Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
8th November 2024
Today's fun quiz raised £300 which will be split between Clevedon & District Foodbank and HCPT offering disadvantaged children holidays.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9th October 2024
A quick tidy up at the Rotary Memorial Garden Community Centre.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
30th June 2024
President - Margaret Morris handing over the cheque of £1000 to Cancer Research UK
Thanks to all who supported Rotary club.
“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.”
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24th June 2024
Clevedon Yeo Rotary club would like to thank all groups who donated for the wonderful Raffle prizes at Race Night namely-Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18th June 2024
Clevedon Yeo Rotary held a fantastic race night at the Clevedon Bowling Club last Saturday which raised £500 for Cancer Research UK.
Club President Maggie Morris said "We are grateful to the Bowling Club for hosting this event and to the following sponsors who supported us namely-
* Gent Transport and warehousing
* Sam Bryant, Hill Road
* Butterflies, Hill Road
* The Tiffin Group (Scoozis etc)
* House of Allington at Wedmore
* Books on the Hill, Hill Road
* Osborne Care homes
* Morgan structural limited
"A great race night was witnessed by all indeed for a good cause"
Please keep following us on social media for details of upcoming events.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
8th June 2024Clevedon Yeo Rotary helping out at the Clevedon Literary Festival with a packed hall of children enjoying Kev Sutherland.
Here to assist as required and happy to help throughout today.
Rotary in action.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5th June 2024Clevedon Yeo Rotary remember those who gave their lives so we could enjoy our freedoms today
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
3rd June 2024Our race night is fast approaching and we are so, so grateful to the following sponsors of the eight races
Gent Transport and Warehousing
Sam Bryant, Hill Road
Butterflies, Hill Road
Tiffin Group (Scoozis etc)
House of Arlington at Wedmore
Books on the Hill, Hill Road
Osborne Care homes
Morgan structural limited
It would be useful to know numbers so please feel free to let our secretary Chris know you are coming on 07789 641469
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
3rd May 2024Clevedon Yeo Rotary are again supporting local good causes with another cheque for £500 for the local foodbank today.
This was raised as a result of our recent fantastic quiz.
We have also made other donations recently including £100 to the St Mungos homeless charity, £500 to the Curzon towards a defibrillator, £100 to the community Gardeners and £50 to the Bristol and WSM hospital charity.
In other news we have up and coming events including (hopefully) a charity race night and
we are working with a local venue towards a talent show for Clevedon later in the year.
Our members will also be stewarding at the Literary festival in June and the Childrens Hospice memory walk in October.
Just a reminder. We could do so much more with an increased membership.
Rotary membership is very inexpensive and allows you get involved with activities in the local community. The cost implications are less than a cup of coffee per week and you'd be ensuring this fabulous organisation continues its great work into the future.
It's not formal so park any preconceptions you have and take the plunge!
There is a contact us facility on our Web page as well as our secretaries phone number
Have a great Bank Holiday Clevedon
STOP PRESS. Our treasurer states that we have donated £3,600 to the Foodbank in the last 2 years. Brilliant work
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23rd February 2024Great news. Another large donation to a local worthwhile cause.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary have given £500 towards the provision of a defibrillator at the Curzon cinema.
The cinema has, in recent times, experienced several incidents where staff have had to rush elsewhere to get one of these life saving devices.
Pictured are club President Maggie together with Lisa and Gemma from the Curzon.
President Maggie said "We are happy to support this initiative which is possible using funds raised from our local events"
In other news please watch out for the 'Purple for Polio' crocuses around the town highlighting the initiative to eradicate polio around the world and the club will be running several more fundraising activities in the Spring including another fun quiz and a race night.
Remember-membership of Rotary costs less than a coffee per week
PS the lady on the extreme right is a mannequin called Gloria!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-working hard for our town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
13th January 2024The club sponsored the Match ball at Clevedon Town v Helston today and had an insert in the programme together with a presence by two of our members handing out leaflets and a few words about our activities on the tannoy at half time
Thank you Clevedon town
Don't forget Rotary membership costs less than a posh coffee per week!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary working for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
8th January 2024
Great work by Clevedon Yeo Rotary and a few dedicated helpers to knit 500 hats for premature babies in Ukraine
To be shipped shortly
Great work from Rotary in action
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-helping others!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
1st January 2024
We will be continuing our work in the town in 2024
Stay safe and positive everyone.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18th December 2023
The result of our Christmas hamper raffle!
The name on the winning ticket,no. 00160, was a Mr. Michael Nicholson, of Yatton, who has now received the hamper and described it as “absolutely wonderful”, We sold just over £1000's worth of tickets. Thanks everyone for your support and this will contribute towards our work in the community
Have a great Christmas and a happy, healthy and positive 2024
Clevedon Yeo Rotary
The photo is of the winning ticket being drawn
14th December 2023
8th December 2023
12th November 2023
21st October 2023
7th October 2023
22nd September 2023
16th September 2023
14th September 2023
Look out for this:
15th August 2023
21st July 2023
8th July 2023
Club handover to New President on Wednesday and today several members stewarding the Clevedon swim/run this morning
22nd June 2023
Great meeting last night with speaker Joe Norman (from Marlens) telling us everything we didn't know about the Marine lake!
Also delighted to welcome a new member Shubankar
and very happy to present one of our long standing members Helen with a Paul Harris Fellowship award in recognition of her commitment to Rotary.
10th June 2023
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
2nd June 2023
14th May2023
9th April 2023
Thank you Clevedon. We will have made around £125 from our Easter egg raffle. Thank you so much for your support
22nd March 2023
18th March 2023
16th March 2023
23rd February 2023
13th February 2023
We know many of you will have donated on line but thank you for your tremendous contributions to our volunteer collectors on Saturday. The total raised was incredibly close to £1,000. We will no doubt top it up to four figures from our funds
Well done Clevedon
Also included below is the DEC appeal link again.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-helping as usual.
Thank you so much Clevedon for supporting our Christmas hamper raffle.
We sold out! That will mean a profit of £1,000 to support our charitable
work in the Clevedon area.
Keep watching our Facebook page for details of how we use this fantastic amount
We were lucky enough to secure a generous donation for the cost of the hamper.
The lucky winner was Mrs Mee of Clevedon
We will also be again stewarding another Covid jab session before Christmas
A great effort from our small club and a few key supporters
Thank you Tesco for supporting our raffle
Stay safe everyone and cheers me dears
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-working so hard for our town
The picture is of the Tesco duty manager drawing the winning ticket
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
Well Clevedon that's us finished for now.
By my count that's our eighth vaccination hub at Clevedon school and our 21st this year at the school and the rugby club.
We remain very proud to have supported our local medical centre (and our town)
It's been cold, wet and windy but we are warmed by the good wishes of the vast majority of those attending
Great effort by our small club and a few key friends of Rotary
Stay safe Clevedon and enjoy a great Christmas
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-working for our town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
4th December 2021
The Magnificent seven(th) week of Clevedon Yeo Rotary supporting the vaccination hub at Clevedon school. Very busy today with a Christmas fayre and Christmas tree sellers together with all the sports taking place
Thank you for the kind words for our team members who found it very, very cold today
over the course of a busy day
Stay safe Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
3rd December 2021
Your town needs you...
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
27th November 2021
Christmas tree festival at Christchurch, Clevedon Saturday and Sunday 27 -28th Nov. Go along and have a look at the fabulous display of trees.
Look out for fantastic Rotary tree decorated in blue and yellow Rotary colours. Entertainment and refreshments available.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Supporting events in our town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20th November 2021
Your local Rotary club has been busy again!
Firstly, a few of our members and friends have been helping the Foodbank collection at Tesco for their Christmas appeal.
Next, we presented the Foodbank with a cheque for £800 from our fabulous quiz last week!
Our boat on the Tickenham road is now planted with winter heathers and has some crocuses planted around it to provide some spring colour and finally it's been our 6th week helping out at the vaccination hub at Clevedon school.
A brilliant effort everyone
Thank you to those who donated to our planting and local gardener Roger for his support and to everyone who supported our quiz
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-a really small club achieving BIG things in our town
The photos show the cheque presentation, the boat and a reminder our efforts at the school
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
13th November 2021
Its been a busy weekend for Clevedon Yeo Rotary.
Firstly, thanks for all the support from Clevedonians last night for our fantastic quiz in aid of Clevedon and District Foodbank. Early indications are that we will have raised over £500+
The foodbank needs a cash flow to help pay their bills and we are glad to be able to help.
Then today our team of stewards supported the fifth vaccination day this autumn
at Clevedon school
Most people are tremendously appreciative but we still encounter a few a grumpy and abusive people.
Please remember we are giving up our free time to help vulnerable people get their jabs, some with very limited mobility.
A little understanding would be appreciated
We only ask people to move their cars so that access can be maintained to the clinic in the main school building for those attending for their jabs
Stay safe everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
11th November 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
28th October 2021
If in the spring you see a lot of purple crocuses around the town then they have been planted by Clevedon Yeo Rotary over the past few years. Our team were out again today planting some more on the ring road roundabout in the shape of a large R.
We will also be planting at some additional locations in the next week
The purple crocus is a symbol of Rotarys' effort around the world, with others, to assist with the vaccination effort and, hopefully, the eventual eradication of Polio.
World Polio day was on Sunday 24th October
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Raising awareness of global issues together with improving our town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23rd October 2021
Week number 4 of Clevedon Yeo Rotarys' support for the vaccination hub at Clevedon school. We've a couple of weeks off before at least two more sessions in November at the school.
Thank you Clevedon for the kind words and for the majority of people being courteous and polite.
Still disappointed with a few people who give stick to our team when all we are trying to do is allow people to get their jabs.
Some of the attendees have limited mobility and need to park close to the main school building
Stay safe everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-working hard for our town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
16th October 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary were again today supporting the vaccination hub at Clevedon school for the third week running.
Our small team of dedicated volunteers are grateful for the kind words of thanks for our efforts from the vast majority of attendees.
Stay safe and well everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-working hard for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9th October 2021
Another busy day for Clevedon Yeo Rotary supporting the vaccination hub at Clevedon school. Better weather this week and most people grateful for our efforts.
In other news the club was proud to receive recognition of our efforts at the vaccination hubs at the school and, earlier in the year, at the Rugby club, with the award of a certificate of appreciation by Clevedon town Council.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Supporting our town practically and financially.
The two pictures show our work at the school and our certificate
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
2nd October 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary are helping out (throughout October) at the vaccination sessions at Clevedon school, supporting the Clevedon medical centre staff.
It was truly atrocious weather for our club members today (assisted by a few key friends of the club) who were there all day helping those attending to park and access the venue.
The vast majority of people were appreciative of our efforts but we were disappointed by abuse from a few people.
We sincerely do our best to remain positive and helpful at all times
Stay safe Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23rd September 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17th September 2021
A few things happening at Clevedon Yeo Rotary.
Firstly we are now registered with Amazon Smile so...
If you shop with Amazon just do it via the link,
and the our Rotary club receives a small donation for every purchase. There is NO cost to the shopper or to the club.
Don't forget to select Clevedon Yeo Rotary from the options.
So get shopping and support our local community.
Whilst we are aware of the need to support local shops and premises this can provide a boost to our finances
In other news our club members will be helping Clevedon Medical Centre to deliver the next round of Covid booster/Flu vaccinations at Clevedon school from the 2nd October for 5 consecutive Saturdays and finally a couple of our club members helped today with tidying up the garden of a local couple who have Rotary links with a club elsewhere in the country. It's what we do!
And please don't forget we could do much more with additional members.
Contact our secretary at if our work in the community interest you
Stay safe Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10th September 2021
Firstly, the proceeds of our summer gardens competition were presented to David Fife of the friends of North Somerset Community Hospital. The money will be put towards the building project at the front of the hospital which will provide improved facilities for patients and staff.
Next, the club will be supporting Clevedon health centre in October by stewarding a significant number of vaccination sessions due to be held at Clevedon school.
We will also be planting several thousand crocuses to further improve our town and remind everyone of the tremendous efforts to eradicate Polio around the world, where Rotary has been a major contributor.
Other projects in the pipeline are an autumn quiz, the fantastic Christmas raffle and, in the new year a couple of other exciting projects.
Further details will follow in due course.
We would be able to achieve significantly more with an increase in our already incredibly active membership so...if you want to find out about Rotary please visit our Facebook page, have a look at our website and if you want to support our community by 'getting stuck in' drop our secretary a line at
The photo is of secretary Steve presenting the cheque to David Fife
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24th July 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24th July 2021
Our new President was indoctrinated (is that the right word?) at a Covid safe gathering last night.
