penny more for your shopping - but you'll be helping someone as a result! There's even a Donation Reminder 'widget' you can download onto your PC that'll remind about Easyfundraising if you forget and go directly to your online retailer's website.
You can also raise money the same way using Everyclick 'Give As You Live'. Dead easy!
Bythe House (High Peak Hospice) £8000 (plus several other donations); Buxton Opportunity Club £2000; Grapevine Project,£1500; High Peak Nightstop £1000; High Peak Food Bank £3375 (and other donations); Charis House (Good News Family Care) £3375 (and other donations); Milnthorpe Homes £500; Buxton Mountain Rescue £500(and other donations); Kinder Mountain Rescue £500; Buxton Summer Club £300-£500 (for several years). Trust Income/Expenditure is charted by the Charities Commission for the preceding five years.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Now that the vaccination programme has started we are planning activities (Covid-safe) for later this year. We are helping with traffic control at the Buxton Medical vaccination hub.
morePrimary school children need to be able to work online but many don't have a computer/tablet. With a District Contingency Fund Grant we have donated £1000 to Buxton Infants and Fairfield Infants for computers.
moreWe are in the process of becoming a "Climate Clever" Rotary Club. We have achieved level one "Inspire" and are now working on achieving the next level - "Investigate".
moreYou've seen us, you've heard us singing, you've given us money (thank you). What do we actually do?
moreBig Dog Parker's owner, Elizabeth, has loaned him to the Rotary Club of Buxton to help children. Polio is still crippling under-5s so he's fundraising for Rotary's 'End Polio Now' campaign, by visiting Buxton firms, and inviting their staff to help.
more100 boxes of Christmas biscuits were shared with local charities. Thanks to Morrisons for their generous discount and community support. For each box we bought, Morrisons donated one to support communities around the area.
moreRotary, in collaboration with other local organisations, is helping people to improve their home energy usage. We have received a Rotary District Grant and are supported by the High Peak Borough Council Community Climate and Nature Action Fund.
moreIdentifying & meeting community needs
moreTo promote International fellowship and service
moreUsing media to make the aims and activities of the Rotary Club of Buxton and the wider world of Rotary known to the public
moreMembership Matters