Kerr Scott: David Laing - Borders Disability Sport

Thu, Nov 13th 2014 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Weekly meeting with guest speaker

President Sandy Bannerman chaired last week's meeting of the Rotary Club and introduced the speaker David Laing of the Borders Disability Sports Group.  He has had 50 years service with the group and said the emphasis was not on disability but the ability to participate in sports.  He has been involved since its inception to the present day and has seen it grow to involve 170 sportsmen and women in a variety of different sports at all levels right up to Olympic standard.  Two of the best known are Libby Clegg and Samantha Kinghorn who both struck gold at the London Paralympic Games.  He explained how the group operates and how it always needed funding as parents are often called on to support competitors.  Kerr Scott gave the club's vote of thanks and complimented David and his colleagues on their efforts and dedication.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Some info on the entertaining activities we get up to!


This Committee focuses on international aid and projects


A summary of Hawick Rotary's work with the community during 2020, despite the problems of Coronavirus and Lockdowns

2019-20 President Linden Warburton and Treasurer Scott Elliot (centre) meet with Polysport representatives Libby Kennedy (right) and Greg Cuthbert (left)

Hawick Rotary Club has been able to obtain funding for the restoration of the village's Polysport facility after it was inundated by floodwater


Our Vocational & Community Committee concentrates on supporting local community groups and on youth activities, often in collaboration with Hawick High School and with Primary Schools in the town.


Enquiries regarding membership are always welcomed and should be e-mailed to