President Bob Sprange was taking over after a difficult year during the pandemic for past President Helen Riley.
The club also awarded secretary Steve Molloy with a Rotary Paul Harris award for his work during the year.
In other news our boat is virtually finished after a lot of refurbishment and will be sailing into place on the Tickenham road in the next week or so
Stay safe Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-working hard for our town
The pictures show Bob and Helen 'handing over' and secretary Steve receiving his award during the evening.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17th July 2021
Great to be able to award the two winners of our garden competition their certificates and gardening vouchers.
Well done ladies and thanks for the support from all entrants. We'll be able to donate £125 to the Clevedon community hospital.
Shame it isn't more but with restrictions easing people are 'out and about' more (including gardeners)
Stay safe everyone and enjoy the weather
Clevedon Yeo Rotary
PS a replacement boat for the one that was stolen from the Tickenham road will finally be re-floated in the next week or so after sterling work by our master mariner
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9th July 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary helping out in the community again this weekend by providing stewarding support to the Curzon Cinemas' outdoor film shows at the Salthouse Field.
Great event and well supported
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Supporting local events.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
3rd July 2021
Final call Clevedon for our Gardens competition. Entries close on Wednesday and judging shortly after that. We are somewhat disappointed with the number of entries so far so a few more would be appreciated and help us raise more for the local community hospital
Full details on previous posts on the Clevedon Yeo Rotary club page
It may be that people are getting out and about more, which is a good sign, and therefore spending less time gardening.
To enter just drop our secretary an email at
Stay safe Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
1st July 2021
Good trip out for an unusual job talk by club member John who is a lock keeper for Bristol City Council at Netham lock in Bristol.
Great history and interesting visit
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-always busy and always fun
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 June 2021
Our club secretary, who has been giving talks on the Glastonbury Festival to groups on Zoom this year has just sent another cheque to Prostate Cancer UK for £2600.
That makes over £6000 raised by him for Prostate cancer related causes over the last couple of years
Secondly, we, as a club, are delighted to have received a letter of thanks from the practise manager at Clevedon medical centre for our help in stewarding at Clevedon Rugby club during the vaccination sessions. Almost 9,000 jabs were administered. A great effort by all.
Finally, you'll be able to recognise our members when they're out and about due to our new masks. We'll probably still need them next winter
Stay safe everyone.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 June 2021
Hiya Clevedon,
Just a reminder of our garden competition. Judging will take place in early July and entry is a mere £5.
All proceeds go to the Clevedon community hospital who have been brilliant during the Covid crisis and are a great local facility.
So...if you have a garden of whatever size and shape please have a go. We could do with a few more entries. There are two categories one for traditional gardens and one for gardens with a fun theme.
To enter please email our club secretary at
Last year we purchased an X ray viewer for the hospital. We'd love to raise a similar amount if we can
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Working hard to improve our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 June 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary out in the community today supporting the literary Festival by stewarding the fabulous music event on the bandstand from 12 Noon to 8 pm.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
05 June 2021
Last vaccination hub for a while at Clevedon Rugby club today.
We are so glad we could help with the vaccine rollout.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
31 May 2021
Hello all Clevedon gardeners.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22 May 2021
Another vaccination session today at Clevedon Rugby club.
Thank you to those people who appreciate our efforts and those of the NHS vaccinators.
It's always nice to receive a thank you or a kind word of appreciation
Happy to continue to contribute to the local vaccine roll out
Stay safe Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Working for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22 May 2021
Covid vaccination session at Clevedon Rugby club today.
Stewarded again by our members.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Working for our community
Stay safe Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
06 May 2021
Club AGM last night. In a year when the pandemic has been a major focus we still managed to achieve
A garden competition (being repeated again this year)
An Autumn photo competition
An on line Zoom quiz
Numerous talks on the subject of the Glastonbury Festival for Prostate Cancer charities (on Zoom)
Donations were made to
Clevedon community hospital. An X ray viewer was purchased
Clevedon Town FC towards the cost of their Covid measures
Clevedon United Junior girls shirt sponsorship
A donation of £1770 to Prostate cancer UK
A donation of £700 to Clevedon and District foodbank.
A couple of smaller donations to Southmead hospital and the local gardening group
The ongoing replacement of the boat planter and the ongoing support to the Clevedon medical centre team for the vaccination sessions at the Rugby club
All this achieved with a small but dedicated team of members
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-helping our community
For membership opportunities visit our website or contact our club secretary at
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
05 May 2021
Help...if you can.
As you'll no doubt know our donated boat which we turned into a flower planter was stolen from the Tickenham Road earlier in the year. We did source a replacement fairly quickly for which we were very grateful but its been a bit of a challenge for our resident boatbuilder to resurrect it to a decent standard. Therefore our appeal is simple. Is there anyone out there who has another boat we could use.
Please contact our secretary at if you can help.
Here is a photo of our stolen boat to remind you of the type of thing we're looking for.
Thanks and stay safe
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
01 May 2021
Another busy Bank Holiday Saturday for our Clevedon Yeo team assisting with the vaccination session at Clevedon Rugby club.
It was cold early on but we were there all day helping manage the queues and car parking
Glad to be able help the brilliant Clevedon medical centre team
Stay safe everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Working hard for our town
May be an image of one or more people
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
25 April 2021
How many people knew that the 24th to 30th April is World immunisation week?
We in Clevedon should celebrate the fantastic work of our local NHS and their tremendous vaccination roll out and we are proud as a club to support them in their efforts.
We are also celebrating Rotary support for the worldwide efforts to suppress and hopefully eliminate Polio.
The WHO poster is reproduced below
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Helping in our town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17 April 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary stewarding again at the vaccination session today at the Rugby club.
Great to be out helping our community
Stay safe everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17 April 2021
The sun is out so now is the time to spruce up your garden, get planting and then enter the Clevedon Yeo Rotary Summer Gardens competition.
Last year we raised enough money from our gardens competition to buy an X ray viewer for Clevedon community hospital.
So, drop our secretary an email, his details are below, and you're entry is in!
He'll respond as to how to pay the £5 entry fee.
There are two categories, one for formal gardens and one for fun gardens so you can get creative and imaginative on a theme of your choice.
We are hoping that last years overall winner will be this year's judge
So, get busy, have some fun, give some glorious colour to our town and support local good causes.
Judging will take place late June/early July
Clevedon Yeo Rotary secretary at
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 April 2021
Another vaccination session today supporting the Clevedon medical centre team at the Rugby club.
Our team of volunteers were again happy to help.
Stewarding outside though we did notice a few cars arriving travelling rather fast and almost one collision with a pedestrian
Those attending were getting their second jab and some have limited movement and/or limited vision.
Please be aware when attending the sessions
Thanks in anticipation
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Working hard for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
31 March 2021
Keep an eye on Facebook for news of our garden competition which we want to be bigger and better this year.
Last year we were able to purchase an X ray viewer for the cottage hospital in Clevedon
We'd like to raise even more this year
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Supporting our community
Details coming in the next week
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
27 March 2021
Another jab session at Clevedon Rugby club today. Quite cold early on for our volunteers but glad to help
Stay safe Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-practical support to our community
Please note-No bears were harmed in the taking of this photo
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 March 2021
Another vaccination session today at the Rugby club in Clevedon. Glad we can help again. Very few queues and running smoothly.
In other news our Master Mariner is still working on our boat planter so please be patient Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Working hard for our community.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
06 March 2021
Another successful vaccination session at Clevedon Rugby club today, supported by Clevedon Yeo Rotary.
Our members were helping out with stewarding duties
Stay safe everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
04 March 2021
As you travel around the town please remember that the purple crocuses now showing through at numerous locations are a reminder of the Purple for Polio vaccination campaign combining the resources of the Gates foundation and Rotary worldwide to combat this terrible disease
Onto current matters we are helping with the current vaccination regime by stewarding again, for the third time, this Saturday at the Rugby club supporting the brilliant work of Clevedon medical centre
Finally, our new boat arrives tomorrow for a clean up and will be reinstated as soon as we can together with some anti theft measures (as good as we can make them)
Stay safe everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
01 March 2021
Boat planter update.
The police have taken the investigation as far as they can. They have had some dash cam footage but its not of sufficient quality to ID vehicle or offenders.
We move on.
Is there anyone out there who has a fibreglass boat they would like to donate?
If not, we have a very nice man in Clevedon who is willing to make a boat shaped planter that sounds great.
PS Now secured a fibreglass replacement. Thanks for your interest everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
25 February 2021
Further update on our boat planter. It was kindly donated by a family in Clevedon whose father had passed away. It is just approaching the second anniversary of his passing and they, like our club, were looking forward to seeing it planted. They are understandably incredibly upset.
There are some heartless people out there
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 February 2021
I've had a few contacts this morning asking where our boat planter is (as you come into Clevedon on the Tickenham road)
Well, between yesterday (when we did some work on it) and this morning its been removed/stolen.
I have enquiries in hand and I'll update you when I know more.
UPDATE. I have confirmed that its not been taken away by any of the agencies locally i.e. Clevedon town or North Somerset District Council so it has been stolen. I hope someone tries to use it as a boat because it has several large holes in the bottom which was to allow water to drain away when the plants are in.
It will be reported to the police and I have some information that may assist in its recovery. Thanks for your kind words
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 February 2021
We again helped out the Clevedon medical centre team to deliver more vaccinations at the Rugby club yesterday (Friday)
The video was taken by own own Stephen Spielberg!
In other news we had a great speaker at our meeting on Wednesday on modern slavery. Its happening in our communities NOW.
If you have any concerns there is a hotline on 08000 121 700
We are also trying to progress work on our boat planter on Tickenham road. It needs a little bit more soil and then we will plant it up very shortly. We are being foiled by the weather
Finally one of our members continues with his talks on Zoom to clubs and associations about the Glastonbury Festival. Donations are coming in and another large donation to Prostate cancer UK will be made this spring.
Stay safe Clevedon and keep visiting our page for details of our activities
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-working for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
13 February 2021
Happy to help the Clevedon medical team to vaccinate approaching 1,000 people today at Clevedon Rugby club.
Our members were there from 8-30 until finish helping with the queues and car parking.
And yes, it was freezing!
Rotary doing what it does best. Helping our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
05 February 2021
We've supported the gardening group, who are very active in Clevedon, by giving them a donation for the purchase of plants. This is the group that you see around in their red T shirts
Happy to give them our support. Keep up the great work in our town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 January 2021
Our boat planter now has our club wording on it. Thank you so much to Steve of CE signs of Clevedon for sorting it for us and we've generously had a couple of donations of money towards the purchase of plants together with an offer of plants themselves.
When restrictions are eased we will get busy.
Also one of our members is serving the community by delivering oxygen monitors to residents in the greater Bristol area. The local health Trust is operating a virtual Covid ward.
Stay safe everyone and stay positive.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
02 January 2021
First Rotary activity of the New year.
We've reinstalled the boat planter on the Tickenham road as you enter Clevedon.
A couple of hours work for a few members.
We are very grateful to the Clevedon resident who donated the boat.
Will get it planted as soon as we can.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Continuing to work for our town.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
31 December 2020
Thanks for your support in 2020 and keep positive and stay safe in 2021
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 December 2020
Even on Christmas eve there are loads of people working tirelessly for our community.
We as Clevedon Yeo Rotary, are proud to support the local Foodbank and today presented a cheque for £700 to the Clevedon and District Foodbank. This was raised as a result of our Autumn photo competition and an on-line Zoom quiz.
The photo shows treasurer Rob in his favourite Christmas jumper presenting the money to the Foodbank staff who are still 'beavering away' at their unit in Knowles Road today.
Money is important as it helps them to maintain their unit and cover the bills.
Can we also wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous and safe 2021.
Clevedon Yeo rotary will continue doing all it can to support good causes both locally, nationally and internationally
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
21 December 2020
Lockdown hasn't been all bad!
Since March our club secretary Steve has been delivering Zoom talks to clubs and associations far and wide, in fact all around the country, in return for donations.
The talks were on the subject of the Glastonbury festival where he is on the security management team.
He has now been able to despatch a cheque for £1770, raised as a result of these presentations to Prostate cancer UK.
Several of the club members, past and present, have been unfortunate to suffer with this disease and it was a great to be able to support this worthwhile charity.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Working hard for good causes
PS This follows on from £1500 donated to Southmead hospitals Prostate appeal to pay for a new robot to perform surgery and over £300 donated to the urology dept. These donations included a Rotary matching grant and were given over the last couple of years but the money was raised in the same way.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary club
20 December 2020
In recognition of the great work of one of our Past Presidents we've finally managed to present him with his gift, two lovely crystal glasses.
He deserves them having sat in the chair for a number of years consecutively
Well done Tony Carrington from all at Clevedon Yeo rotary
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
14 December 2020
In the New year Clevedon United Junior Football club girls under 8's will be sporting new shirts bearing the Rotary logo after the local club, Clevedon Yeo Rotary, supported them with sponsorship.
Club President Helen Riley said "We are delighted to support an initiative that provides the opportunity for girls to play sport, which is good for their physical and mental health. This follows on from our sponsorship of local ladies rugby and junior boys football in the past few years"
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Supporting good causes locally
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5 December 2020
Now, I know we are moving towards a cashless society but if you go into the shops in Clevedon listed below you should see one of our collection tins.
ANY CHANGE you have will help us to support local good causes. Also if there are any premises out there willing to have one of our tins please let our secretary know at
The shops are
Quality news, Sow and Arrow, West End post office, CM3 and Tickenham garden centre
Number 69 Barista barbers in Hill road has one as well.
Thank you
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23 November 2020
Hiya everyone,
Just a reminder
QUIZ-In aid of Clevedon and District Foodbank this Friday.
It's on Zoom
I'll send you a link for the Zoom on Wednesday plus details of the Rotary account so you can donate-Anything you can spare will help this GREAT cause
The questions will be read out and appear on your screen in a Powerpoint
It's for fun only BUT you can award yourself a mince pie and a sherry/scotch/beer if you do well!
GO ON have a go. What else will you be doing Friday
Just drop me a line with your email address and you are in
Stay safe
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
15 November 2020
In the words of the song...'What's that coming over the hill....
It's a quiz!
Just a reminder we are holding a fun quiz on Friday 27th November at 7-30 PM.
It's to replace the one we would normally hold in aid of the Foodbank.
The format will be that if you register your interest with our secretary at he will send you a Zoom link a couple of days before and include a link so you can make a donation. Any amount is welcome.
It's for fun only, no prizes. All proceeds to the Foodbank
As always stay safe, best wishes and thanks for your support
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
7th November 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary will always remember those who have bravely served their country and we have been privileged to have assisted with remembrance day celebrations in Clevedon in the past
We will remember them.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
6th November 2020
Firstly, as we're in lockdown we have not replaced the boat planter at the entrance to the town on the Tickenham road. However we have sourced one which is being refurbished as we speak and will be re-instated when conditions allow.
Next, we are holding a fun quiz on Friday 27th November at 7-30 PM.
It's to replace the one we would normally hold in aid of the Foodbank.
The format will be that if you register your interest with our secretary at he will send you a Zoom link a couple of days before and include a link to a Justgiving page so you can make a donation. Any amount is welcome.
It's for fun only, no prizes. All proceeds to the Foodbank
Finally, we have secured the opportunity to sell raffle tickets again for our bumper Christmas hamper this year at the ASDA store in Clevedon over 3 days in December (10th, 11th and 12th) We will have the opportunity for contact less payment. (If the rules permit by then) Please support this initiative. We will update closer to the time
Stay safe best wishes and thanks for your support
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 October 2020
Today is world polio day.
Rotary, as an organisation, has worked tirelessly around the world, with the Gates Foundation, to try and eradicate this terrible disease.
The 'Purple for Polio' campaign has done a tremendous amount to raise awareness of these efforts.
Although our club in Clevedon have not planted any additional purple crocuses this autumn, over the past few years we have planted around 20,000 in various locations to raise awareness of the disease, that still exists in some small areas of the world, and to highlight the continuing efforts.
Especially relevant given the current health pandemic.
Rotary-Locally, nationally and international-Working hard towards the common goal of improving our planet for its inhabitants.
Look forward to a great display again next spring
Clevedon Yeo Rotary
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23 October 2020
The results of our Autumn photo competition are in.
Firstly a thank you to Gary Clark for judging the competition and for everyone who took part.
The overall winner was Jan Fletcher with the entry below. She wins an Amazon voucher. And Tabitha Bromley aged 10 yrs wins the junior prize. Again with an Amazon voucher as a prize. Her photo is also below.
As well as a high standard of entry a sum of £278 was raised on the Just Giving page which will be donated to the Clevedon and District Foodbank.
Club president Helen Riley said "This is a difficult time for organisations who rely on fundraising activities to support their work. We have tried to be imaginative with our efforts and are proud to be able to support the Foodbank whilst giving the opportunity to local residents to get out and about and enjoy the autumn colours and taking some really great photos".
Click here to see the entries.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-a small club doing BIG things for our community.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 October 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary out and about improving our town. We've demolished and taken away the boat that was on the verge as you entered the town from Tickenham (at the town councils request) and we are looking to source a new one with the help of a nautical member!
All rubbish removed to the local tip.
The boat was totally rotten.
Watch this space for further developments
Rotary in action
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9 October 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club photo competition closes next Wednesday. We are doing well for entries but need a few more.
We are closing in on our modest total to raise money for Clevedon and district Foodbank so...
This weekend
Take a photo of Autumn in Clevedon
Send it to our club secretary at
Donate a fiver (or more if you can) to our Just giving page
Judging after next Wednesdays closing date.
Please help those in need and have a bit of fun.
Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.
' Click the pic'
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
7 October 2020
Final 7 days of the Clevedon Yeo Rotary Autumn photo competition.
An easy 3 step way to get involved
Firstly take a photo that sums up Autumn in Clevedon
Secondly, donate to our Just Giving page (minimum of a fiver please)
Thirdly, email the photo to our club secretary at then sit back and wait.
All entries will be judged after the closing date of the 15th with the winner receiving a small prize.
All proceeds are going to Clevedon and District Foodbank. A great cause.
We are nearly at 80% of our target so please Clevedonians have a go
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
30 September 2020
Not long now to enter the Clevedon Yeo Rotary photo competition and help our local Foodbank.
Just a quick reminder of the main way you can help.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23 September 2020
We have had a incredibly disappointing response to the photo competition and only raised a very small amount for the Clevedon and district Foodbank so here's a reminder Clevedonians especially as Autumn is now officially here
We'd like you to get your cameras out, mobile phones, box brownies and take a photo that sums up 'Autumn in Clevedon'
Then send them to our club secretary digitally (his details are later in the post) AND donate to the Justgiving page details of which are below. We'd like £5 from every entrant to this GREAT cause
We normally run a quiz twice a year for the local Clevedon and District Foodbank but that's difficult so we've come up with this way of raising a few funds. Yes, they need food donations but they also need money to keep their storage unit going. We've set a modest target and hope we can exceed it. Our quiz normally raises around £700 so the race is on. The photo can be fun or serious, landscape or people, sunrise or sunset. Send your best photo to our secretary at with your brief contact details. Closing date EXTENDED to 15th OCTOBER and there will be a small prize for the best overall and the best under 14 so please, if you fall in that category put it on your entry.
Good luck and PLEASE help our foodbank to help others .
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5 September 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary are pleased to be able to present a cheque for £100 to Clevedon Town FC to help offset the costs of Covid preparations for the new season.
Rotary Club President Helen Riley said "We have supported local clubs over the past few years including shirt sponsorship for junior football and the local ladies rugby team. This time we are able to give a boost to one of the senior teams"
The photo is of club member John Brooke presenting the cheque to Football club chairman Brian Rose before the first league game of the season.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
2 September 2020
Just an update from Clevedon Yeo Rotary on our succesful gardens competition this summer. We were able to raise £600 from the competition which we have topped up from club funds to £800 to buy the Clevedon cottage hospital a Hi Res Hi Def X Ray viewer which replaced a broken one and also helps with improved analysis of x rays.
The picture below is of Club President Helen Riley and Helen Stevens, the urgent care manager.
Club President Helen said "We are so happy to be able to purchase a vital bit of equipment for the hospital. It will provide tremendous benefit to local residents who need to use the hospital. It was as a result of the gardens competition that brightened up the town and gave a boost locally in this difficult summer"
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
26 August 2020
Right then Clevedon here are details of our great new competition
We'd like you to get your cameras out, mobile phones, box brownies and take a photo that sums up 'Autumn in Clevedon'
Then send them to our club secretary digitally (his details are later in the post) AND donate to the Justgiving page details of which are below. We'd like £5 from every entrant to this GREAT cause
We normally run a quiz twice a year for the local Clevedon and District Foodbank but that's difficult so we've come up with this way of raising a few funds. Yes, they need food donations but they also need money to keep their storage unit going. We've set a modest target and hope we can exceed it. Our quiz normally raises around £700 so the race is on. The photo can be fun or serious, landscape or people, sunrise or sunset. Send your best photo to our secretary at with your brief contact details. Closing date is 1st October and there will be a small prize for the best overall and the best under 14 so please, if you fall in that category put it on your entry.
Good luck and please help our foodbank to help others
Weʼre raising money to help support the local Foodbank in Clevedon.
Help raise £250 to help support the local Foodbank in Clevedon
Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.
' Click the pic'
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 August 2020
Hands up if you knew its world photography day? Well it August 19th, and it seems appropriate to tell you about a new competition being organised by Clevedon Yeo Rotary.
We see on Social media every week fabulous photos of our pier, local sites and fabulous sunsets. So we'd like to see who can snap the best photo on the subject of 'Autumn in Clevedon'
There will be a prize in several categories (full details to follow) and we would especially like entries from our younger photographers.
So...start thinking about what you can capture through your lens. There will be a small entry fee with all proceeds going towards our local charitable work.
Further details will be out in the next few days so watch this space.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 July 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary update.
We've now received our money for the gardening competition from the Just Giving site and are in a position to present a cheque for £600 to the MIU at Clevedon cottage hospital.
Thank you for supporting us Clevedon and we hope to repeat the competition next year BIGGER and BETTER!
Next, One of our members (Steve) has continued to present a talk on the Glastonbury festival to groups on Zoom and has received over £300 to go to Prostate cancer charities with more scheduled talks to come. Good work
And finally we were proud to hold our club presidential handover on the 1st July and welcome Helen as our new president for the next twelve months. Our second female president in recent years
The picture below shows the type of person Helen is, getting her hands dirty at a previous clean up session at the community centre in Clevedon.
Club members are now discussing plans for the autumn and we hope to meet 'face to face' in September
Stay safe everyone and thanks for your support for our efforts.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary
'A small club doing BIG things for our community'
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
29 May 2020
It's the weekend and a good time to think about supporting our local NHS heroes in Clevedon and having a bit of fun. The facility in Clevedon is vital to our town with the hospital at Weston super Mare being closed at present
The Clevedon Yeo Rotary garden competition starts judging in just over two weeks time.
It's easy
Go to our Just giving page and leave a donation. Then email our secretary and tell him your address and you are in the running...
If you can't donate via Justgiving then email the club secretary and he'll provide an alternative way to enter.
There are two categories. One for a classic garden and one where you can let your imagination run wild with bunting, scarecrows, lights or anything else. The Fun garden category.
All money raised will go to the Minor injuries unit at Clevedon
Please give it a go Clevedon, brighten up the town and raise money for a fabulous cause
There are a couple of pr
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
21 May 2020
Clevedon Gardens competition
Right then, here we go!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary are looking to brighten our town, get people out in their gardens being creative and raise money for the Clevedon Cottage Hospital Minor Injuries unit.
They have been invaluable in the Lockdown by taking the pressure off the main hospitals, it is a facility which is an asset to the the town.
So...It's really simple
Go to our just giving page at Donate a minimum of £5 and then send your details to our secretary at with your address. He will acknowledge your entry. Put in your email what category you are entering.
Judging will be in the week commencing 15th June and we hope to get a local gardening expert to assist us with this. This is to give you time to plan your displays and buy some more plants etc from our (now open) Garden Centres. The competition will hopefully provide a financial boost for them as well.
There are two categories
Firstly the classic garden and second the 'Fun' Garden where you have used your space (however small) to be creative and imaginative.
There will be a small prize in each category with the rest of the funds going to the aforementioned GREAT cause.
So get digging, planting, mowing and sowing and let's see how much we can raise whilst having a bit of fun in the process. Every garden entered will be visited by the judges obviously aware of social distancing protocols.
Take care and Stay Safe
Weʼre raising money to Help support the local Minor injuries unit. Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.
Help raise £500 to Help support the local Minor injuries unit
Weʼre raising money to Help support the local Minor injuries unit. Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 May 2020
Clevedon. Get mowing, planting, sowing and digging and being creative.
Your local Rotary club is running a gardening competition for residents of the town.
There are two categories. Best garden overall and best fun garden. The latter category means you can get together as a household and create a fun garden that shows off your imagination and creativity
To enter we will want a minimum donation of £5 with all the proceeds going to Clevedon cottage hospital
We hope to have a local landscape gardener as a guest judge.
Further details will follow in the next day or so.
It'll enable you to have some fun time outside whilst raising money for a great local cause.
There will be a prize in each category
Please support your local NHS and brighten up your town in these difficult times
Judging will be in the early part of June
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 May 2020
Another Zoom club meeting tonight at which we decided on a great new competition for for social media post in next day or so
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9 May 2020
Another great load taken to the food bank yesterday from Dial Hill area residents. Thank you for you generosity at a time when so many more less fortunate are having to resort to using food banks.
Well done Rob and Alison, Clevedon Yeo Rotary member and his lovely wife.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
6 May 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary AGM on Zoom tonight with most of our members able to attend.
All appear in good spirits.
Big things to mention. £7225 given to charity this year so far from July 2019 to May 2020.
From a club with a small membership great work.
Several club members are doing what they can with Foodbank collections, work for the pier and work for community resilience teams/shopping for others
Several others are having to self isolate for health reasons but morale appears good.
Stay safe Clevedon and we'll be out and about supporting this great town of ours before long
PS Sorry they look like a Crimewatch line up!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club is feeling fantastic.
01 May 2020
This week’s load from Dial Hill sent to the food bank. Thanks everyone so much.
Well done the residents of Dial Hill and the Ainsworths, Rob, Clevedon Yeo Rotary member and his lovely wife.
Great response every week
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
25 April 2020
...and there's more. As a result of our club secretary Steve giving numerous talks to clubs and associations about his role at the Glastonbury festival we've managed to send another £375 to Southmead hospital to support the work of the urology department who deal with, amongst other things, Prostate cancer. It would have been substantially more but as well as the festival being cancelled so were a good number of talks that were due this spring. That makes approaching £2000 raised and donated as a result of these sessions.
We shouldn't forget that hospitals need support for patients suffering from problems other than Covid 19.
Take care everyone and stay safe
Clevedon Yeo Rotary
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 April 2020
Another load sent to the food bank from Dial Hill today. Thank you for your generosity.
Alison and Rob Ainsworth (Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club member)
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
21 April 2020
Good news for the NHS locally. While the focus is rightly on Covid 19 other work goes on or will resume shortly. To that end our club donation of £1500 has been sent electronically to the Above and Beyond appeal at the BRI in Bristol which is to refurbish ward D603 used for radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment.
The ward hasn't received an update since the 70's.
We would love to have a formal presentation but in these difficult times all we can show is a photo of the transaction taking place (actually it's a finger stunt double as our treasurer is shy!)
Take care, stay safe and support your local charities in their good works.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-a small club doing BIG things for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17 April 2020
A great load of contributions from Dial Hill
Road area to be delivered to the Food bank in the morning. Thank you all so much
Great work from a Rotarian and his lovely wife
Thank you generous Clevedonians
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
8 April 2020
An update from your local Rotary club in Clevedon.
Being a small club with several members with longstanding health issues and a couple of members living outside of the town we have not been as active during lockdown as normal.
However-due to our fundraising earlier in the year we are able to support great local causes in other ways
Firstly our Easter Egg raffle was pulled from the closed Clevedon Pubs. We raffled one egg with the winner being the Landladies daughter at the Bristol. Well done.
The draw did raise almost £50 and we've donated the other three eggs to the Childrens Hospice South West at Wraxhall.
The picture below shows the socially distant delivery!
That also follows on from the cheque for £550 we recently gave the Hospice from our Bristol City Collection.
Next, we've donated £150 towards Clevedon Clothing Exchange. They operate out of The Barn and help to unite clothes that are no longer wanted with new owners. The money will offset some of their costs when they are up and running again and assist with the purchase of kit and equipment.
We have maintained our connection with our local Foodbank in Clevedon and are able to offer financial support to offset their costs if they need it. They are apparently OK at present although please keep donating items at Tesco you generous Clevedonians.
Now our big one. With help from a district matching grant we shall be giving £1,500 to Ward D603 at the BRI
Ward D603 cares for patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment at Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre (BHOC). While wards across Bristol city centre hospitals have benefited from refurbishment in recent years, Ward D603 has not been updated since the 1970s.
Our donation will help tremendously.
We also hope to hold a Zoom social media meeting of our members after Easter.
Finally-One of our members has been helping the Community Resilience team in his village in North Somerset.
So please stay safe, stay connected with friends and family and look out for your neighbours.
We hope to see you supporting our activities in the future.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18 March 2020
Rotary charitable work goes on...
We've sent a cheque for £550 today to Childrens Hospice South West at Wraxhall which was raised following the Bristol City v Derby match earlier in the season.
There would normally be a nice photo of the presentation below but we don't want to compromise anyone's health by doing that
So...stay safe, support others and remain upbeat and positive.
Now...go and wash your hands, pick up the phone and call family or friends to let them hear a friendly voice and to show you care.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17 March 2020
You knew this was coming didn't you...
The Clevedon Yeo Rotary quiz in aid of the local Foodbank on Friday 3rd April is cancelled.
We cannot take a risk, however small, with peoples health in a packed hall.
I am sure it will be rescheduled when appropriate.
Thank you Clevedon for your understanding and, if you are a Facebook reader, please be aware of the appeal from the Foodbank today concerning the items that they are short of.
Every little bit helps when you are shopping so don't forget the Foodbank donation point at Tesco in Clevedon
Stay safe and please, after reading this, wash your hands and then phone a friend just to ask
'And how are you today?'
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
16 March 2020
So sorry but a joint decision has been made with Clevedon school to cancel the public speaking competition scheduled for this Wednesday
It WILL be reconvened when we are all virus free
Thanks for your understanding
PS now go and wash your hands!
15 March 2020
To provide a little Easter morale booster albeit there is no medical evidence to prove that chocolate combats the effects of the virus it may make you feel better!
To that end Clevedon Yeo Rotary are again running their annual Easter egg raffle.
Four pubs are helping us out namely the Walton Park hotel, The Moon and sixpence, The Little Harp and The Bristol
For just a £1 a go you can win our Easter hamper packed with goodies. The draw will be held over the Easter weekend so please have a go and boost our ability to support charitable initiatives in the town in these difficult times.
Thank you in anticipation and good luck!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
05 March 2020
Right then Clevedon, a few bits of news.
Firstly, with the kind assistance of the Walton Park Hotel, we are yet again running our Public speaking competition for pupils from Clevedon school. It's on Wednesday 18th March at 7pm.
Please come along and see the quality of our young people as they compete against each other speaking on a variety of subjects.
Prizes are awarded for the best in each category as decided by our panel of three eminent judges. Refreshments are available so...please come along and support these students.
Secondly, we are again running one of our brilliant, sensational quizzes at our usual location of the Friary Hall, Marine Hill, Clevedon. It is on Friday 3rd April at 7-30.
Yet again all proceeds will be going to Clevedon and district Foodbank.
Tickets priced at £7.50 per person, in ideally teams of four, are available from Tony on
01275-218987. This includes a great supper.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
26 February 2020
Great visit by club members and friends to the Concorde museum at Filton. An iconic mode of transport preserved for all to visit.
Thanks to the museum for a group discount for our look around
Here are a few photos of our visit.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22 February 2020
Look out for our purple crocuses in the next couple of weeks.
Our Locations include
By the boat as you approach from Tickenham
On Northern way approaching the roundabout (new location)The motorway roundabout near our Welcome to Clevedon stone sign
Tesco roundabouts (times two) and on the ring road verges
Clevedon sea front near the bandstand (new location)
Six ways roundabout
All planted to remind everyone of the efforts of the Rotary organisation together with the Gates foundation to eradicate polio around the world.
All planted by Rotary members to brighten our town every spring.
Purple is the colour placed on a childs finger to show that they have received immunisation from polio around the world
Rotary, a driving force for good, locally but also nationally and internationally.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
15 February 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary are pleased to report a boost to our coffers from the walking footballers of Somerset. A friendly walking football festival was held at the Hand stadium last Thursday and donations were made by the players. Our club is receiving a donation of £100 which will be put to good use locally.
One of our members is a participant and we are extremely grateful to all of the players for this generous gift.
Well done Clevedon walking footballers
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
13 February 2020
Stop press. The collection at Bristol City v Derby last night raised £531.94
Good work team and thanks to all the fans
Every single penny going to the Childrens Hospice South West at Wraxhall
Great local cause
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
13 February 2020
Busy day yesterday! Firstly, club members and partners visited the Helicopter museum in Weston Super Mare. Great attraction, very interesting, good guide and reasonably priced.
Then, later in the day, supported by a few great friends, club members held a bucket collection before the Bristol City v Derby game. Collections like this do suffer from the stadium and its surroundings being predominantly cashless but generosity still prevails amongst the fans. Hopefully we've raise a few bob for the Childrens Hospice South West at Wraxhall.
Those collectors that wanted to then enjoyed the game as guests of the club with a complimentary ticket.
Thanks BCFC and everyone that donated.
I'll post the exact amount when it has been counted.
Also watch out on our social media platforms for news of our forthcoming public speaking competition and another of our fantastic quizzes in early April.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Having a good time whilst working hard for our community.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
7 February 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary are at Ashton Gate collecting before the Bristol City versus Derby game next Wednesday 12th February on behalf of the Childrens Hospice South West at Wraxhall. It's a fabulous cause so...if you are going to the game please pop a bit of change into our buckets to support this tremendous cause.
Thank you in anticipation
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22 January 2020
Below is the letter our club received from Clevedon and District Foodbank proving that our recent donation is put to good use
Dear Rob and all those concerned,
Please accept our most grateful thanks for your lovely donation of £650.00 to our Clevedon Foodbank from The Rotary Club of Clevedon. We hope you enjoyed the Quiz night even though It is quite an effort!
Our Foodbank has been as busier than ever over Christmas and New Year. 200/300 Hampers and Lunch bags went out as usual over the holiday period and still there seems a steady demand for needy vulnerable people each week.
We still have plenty of expenses and special projects going on eg the Eat Well Spend Less courses for different groups of people. At present we are spending over £800 on rent for the warehouse and container storage for food which lasts most of the year! Thank you also for your help in other ways too.
We wish you a healthy and Happy 2020.
We really do appreciate you thinking of us and be assured the money is well used!
Yours sincerely,
Gil Mears (Treasurer)
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-a small club doing BIG things in our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
21 January 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary are pleased to support their local branch of Re-engage (Formerly Contact the Elderly) with a donation of £100– The club also provide practical help with two of its members volunteering to hold events locally.
The organisation arranges a tea party every month for older persons who are isolated from family and friends. This gives them at least one opportunity during the month to meet similar people and provides something to look forward to.
Volunteer hosts provide the teas and volunteer drivers collect the ladies or gentlemen and bring them to the host’s home. The normal number is between 6 and 10 at any tea party.
Monies received by Re Engage are used to provide entertainment at some tea parties, birthday cards and small presents on relevant occasions.
If you could help as a host or driver, or know of any older person who may benefit from a monthly social gathering please contact Alison on
Below is a photograph of the presentation at one of the local events in Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 January 2020
Quick update-A photo of Clevedon and District Foodbank staff receiving their £650 cheque today the proceeds of the Clevedon Yeo Rotary quiz night late last year. The foodbank is a fabulous organisation doing great work in our area and we are glad we can help them with their ongoing costs.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary- a small club doing BIG things for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 January 2020
Hello Clevedon! We hope you've all recovered from the festivities and I know most of you are back to work.
Well, here is an update from the club.
Firstly we're starting to distribute some of the money we've raised and within the next few days a cheque will be presented to Clevedon and District Foodbank for £650 as a result of our quiz last autumn. A well respected and essential local facility that needs the money to support it's activities and to cover the cost of their premises, utility bills etc.
I'll post a picture of the presentation when it takes place.
Secondly, we're allocating £100 to the local 'Contact the Elderly' group. They provide friendship and support for older people who have limited social interaction.
Next......we've also got a bit more money to allocate and we'd like to hear from any local groups or organisations that need a financial boost to support a project that they are undertaking.
It may not be a large cheque by return but if we know who needs our help we can target our fundraising and our monies towards them. Email the club secretary (details below) if we can assist.
Please also keep an eye out for the 20,000 crocus bulbs planted around the town as a reminder of the Rotary initiative to support polio eradication.
New sites for the planting in the autumn included on the seafront between the bandstand and the sailing club and along Northern way in the verge.
The fairly mild weather we've had recently may encourage them to show before long.
Please be aware that the number quoted is a guesstimate as we didn't count them as we put them in!!!
We remain extremely grateful for the support of the local community for our efforts and would encourage all Clevedonians to keep abreast of what we're doing by following our Facebook page.
As they say in these parts 'Cheers me dears'
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
31 December 2019
Have a great New year and please keep supporting the efforts of all the charitable organisations in the town who strive to make Clevedon a great place to be in 2020
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
26 December 2019
Club secretary burning off a few calories on the Clevedon boxing day run. 4 miles of pain!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 December 2019
Thanks Clevedon for all of your support this year
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
13 December 2019
Quick update just received from the Clevedon and District Foodbank
'Donations from the Christmas Tesco collection came to 1611kg'
Club members were there for all three days giving up substantial amounts of time to help the Foodbank staff.
Well done Clevedon Yeo Rotary and THANK YOU generous Clevedonians!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
7 December 2019
Hamper raffle update
Well, What can we say but Thank you Clevedon!
A sum over £1000 raised for our local charitable work. The winner was Mrs Neal from Clevedon.
We will post an accurate figure when costs have been taken into account and money counted.
Draw made this evening by a Tesco staff member. See photo below
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
7 December 2019
Last big chance Clevedon to support our charitable work in the town. We're at Tesco's until 5pm. Come on down
Clevedon Yeo Rotary supporting the community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
6 December 2019
Whatever your political views support your local Rotary. Liam Fox does! At Tesco today and tomorrow fantastic hamper raffle-winner drawn tomorrow
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5 December 2019
Raffle ticket selling at Hill road for our sensational hamper. Come and see us or catch us at Tesco Friday or Saturday
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5 December 2019
Win all of your Christmas goodies in our stupendous food hamper raffle.
Tickets on sale at our stall at the Hill road Fayre tonight
Tickets only £1. Winner drawn Saturday
Have a go and support our fantastic charity work in the town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary
Your town needs you to have a go!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
2 December 2019
Good start to our Hamper raffle this year at the Christmas lights switch on. Please see us at St Nicholas Fayre on Thursday or Tesco in Clevedon Friday and Saturday.
EVERY single penny after the cost of the hamper and ticket printing goes to support our local work
Nice to see Mike back in action
Clevedon Yeo Rotary helping our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
27 November 2019
Don't be sad like this man trying to put up his Christmas lights, come along to the following locations and buy a raffle ticket for the Stupendous, Sensational, Fantastic
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Christmas Hamper raffle.
We're at the
Christmas Lights Switch on in the Triangle on Saturday,
St Nicholas Fayre in Hill Road on the 5th and
At Tesco in Clevedon on the 6th and 7th
£100's worth of Christmas goodies packed into a Hamper (which this year is included in the prize) AND EVERY SINGLE PENNY (after the cost of the hamper and ticket printing) goes to support local causes
Please 'have a go' and help our local community to thrive
Clevedon Yeo-A small club doing BIG things for our town
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
21 November 2019
Great response from Clevedonians to the foodbank so far.
Thank you
Clevedon Yeo Rotary members working with the dedicated and hardworking Foodbank staff at Tesco in Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 November 2019
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club are assisting our local Foodbank by helping them collect food and other essentials at Tesco in Clevedon later this week to boost their stocks for the Christmas period. Please donate if you can and share this with friends and family
Update-great response so far. Keep it up Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 November 2019
£50 given to Clevedon community resilience for emergency lighting.
Our club supporting the community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 November 2019
One of our members, Steve Molloy, has been giving illustrated talks, for a considerable period of time, on his work within the security team at the Glastonbury festival. £1500 has been raised so far (with the help of a Rotary matching grant) for the prostate cancer appeal at Southmead hospital, Bristol (our local centre of excellence) with more to come. If a talk on this subject may be of interest please feel free to contact him at
Every single penny goes to this great cause
Clevedon Yeo Rotary members-raising money for local good causes
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 November 2019
Clevedon pier remembers
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 November 2019
Every year...
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9 November 2019
Quick update on our quiz last night. Early indications are that we've raised a figure in excess of £600 for Clevedon and District foodbank. A packed hall enjoyed a great quiz and a lovely supper. The money will be put to good use to help with the foodbanks bills.
We, as a club, will also be continuing our practical assistance to the Foodbank by helping them with the pre Christmas food collection at Tesco and continuing our weekly food collection from Tesco every Friday.
We have also supported Clevedon Community resilience with a recent donation of £50 to help with the purchase of equipment and finally watch out for our Brilliant Christmas hamper raffle. We'll be at the Christmas lights switch on, The St Nicholas Fayre on Hill road and Tesco in late November/early December.
A ticket purchased will help to support our local work in the community and get you the chance to win a hamper with £100's worth of festive fayre inside. This year the hamper is included. A great prize.
Finally, thank you Clevedon for your support and below are two photos. One of the winning team and another of one of our members working hard afterwards. It takes a lot of effort to put on events such as these!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
3 November 2019
It's fast approaching now Clevedon.......
Our quiz in aid of Clevedon and District Foodbank, a truly fabulous local cause, is on Friday 8th November at 7-30 at The Friary Hall, Marine Hill, Clevedon. Teams ideally of 4 at £7.50p per person to include supper.
All questions as well as being read out are displayed on a large screen. There is also a raffle.
To book your places please contact Tony on 01275-218987
Please come along and have a fun evening whilst raising money for this vital, local good cause. They need your help in the run up to the busy Christmas period
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-making a difference in our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
28 October 2019
Quick reminder. Our quiz in aid of Clevedon and District Foodbank, a truly fabulous local cause, is on Friday 8th November at 7-30 at The Friary Hall, Marine Hill, Clevedon. Teams ideally of 4 at £7.50p per person to include supper.
To book your places please contact Tony on 01275-218987
Please come along and have a fun evening whilst raising money for this vital, local good cause. They need your help in the run up to the busy Christmas period
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-making a difference in our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 October 2019
Today, 24th October is World polio day. Who knew that?
Rotary, around the world, has worked tirelessly with other partners for years to try and combat the effects of this terrible disease through financial help, volunteering and through raising the profile of the campaign.
Our club in Clevedon have supported the effort financially but we are also keen that those less fortunate than ourselves, around the world, are remembered and that the Rotary effort is not forgotten. To highlight this we have planted in total around 20,000 purple crocuses around the town, over the past few years, to provide a vivid reminder every spring of this disease and the battle to overcome it.
This includes another 4,000 planted this autumn.
Purple is a significant colour in this campaign as a mark is placed, in purple dye, on the finger of those children who are vaccinated.
We hope to see a brilliant display next spring to ensure that those battling this disease and the efforts globally to eradicate it are not forgotten
Clevedon Yeo Rotary- a club working for it's community whether locally, nationally and internationally
Below is a picture of our members at work
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18 October 2019
The following is a quote from a recently commissioned survey by the Trussell trust into Foodbanks
.........The survey also revealed how deeply the UK public holds the values of compassion and justice, and the extent to which they act on them. Half of the public has taken action to address hunger and its causes in the last 12 months, with more than a third donating food to a food bank.......
We, in Clevedon, give tremendous support to the Foodbank and they will again be holding their pre-Christmas collection of donations at Tesco in November and December.
And our club members from Clevedon Yeo Rotary will be there to help.
The Foodbank also needs money to pay it's bills and cover other costs so we, as a Rotary club, as well as the aforementioned practical help, hold regular fundraising quizzes to raise funds for them.
Our next is on Friday 8th November at the Friary Hall, Marine Hill , Clevedon.
The cost is £7.50 p per person (teams of 4 ideally) to include supper and every single penny raised goes to offset the Foodbanks' bills. Please support our efforts to help others by coming along and having some fun.
There will be a licensed bar and raffle on the night
To book in your team please contact Tony on 01275-218987
Clevedon Yeo Rotary - Active in our community helping others
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9 October 2019
Great visit to the Glede brewery in Clevedon tonight. Nice food, good company and a great tour. The only micro brewery Clevedon did us proud.
They are based in Tweed road and their bar is open Thursday to Sunday 1-6 PM.
We learnt some great facts about brewing during the tour from the lads who were very friendly and informative.
Glede is apparently the old English name for the red kite.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
6 September ·
Yes gang it's that time again. On Friday the 8th November it'll be another of our fantastic, sensational, stupendous Quizzes at the Friary Hall, Marine Hill, Clevedon to raise funds for the Clevedon and District foodbank. It's teams of 4 again for £7.50p per person including supper. It's the best quiz in the area in a fantastic hall with all questions displayed on the screen to help you answer them.
To reserve your spaces please email me or ring Tony Carrington on 01275-218987
We'd love to see you again to raise funds for this much needed cause. Yes, they get a lot of donations and Clevedon Yeo help them with food collections every single week BUT their building needs to be maintained, Rent paid, Bills paid so...come along and support our quiz to raise funds for the Foodbank
Please spread the word far and wide
PS the photo is of our last donation presented in May this year
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
29 August 2019
It started as a sad day on Tuesday when a fantastic number of club members past and present said goodbye to Angela Hughes, wife of ex member Neville Hughes, who passed away on the 10th August. The crematorium near Bridgwater was packed to remember a warm, funny, larger than life character. Angela was fondly remembered by all those present and the eulogies given were a fantastic tribute to her memory. RIP Angela
Later, in a mixed day of emotions the club played its latest boules match at the Bird in Hand at Salford against Keynsham. It finished 3-3 but we triumphed on points. A good end to the day.
Rotary, remembering friends and coming together in friendship
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18 August 2019
Our annual club car treasure hunt was held today involving loads of cars roaming around North Somerset looking for clues. Finished up at the friendly Butchers Arms in Yatton for a lovely Sunday lunch. Thanks to the staff.
Around £150 raised from the event for Cancer research.
Below are pictures of the winning foursome Messrs Kingston and Hexter with some of their prizes And one of the valiant teams who didn't win with theirs! Well done the Lochries.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary raising money for good causes and having fun at the same time
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
14 August 2019
Another great night playing Boules v Portishead
Fun and friendship with a competitive edge. It finished 3-3. Exciting score draw!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
6 August 2019
Another win for the mighty Clevedon Yeo Rotary at Boules at the Ring of Bells at Nailsea last night. Rain did stop play for a while but thanks to Kingswood for providing the opposition and the friendship.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
31 July 2019
More work by our members tonight so our efforts in Jesmond road are really looking good!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary working in the community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23 July 2019
Boules last night. Good win against Nailsea and Backwell so...even with our small numbers we can still turn out a team and compete.
Good venue at The Old Inn at Congresbury
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18 July 2019
So, here's a story. Clevedon town council gets a call from a resident in Jesmond road. She states the area in the corner of the park opposite her house is like a jungle.
She would be willing to plant some plants to brighten up the area but cannot do the hard graft (getting rid of the weeds etc)
So, Clevedon Yeo Rotary fires into action and we spent last night clearing most of the jungle. More work to do but a good start.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. Helping to improve our town with hard graft
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
4 July 2019
At our meeting last night we recognised the fantastic contribution by our President Tony (on the right in the picture below) during the last year with the presentation of six Crystal glasses. It's also a bribe as he's continuing in the role next year!
We are also looking forward to completing some more gardening work in Clevedon in the next couple of weeks and our annual car treasure hunt in August. In the autumn we'll be upping our game by engaging in a few interesting visits and continuing our charitable fundraising work.
Also, Just a few words for the premises that have supported our Rotary collecting tins. In the last year they've realised a sum of £228.73p. Brilliant!!!
So to all you Clevedon residents. We are going to shuffle a few of them around. If you're a premises who'd like to have one email our secretary at
The tins don't eat anything, are easy to keep and every single penny donated into them goes towards our work in the town.
Thanks Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 June 2019
Great night last night listening to two inspirational lads from Clevedon school, Rory and Jack. They helped us host our public speaking competition last year and, as a result of that we helped to sponsor them for the European youth parliament debating event in Liverpool, where they went after Clevedon school won the regional heat.
At Liverpool one of the lads Rory was selected to debate in Europe and went to Mechellen in Belgium. A credit to the school and the teacher involved Mark Cullen. All supported by a financial boost from our club
Great work everyone
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 June 2019
So...Where does all that money you generous Clevedonians give us get spent? Well it's end of year for us so here's an update
We raised in the year £8114!!! A FANTASTIC sum from a group currently, because of health issues numbering 8 active members. BUT what a fantastic effort from them.
Money isn't everything as we've also planted thousands of 'Purple for Polio' Crocuses around the town to remind everyone of the Rotary efforts in polio eradication. We've also cleared up various areas around the town, stewarded events and ran a public speaking competition for Clevedon school. Phew!
Below is the list of organisations who have benefited from our efforts
£1600 to Clevedon and District Foodbank
£1000 to Childrens Hospice South West at Wraxhall,
£500 to Clevedon First Responders towards their car insurance,
£1450 to Southmead Hospital Prostate appeal
£280 to Bristol MS society
£250 to the Samaritans,
£150 each to Clevedon Guides (towards a tent) and 2nd Clevedon Scouts towards a Canoe shelter,
£100 each to Clevedon Ladies rugby, Youth Mentoring, Greyfriars Friendship club, Contact the Elderly, Za Foundation (a touring group visiting schools. They're from South Africa)
£50 each to Clevedon Gardeners (the red shirts who brighten our town up) and £50 to Keighley Rotary club as one of their members was riding through our area for charity
This leaves a donation of between £3-4000 to go to Cancer Research UK from our recent concert.
This has been raised through Quizzes, Christmas Hamper raffle, Bucket Shake at Ashton Gate and many other activities including members own initiatives such as sponsored walks and talks to local groups. We also secured a matching grant from Rotary HQ for one of our initiatives
Our collecting tins are also still strategically placed around the town.
So...THANKS have a small but dedicated group out there working to improve our community. Thanks for your support
And a PS we also collect the Foodbank donations from Tesco every week and deliver them to the Foodbank!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
28 May 2019
Just a few lines to thank those local companies that help support our recent concert in aid of Cancer research UK
They were Splash gallery in Old Church road, That Copy Shop in Alexandra road and The Hawthorns on the seafront.
Several individuals also donated to make the event a success. Thank you all
Steve Molloy Clevedon Yeo Rotary secretary
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 May 2019
Great visit to the Childrens' Hospice South West at Wraxhall (where they undertake fabulous work) where club members Helen and Treasurer Rob presented a cheque for £1000 to the Hospice.
This was predominantly raised through a bucket collection at Bristol Bears v Worcester Rugby and topped up by club funds. Two lots of thanks
To all the rugby fans that contributed and to the work of the small, dedicated team that is Clevedon Yeo Rotary.
We also were very grateful for the assistance of a few 'Friends of Rotary' on the collection
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Small but punching above their weight when it comes to fundraising and energy and enthusiasm for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22 May 2019
Boules practise tonight.
Clevedon Yeo ready to take on everyone. Bring it on. #summerrotaryactivities
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17 May 2019
Music to stir the soul and voices to touch your heart strings were in evidence at the Clevedon Yeo Rotary concert held at Christchurch, Clevedon on Saturday 11th May.
A packed hall enjoyed a fabulous nights entertainment from the Caerphilly Male Voice choir and guest soloists.
The concert was originally the brainchild of Chris and Maggie Morris. Chris, however, passed away very shortly before the event from Cancer.
The event was successful in raising a fantastic amount of money for Cancer Research UK and early indications are that a sum approaching £4000 will be the final donation.
Club President Tony Carrington said "I am proud of the hard work of all of our members to stage this event.
With some health issues within the club this has been achieved with a membership of eight active members.
We thank everyone for their support. I am also proud of our efforts in other fields namely a recent donation of £1000 to the Childrens' Hospice South West at Wraxhall and £900 to our local foodbank. Both of these were possible following our regular quiz and a collection at Ashton gate by these dedicated and hardworking members We also are grateful for the support of their family and friends"
The Photo is Of Maggie Morris, the choir and their soloists and musicians.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Achieving GREAT things with a small vibrant club.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
13 May 2019
Stop press. Fabulous concert by the Caerphilly male voice choir on Saturday. Church packed and early estimates are of £2500 raised for Cancer UK with more to come. And this from a small group of dedicated Rotary members.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club. A small club doing Great things for our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
6 May 2019
Where is this man running to? He's very keen not to miss Clevedon Yeo Rotarys' fabulous Concert this Saturday for Cancer Research UK. Details of tickets on our Facebook page
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
3 May 2019
Great work again from your local Rotary club!
A cheque was given to Clevedon and District Foodbank today for £900 as a result of our quiz held recently.
This organisation gets a fabulous number of food donations but needs funds to run their premises.
We are so happy to be able to help.
Here are the staff receiving the valuable cheque.
Clevedon Yeo members also collect the donations from Tesco in Clevedon every week and deliver them to the foodbank. Thanks so much you Clevedonians!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-A small club doing BIG things for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
1 May 2019
Cancer research needs you! Yes you there!
To come to Clevedon Yeo Rotarys' fantastic concert on Saturday 11th May to raise funds to combat this terrible disease.
The Caerphilly male voice choir will make your heart sing and you'll be raising money for a great cause. For ticket details please see Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club Facebook page or ring Rob on 01275-872289/07899-954095 or Steve on 01934-834412
Just £10 in advance or £12 on the door
Licensed bar on site-A great night out.
One of the main driving forces for the event was club member Chris Morris who passed away recently.
His funeral is at WSM Crematorium on Tuesday 14th May at 12-30. He'd love to know Clevedonians packed the place for his concert
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 April 2019
Cancer research needs you! Yes you there!
To come to Clevedon Yeo Rotarys' fantastic concert on Saturday 11th May to raise funds to combat this terrible disease.
The Caerphilly male voice choir will make your heart sing and you'll be raising money for a great cause. For ticket details please see Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club Facebook page or ring Rob on 01275-872289/07899-954095 or Steve on 01934-834412
Just £10 in advance or £12 on the door
Licensed bar on site-A great night out.
One of the main driving forces for the event was club member Chris Morris who passed away recently.
His funeral is at WSM Crematorium on Tuesday 14th May at 12-30. He'd love to know Clevedonians packed the place for his concert
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22 April 2019
Thank you Clevedon for supporting our Easter egg raffle in 5 pubs around the town. Thanks to The Little Harp, Walton Park Hotel, The Moon and Sixpence, The Bristol and The Drum and Monkey
After expenses (the eggs) we'll be left with around £200 To support local projects in the area.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club. A small club doing Great things for our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17 April 2019
Its almost your last chance as Easter is coming and all of our thoughts turn towards...CHOCOLATE!
So...get down to one of these five premises in Clevedon namely The Little Harp, The Bristol, The Moon and Sixpence, The Drum and Monkey or The Walton Park Hotel to buy a raffle ticket which might win you a fabulous Easter egg but just as importantly help our projects in Clevedon. The draw will take place this weekend
THANKS so much to the premises involved
The photo is of Easter graffiti in Bristol!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club helping our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 April 2019
Easter is coming and all of our thoughts turn towards...CHOCOLATE!
So...get down to one of these five premises in Clevedon namely The Little Harp, The Bristol, The Moon and Sixpence, The Drum and Monkey or The Walton Park Hotel to buy a raffle ticket which might win you a fabulous Easter egg but just as importantly help our projects in Clevedon.
THANKS so much to the premises involved
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
6 April 2019
Great quiz last night with a packed hall, good food and drink and a good test of everyone's skills. Well done the Clevedon Yeo Rotary team!
Early indications are around £750 raised for the Clevedon and District Food bank.
Here is a photo of the winning team with their spoils.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
4 April 2019
The concert event of the year is coming to Clevedon! The internationally acclaimed Caerphilly male voice choir is giving a concert at Christ Church, Chapel Hill, Clevedon on Saturday 11th May. All proceeds are going to Cancer research UK.
Club President Tony Carrington said "We, as a club, have had to deal with serious health issues amongst our membership and we wanted to give something back to the organisation that is trying to find a cure for this terrible disease in all its forms. We are lucky to have secured funding to cover the costs of the choir so we can therefore maximise our donation. Tickets are £10 in advance or £12 on the door. There will also be a licensed bar.
Please come along and support this fabulous cause"
Tickets are available now Tel.
Maggie: - 01275-343249
Steve: - 01934-834412
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
28 March 2019
Our Easter egg raffle is now in place at five premises in and around Clevedon. Please support our local fund raising efforts for good causes.
The five are:
The Walton Park Hotel
The Moon and Sixpence
The Drum and Monkey
The Little Harp
The Bristol.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
25 March 2019
All you Bristol Bears fans out there. Thank you so much. We collected over £900 at the game v Worcester which we are topping up to £1000 all of which will go to the Children's hospice South West at Wraxhall
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
21 March 2019
Going to Ashton Gate on Saturday for Bristol Bears v Worcester? Then put your loose change in our collection and raise money for The Childrens' Hospice South West at Wraxhall. EVERY SINGLE PENNY goes to them with no overheads. See our yellow vest collectors outside
Just 20p from everyone in a 15,000 crowd would raise a well needed £3,000
PLEASE HELP if you can
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club-Helping those in need
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
16 March 2019
Quick update on our activities and forthcoming events.
Firstly, we have donated some money for the purchase of plants to the Clevedon gardening group. Dressed in red T shirts you'll see them around town brightening the place up with their activities. There is a picture of them below working at the Community centre.
We have also donated £250 to the Samaritans base at WSM-A great organisation that needs support.
Next. Our membership, together with a few friends of Rotary, will be collecting at the Bristol Bears v Worcester match next Saturday (23rd) on behalf of the Children's Hospice South West at Wraxhall. Please put some change in our buckets if you are attending. It's a Fabulous cause.
Also, our quiz, in aid of the Foodbank is on Friday 5th April. Full details on our club page
We will also be putting several of our large Easter eggs in some local Clevedon pubs in the next week or so. Please have a go and support our charitable work.
Finally, one of our members has been giving a talk on the Glastonbury festival to local groups in the area and has now accrued a substantial sum to forward to the Prostate cancer appeal at Southmead hospital. It will eventually total around £750. Thanks to all who supported his efforts.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. A small group of locals caring for their community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
7 March 2019
We are happy to post a link for a family from Clevedon with a seriously ill boy that needs a little help. Here is the story.
Hello there.
I wanted to introduce you to Noah. A little boy from Clevedon who lives with a condition so rare it affects less than 100 people worldwide. Noah has learning disabilities and has congenital heart defects as a result of a microdeletion on his 8th chromosome.
I'm his mum and to say I am so proud of him is an understatement. We are fundraising to attend a pivotal conference in New York June 27th to 29th, with researchers who want to study Noah's condition and see if they can find the genes responsible for certain intellectual defects and health complications associated with such a rare genetic condition.
I would be most appreciative if you could help us raise awareness of our go fund me.
I can send the link on if it's something you would be willing to feature.
This trip means not only will we meet the researchers, scientists and geneticists researching Noah's condition BUT also a lot of the other families will be in attendance. Noah was diagnosed about a year ago and we've yet to meet another family with the same diagnosis as him because it's so rare
The link is too long to go on here so...go to Go fund me and search the site using 'Aimee Clevedon' and you'll get to his page.They have currently raised £1230 of a £3000 target
Help if you can.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Happy to assist our locals in need
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club Event
5 March 2019
Another reminder of our Charity Quiz in aid of Clevedon and District Foodbank on Friday 5th April at The Friary Hall Marine Hill Clevedon
Tickets @£7.50 p per person to include supper.
Teams of 4
Licensed bar available.For tickets phone Tony on 01275-218987
Come and support this fabulous local facility.
They need your help as do all the people who use the Foodbank
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5 March 2019
Another of our donations was well received by the 2nd Clevedon Scouts. It was for £150 towards a new canoe shelter. Pictured are some of the group with Young Leader Alex Marsh.
We are so glad we can help local organisations with our fundraising
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23 February 2019
Trying to ensure that everyone is aware of the tremendous Rotary effort together with the Gates foundation to try and eliminate polio.
Great displays of Purple for Polio crocuses around the town.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
23 February 2019
Nice to get a thank you from one of the Organisations we've helped. Greyfriars friendship club.
Rotary-Helping all ages in our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 February 2019
Most club members enjoyed First aid training recently and have now received our certificates. A good evening well spent
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club Event
20 February 2019
Charity Quiz in aid of Clevedon and District Foodbank.
Tickets @£7.50 p per person to include supper. Licensed bar available.For tickets phone Tony on 01275-218987
FRI, 5 APR AT 19:30
Friary Hall, Marine Hill Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18 February 2019
Clevedon Yeo Rotary supporting our local community
Over the past few days we have given donations totalling £1200 to seven local organisations.
They are
Clevedon First Responders, JHF youth mentoring,
The Greyfriars friendship club, The Za foundation,
Contact the Elderly, The 6th Clevedon Guides and
The 2nd Clevedon scouts.
Our donations will allow support for local youth activities, education in schools, emergency first response and fellowship and friendship for the elderly.
Club President Tony Carrington said "These are all local organisations working hard in our town providing activities and support across a wide range of people. This will enable kit to be purchased, events to be supported and we are proud to substantially donate to the First Responders car insurance for another year. The club would like to thank all Clevedon residents for supporting our activities which enable us to make these donations"
Please also watch out for our crocuses now showing themselves around the town as a reminder of the global Rotary commitment to polio eradication.
Finally, a few upcoming events. Yet again this year several premises around Clevedon will be hosting our Easter Egg Raffle-Further details to follow.
And we will again be hosting another of our sensational Quizzes on Friday 5th April in aid again of Clevedon and District Foodbank. £7.50 per person to include a Ploughmans supper. Tickets are available by calling 01275-218987
The photo below is of some of the members of the lucky organisations receiving their cheques outside our iconic pier.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
8 February 2019
Our 'Big Cheese' District governor visited us on Wednesday and we were able to proudly announce that due to the fantastic support of our local residents we are able to allocate £1200 to seven local good causes
Please keep an eye on the local press and follow our Facebook page or Twitter feed to see where the money is going. We will be telling you all about them and about the good work they do.
All are local and all are benefiting our town and it's wonderful inhabitants, young and old.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary. A small club doing BIG things for our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
29 January 2019
It is with regret that we have to report the passing of John Urgyan.
John was a local care home owner for many years and an ex president of the Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 January 2019
We held one of our regular First aid updates last night when most of the club members had their skills refreshed in the basic skills including CPR and the use of defibrillators.
The member pictured looks like he needs our help!
Also can we remind you Clevedonians that we are still happy to receive applications for funding from any organisation in Clevedon that could do with a New year cash boost from our New Year Rotary Booster fund.
Please forward your details to our club secretary at and it will be considered at our next meetingClevedon Yeo Rotary Club
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
11 January 2019
Right then Clevedon, Santa hasn't completed disappeared! You fabulous Clevedon people support us by buying our raffle tickets and attending our functions so, in return we'd like to support the groups, organisations or charities in the town that matter to YOU.
If you have a project that needs a cash boost then drop our secretary a few lines on an email and we will consider every single one on its merits. We are calling it the New Year Rotary Booster. So...get typing, send your email to our secretary at before the 1st February and watch this space!
Can we also thank all of you that support our activities by putting your spare change in our bright yellow collection boxes around the town. They've raised almost £150 already
Also keep an eye out on social media for some more activities and fund raisers coming up this
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club. A small club doing Great things for our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club is feeling happy.
31 December 2018
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club would like to wish all of our supporters, members and friends a Happy, healthy and prosperous 2019. We will continue to work hard for our community next year.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club-a small club doing BIG things for our local community
PS sorry it's a bit early but you've got to do these things whilst you have time
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
21 December 2018
As the Christmas season approaches can we wish all of our supporters a Happy Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 2019. We will continue to do all that we can to support our community next year
Look out for our crocuses around the town in the early spring to remind you all of the fantastic work that our club, together with others, locally, nationally and international undertakes.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
14 December 2018
Hot off the press! Well done Clevedon!
The collection for the local foodbank at Tesco's at the end of November/Early December generated 1,866kg of food donations/ancilliary items (such as toiletries).
All will be put to a good use in the Christmas Hampers to those needing support in our community.
Well done to Clevedon Yeo club members, who gave up a considerable amount of time to help and to the local foodbank team. We also had some local youth groups helping on the Saturday.
Be proud of yourself Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 December 2018
Fantastic result for our Christmas hamper raffle. Winning ticket drawn by a member of Tesco staff. The winner was a Mr Fletcher, of Grange Court, Portishead, who was heard to remark "I am both very pleased and shocked as I never win anything!" The hamper has been delivered by club members.
The Profit from the draw minus expenses will be well over £1000 which will go to local good causes in our community
Club President Tony Carrington said "We would like to thank all of the people who bought a ticket for their fantastic support and be assured the money will be put to good use in our community"
Below are club members Yvonne and Helen with a member of Tesco staff drawing the winner.
30 November 2018
We have presented a cheque for £700 to Clevedon and District foodbank to help support their great work in the area. This was raised as a result of our recent quiz night. A good number of our club are also helping the foodbank in the next couple of days collect donations at the Tesco store in Clevedon to help with the provision of food parcels for families and individuals in need over the Christmas period. The volunteers will be in store so, come and speak to them and donations of food or money will be very welcome
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club working with Clevedon Fooodbank-A great team
The photo below is of President Tony presenting the cheque to John the Warehouse manager at the Foodbank
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 November 2018
Christmas lights switch on in Clevedon and Your Rotary Club needs YOU! To buy a ticket to be in with a chance of winning our sensational Christmas hamper and help to support our local charitable projects
Here is Pete and Tony re-creating the iconic poster!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
19 November 2018
Latest stop press-Our stupendous, sensational, internationally renowned (well they've heard of it in Kenn!) Christmas hamper raffle starts on Saturday at the Christmas lights switch on in Queens square. We will also be at St Nicholas Fayre on the 6th December and at Tesco in Clevedon from the 10th-12th inclusive. Please support our work in Clevedon by buying a ticket for just £1 and stand a chance of winning £100's worth of goodies plus knowing that your contribution goes to LOCAL good causes.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club-A small club doing GREAT things for our local community
The picture is of last years hamper-We are currently putting together this years which will be better than ever.
Go on, come and see us and have a go!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
11 November 2018
Club update. The quiz on Friday night raised around £600 for Clevedon and District Food bank. Thanks so much for all of the support.
And, on a busy weekend for club members all of our available membership were either stewarding the service in the Triangle or present on the pier. A few photos of the events are below. Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club. A small club doing Great things for our local community. The medals are one of our members police long service and Queens' Golden jubilee medals. Worn with pride on Sunday.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
3 November 2018
Another 1000+ Crocus bulbs planted this morning on the seafront and we got some help (see our picture) Education is the key to improving our world. Hopefully our displays around the town next spring will remind everyone of the dangers still present, for many around the world, from Polio.
Closer to home. Our quiz for the Clevedon and District Foodbank is next Friday. We could still do with a few more teams. The Foodbank needs your support to continue its vital work so...come and have some fun and help them out as well. Telephone Tony on 01275-218987 to book your team in. £7.50p per person ideally teams of 4. ALL proceeds to this great local cause.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
2 November 2018
We've blagged another load of crocus bulbs and are going to plant them on the seafront to further improve our town and remind everyone of the global goal of polio eradication
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club. A small club doing BIG things for our community
PS Thanks Nailsea and Backwell club for the supply of your spare bulbs
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
26 October 2018
A Quick reminder-Which is really relevant as the weather is getting colder. The Fantastic, sensational, stupendous Rotary club of Clevedon Yeo Quiz in aid of Clevedon Foodbank is at The Friary Hall, Marine Hill Clevedon on Friday 9th November 2018 7-30. Every single penny profit goes to the local foodbank which is vital for some people with limited budgets and the winter approaching. So...Warm yourself up with a good quiz, supper and that nice warm glow of supporting a fabulous local cause.
Teams of 4 ideally book your place @ £7.50 p per person.
Go on you know it makes sense!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 October 2018
Another 5000 crocus bulbs planted around town today. Tesco roundabout and on the ring road. Let's all remember those suffering from Polio around the world and the tremendous Rotary effort, with the Gates foundation, to try and eliminate it.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18 October 2018
Great work carried out by the club last night at The Ripple in Clevedon-Have a look at the video of our efforts on You tube Click on the link:
We will also be doing some more planting of our 5,000 crocus bulbs in Clevedon over the weekend to highlight Polio eradication.
Rotary working hard in our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 October 2018
Quick update. Around £50 raised from our collection boxes around the town so far. Every penny goes to good causes. Thanks Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 October 2018
Give yourself a pat on the back Clevedon. Two of our club members emptied the Foodbank collection box at Tesco in Clevedon today (as our club does every week) and delivered the contents to the Foodbank in Knowles road. It was overflowing as you can see from the picture.
Well done you generous people!
If you want to support the Foodbank then why not come to our quiz on Friday 9th November
All proceeds to the Foodbank. They need funds to maintain their premises and store the donations appropriately.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
6 October 2018
Sporting Stop press-One of our new members, John, was part of the succesful Clevedon Town over 65 walking football team that won the national championship-Well done John
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5 October 2018
Quiz to raise funds for Clevedon and District Foodbank at the Friary Hall, Marine Hill, Clevedon on Friday 9th November at 7-30. Supper included. Tickets at £7.50p per person by phoning 01275-218987 or email
FRI, 9 NOV AT 19:30
Rotary quiz
Friary Hall Marine Hill Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5 October 2018
An update from the club concerning our activities up until Christmas
Good luck to our boules team in Malmesbury tomorrow (6th Oct) They are playing in the finals day! Great work team
On Sunday 14th October we will be starting our crocus planting for this year-5000 bulbs around the town to bring some spring colour next year and remind everyone of the Rotary goal of worldwide polio eradication
On Wednesday 17th-We are again completing clearing/tidying the footpath at The Ripple in Clevedon
On Friday 9th November we are holding one of our fabulous quizzes at the Friary Hall on Marine Hill Clevedon £7.50 p per person to include supper-All proceeds to Clevedon Foodbank, Ring 01275-218987 to reserve your space-Ideally teams of 4.
On Sunday 11th November we are assisting to steward Armistice day parade
Finally on the 24th November at the Christmas Lights switch on in the Triangle, on the 6th December at the St Nicholas Fayre in Hill road and hopefully on several dates at Tesco, Kenn road, we will be selling Raffle tickets for our STUPENDOUS Christmas Hamper raffle.Please support us. Look at the photo below to see how good last years' hamper was!
We are also grateful to those Clevedonians who have put their small change in our bright yellow collecting tins that are scattered around the town. The amount raised is mounting up and helps us to support local initiatives
Clevedon Yeo-A small club out and about working for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 September 2018
One of our members multitasking! Great effort with the Ripple Pete
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9 September 2018
Just to clarify our collection boxes are now in
The garden centre in Tickenham, The newsagents opposite the Cottage hospital, The tyre depot in Teignmouth road, Sow and Arrow, CM3, Coffee#1 and The Conservative club in the Triangle, West end post office and stores, Clevedon Community centre, The Walton Park Hotel, The Barista barbers on Hill road and Clevedon golf club.
12 venues in total. Thanks to every single one for helping us to support local initiatives
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club. A small club doing Great things for our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
8 September 2018
Clevedon Yeo Rotary update
After a month off in August we are back with a bang!
Following a letter in the North Somerset Times about an overgrown footpath in Clevedon our secretary contacted the Town Council, found out where it was and two of our sterling members spent a few hours today strimming and litter picking at The Ripple. See the before and after pictures below. (I know it's not perfect but it is an improvement)
Also, at the same time, another two members were painting some more of the walls on the outside of Clevedon community centre.
Our other autumn plans include planting another 5000 (yes Five thousand) crocuses in Clevedon to raise the profile of Polio eradication and brighten up the town, another of our fun quizzes (details to follow) and our sensational, stupendous Christmas hamper raffle. We have also put one of our collection boxes into Sow and Farrow in the Triangle so that is 12 of the boxes in and around the town. Please give us your loose change in our bright yellow boxes. All money goes to local projects.
Finally we have recently continued with our sponsorship of Clevedon Ladies rugby team and despatched a cheque for over £400 to the Southmead Prostate Cancer appeal as a result of one of our members actions in giving talks on the Glastonbury Festival
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-A small club doing BIG things for our community.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 August 2018
Good day yesterday with a boat trip up the Avon under the suspension bridge and dinner afterwards in Clifton where we welcomed our new member John to the club.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
A now slightly bigger club having fun and doing Great things for our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
25 July 2018
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club collecting boxes are now being placed around the town. The bright yellow boxes are for any small change generous Clevedonians would like to give to support the clubs LOCAL initiatives.
The first six premises to have one of these boxes are Clevedon Community Centre, Garden Park garden centre in Tickenham,
Clevedon Tyres in Teignmouth road, The Newsagents opposite Clevedon Cottage Hospital on Old Street, CM3 the bargain shop in Old Church road and the Walton Park Hotel.
There will also shortly be one placed in Coffee#1 and the Conservative club.
Club President Tony Carrington said "We are grateful to those six for starting the ball rolling There are no overheads and every single penny donated stays in the town.If anyone knows of a premises that would take one of our boxes then please contact our secretary Steve Molloy at or telephone 01934-834412
These are Local businesses working in conjunction with a local club helping our community. Please support them and our charitable work"
The club has just concluded it's financial year and has donated nearly £5000 to clubs, organisations and individuals around the town.
Among the recipients were Clevedon Foodbank receiving £2000, Clevedon First responders who had their vehicle insurance covered,The Curzon Front Room Cinema Project, and Clevedon ladies rugby club just to name a few.
The club also engages in practical projects and will be planting another 5000 crocuses around the town in the autumn as well as running the popular Clevedon School Public speaking competition. Also returning will be the very popular quiz nights, Christmas raffle and Easter Egg raffle.
The club has also secured a collection at a Bristol Bears rugby game for next season
President Tony also said "Clevedon Yeo are a small club doing BIG things for our community but we could do so much more with a few more members. Please visit our website Twitter feed or facebook page and get in contact for further information about our activities. We also have a very active social scene that has included visits to Hinkley point, an active Boules team and many other trips out'
Finally one of the club members, Alan Humphreys, has received a prestigious Paul Harris Award for his dedication to the club and the Rotary cause over the past 20 years.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 July 2018
I am sorry to have to advise that an ex member of the club Malcolm Genge passed away yesterday. Malcolm was the former proprietor of Swiss Valley Garage and well known in the town-Funeral details to follow when known
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
19 July 2018
At our business meeting last night one of our longest serving members received a coveted Paul Harris award. Well done Alan Humphreys for your dedication to the Club over nearly 2 decades. Also past President (who enjoys the job soooooo much he is continuing next year) Tony Carrington, received a gift to mark his enthusiastic leadership last year
Photo is of Tony on the right and Alan with their award/gift
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
5 July 2018
We are delighted to be able to announce that Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club collecting boxes are now being placed around the town. The bright yellow boxes are for any small change you generous Clevedonians would like to give us to support our LOCAL initiatives. There are no overheads and every single penny donated stays in the town.
Our first five premises to have one of these boxes are
Clevedon Community Centre,
Garden Park garden centre in Tickenham,
Clevedon Tyres in Teignmouth road,
The Newsagents opposite Clevedon Cottage Hospital on Old Street and
CM3 the bargain shop in Old Church road.
We are grateful to those five for starting the ball rolling but if you know of a premises that would take one of our boxes then please contact our secretary Steve Molloy at or telephone 01934-834412
These are Local businesses working in conjunction with a local club helping our community. Please support them and our charitable work.
In other club news our members visited the Hinkley point site for a tour (incredibly interesting) and we were able to support a fellow Rotarian from Keighley, Mike Baines, who is cycling from Lands end to John o' Groats (that's uphill isn't it?) to support dementia and alcohol addiction/mental health related charities.
One of our members put him up as he was passing through the area
Please see below a picture of one of our new collecting boxes-(please help by donating OR having a box if you can) together with a picture of Chris Morris with his long distance guest Mike handing over a Rotary banner.
Clevedon Yeo-A small club doing BIG things for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
30 June 2018
Quick update-We had a conversation with the Community centre which indicated they had a wedding at the venue today (30/6) and we had only half finished our clearing of the Patio. So...4 members gave up their Friday evening to finish the job and make sure their day went well today. We did reward ourselves with a pint after
Well done lads!
Clevedon Yeo-A small club doing BIG things for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22 June 2018
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club-Happy to sponsor Clevedon ladies Rugby team this year with further support to follow in the new season. Well done girls glad to support you after your great season which included Four of the team playing at county level last month for Somerset, which was the first time any of them had been selected- two being brand new to the sport back last May! They also had a player represent England Deaf team at a tournament in Australia whereby England came out winners of the World Deaf Championship!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club-Working with OUR community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
21 June 2018
Latest update. Working hard at the Clevedon community centre last night tidying up the patio area. Still some work to be done but progress made as the pictures show (before and after) we also have some painting to finish.
The club is also going on a visit to the new Hinkley point site in a couple of weeks and supporting Clevedon school with a table at their forthcoming Gala Dinner
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club. Only a small club but doing BIG things for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
7 June 2018
It is with sadness that I advise of the passing of Martyn Mills. I knew Martyn for a number of years in the guise of landlord of the Pier, The Beachcomber (now the Moon and Sixpence) and a member of the Beachcombers Jazz band. He was also an avid Rotarian for many years
I will circulate details of his funeral when known
RIP Martyn
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
7 June 2018
We held our club assembly last night. It is held every year and is where the incoming President outlines his plans in front of someone from head office (only kidding Judy)
Well, we are lucky enough to have the very energetic and enthusiastic Tony Carrington carrying on in that role for another year.
What are his plans-Well really it's summed up in a this quick overview
"We want to continue making ourselves seen in our community, raising funds for worthwhile projects and organisations and helping, wherever possible, to improve Clevedon as a place to live, work and play"
(I think he borrowed Live, Work and Play from the Mars bar advert!!!)
We also gained a new member to the club-Welcome John
Thanks again to the support of all Clevedonians and we will continue to try and be a positive influence in the town.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-A small club doing GREAT things
Below are two photo's of Tony and District Rep Judy.
One is before and one after Tony said he was doing another year!!!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
26 May 2018
Great night out on Thursday at The Grove Restaurant-Part of the Weston College Campus-Food cooked and Served by the students. Lovely food at very reasonable prices.
Support these young kids by going down there, having a meal and giving them the support they need. The kids love to chat
They'd love your feedback about their food and how they are doing.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
18 May 2018
Just a quick update from our club.
Here are a few recent examples of the use of our funds.
We have again covered the cost of the insurance for the Clevedon First Responders vehicles for another year. This is a fabulous local resource run by a great team that can help to save lives in the town.
We have also provided a cheque for £250 for a local lad to attend the USA in 2019 for a world scouting jamboree and supported two Clevedon School pupils, to the tune of £280, to attend a national debating event in Liverpool in June.
It is only fair that we let Clevedonians who kindly support our activities know where we use the money
Judith Boulden from the first responder team with Tony Carrington, President of the club by their car which now sports the Rotary logo
Clevedon Yeo-A small club doing BIG things for our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
17 May 2018
Club members doing what they do best-Helping the community.
Last night at Clevedon Community centre painting
Watch our efforts on You Tube
Rotarians doing what they do-Helping in the community-Painting the community centre In Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
12 May 2018
The 'silver screen' is alive and well in Clevedon bringing joy to residents of local nursing and residential homes. Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club has supported the initiative with a sizeable financial donation.
Sam Jays from the Curzon explains
"Front Room Cinema benefits the local community in a unique way. People who may not have been to a cinema in years are given the chance to experience the big screen once again, in a safe and comfortable environment. The films give residents something new to talk about and we love discussing the experience with them afterwards. Residents comment that it is enjoyable and that they appreciate “the convenience” and “pleasant company”. We often have requests for a second visit before we’ve packed up the equipment!
We are extremely grateful to have received this donation from the Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club. Donations are absolutely vital to the project, not only do they allow us to purchase professional equipment to enhance the cinema experience but they also allow us to decrease the cost to care homes, allowing us to visit a wider range of locations.
I would like to extend a personal thank you, as the donation allows this project to continue to make people happy, and it’s a project that myself and my colleagues find extremely rewarding to be a part of."
For details of Clevedon Yeo's activities please follow the club on Facebook or Twitter
Photo of Tony Carrington, President of Clevedon Yeo Rotary (in the middle) with Suzannah Shaw and Phil Wade from the Curzon
A small club doing BIG things for our Community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
28 April 2018
Club members busy this morning (Saturday) painting walls at the Community Centre in Clevedon. Yes, it does need another coat but good start gang! Just awaiting a call from Rome to go and do some work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel!
Here are a few before, During and after shots
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Working for Our Community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
27 April 2018
We are now on You tube so click on this link to view our first effort. One of our members having a go at Weather forecasting on a visit to the BBC in Bristol.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 April 2018
Latest Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club news!
As a result of our fabulous quiz night we were able (today) to give another cheque for £750 to Clevedon and District Foodbank. A fabulous local cause. That means we, as a club, have donated £2000 to the Foodbank over the last 6 months!
One of our members (Rob) also picks up the donations from Tesco every Friday and delivers it to the foodbank
We have also given a donation of £50 to Linda Knotts' team of Gardeners who spruce up the town and reach the areas of town that Clevedon Pride don't reach. They will be spending it on plants and shrubs to brighten the town up!
We will also be covering again this year the insurance for the Clevedon First Responders vehicle and, in the next couple of weeks painting some walls on the outside of the community centre.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club-A small club doing GREAT things for our community
See the smiling faces of the Foodbank team below!!!
Clevedon Yeo Rotary
18 April 2018·
Great evening at the Walton Park hotel last night!
14 students from Clevedon school entertained a packed room with their public speaking skills on subjects as diverse as Doping in Sport, Safety whilst on line and Global warming.
All participants performed fantastically well and are a credit to themselves and the work being undertaken at Clevedon school to produce our citizens of the future. The three top performers on the night received Amazon vouchers and all participants received a certificate to recognise their involvement.
We should be proud of our young people and if this is a testament to our local schools' standards and values we should all be positive for the future.
Thanks go to the Walton Park Hotel for hosting the event, the Rotary Club of Clevedon Yeo for their work and to all of the participants for their tremendous efforts both in preparation and on the night.
A few photographs of the evening are attached including the judging panel, one of the speakers in full flight and all of the participants with their certificates
Clevedon Yeo Rotary-Supporting the future of Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
11 April 2018
Annual public speaking competition for pupils from Clevedon school to be held at the Walton Park Hotel in Clevedon next Tuesday. All those taking part will be speaking on a subject of their choice with the winner in each age category getting first prize and all others receiving certificates. It starts at 7-30 and is open to all. Come along and have a look at our citizens of the future perform. Refreshments available
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club Supporting our local community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
9 April 2018
Last Friday's quiz held in a packed Friary Hall in Clevedon raised another fantastic sum of well over £500 which together with the residue of a Rotary district grant will ensure a cheque for £750 is given to the Clevedon and District Foodbank thereby making over £2000 (yes two thousand pounds!) donated to this tremendous local worthwhile cause over the last six months.
A BIG thank you to the Quiz master Rob and chef Yvonne who together with their other club helpers do such a great job putting the quiz nights together.
Secondly, on Tuesday 17th April at the Walton Park Hotel, Wellington Terrace, at 7-30 pm, we are again running our public speaking competition for pupils from Clevedon School. A great evening. All are welcome so...come along and see these kids in action
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
1 April 2018
Just a quick update thanks to everyone who supported the clubs' Easter Egg Raffle. After expenses it will raise around £350 for charity. A special mention to the Conservative club for the tremendous support of their staff and members with their excellent sales not forgetting all the other premises involved namely The Walton Park Hotel, The Bristol, The Moon and Sixpence, The Little Harp and The Drum and Monkey
£200 has been recently given by the club to the North Somerset Play Forum to support kids activities in the town in the summer holidays
Well done and thanks to all you Clevedon residents
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
29 March 2018
Last few days of the sensational, stupendous, never to be forgotten Easter Egg Raffle. Get into your local pub or club and have a go (most are participating)
Also don't forget our brilliant quiz night on the 6th April in aid of the Food bank. Details on this site (in previous posts)
Finally can we thank everyone who supports the work of our club. Thank you Clevedonians and have a great Bank holiday weekend
Clevedon Yeo Rotary 'A small club doing great things'
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 March 2018
A friend of Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club has a disabled son who engages in motorsport with various other drivers suffering from both physical disabilities and PTSD.
They are trying to secure sponsors so please, if you are interested have a look at their website and/or contact the numbers below. It would be a tremendous boost for the team and great PR for Rotary or any other business locally to get involved.
Herewith is the latest update for Team Brit and their journey to Le Mans.
Message from the drivers dad-Dave Russell...
Please have a look at their website and James’ facebook page – James Russell Racing.
There are a couple of options for sponsorship – Sponsor the Team (see their requirements below) – Sponsor James the Driver ( the cheaper option with attendance to a race meeting, brand advertising on personal race ware etc.).
As you will see this is a professional racing team looking to compete with able bodied teams on a level playing field. The drivers are all disabled to varying degrees with some coming from the armed forces and some from civvie life like James. The steering wheel technology they have developed allows disabled drivers to compete and their launch this year into GT4 shows just how competitive these guys are!!
Team Brit also have a facebook page.
I appreciate that Rotary may not be able to sponsor a Race Team but some Rotarians or other local companies may have an interest in promoting their business through a medium that upholds the philosophy of diversity, is committed to removing the barriers of disability, and can provide national and international exposure with a media reach of over 200 million annually.
Please give me a ring if you need any additional info.
Kind Regards
Dave-Father of the local driver based in Tickenham, North Somerset
or driver James Mobile – 07833 462944
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
24 March 2018
Easter egg raffle going well. Raising money for local charities. In Queens square this morning. Come and have a go.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22 March 2018
Update. Raised a few more pounds for the Prostate cancer appeal at Southmead with two talks about Glastonbury festival yesterday. Now up to over £200 in the kitty.
Don't forget next event is a quiz with all proceeds to Clevedon Food bank on Friday 6th April at The Friary Hall Marine Hill Clevedon.
Great cause.
For tickets (ideally teams of 4)
Also don't forget the club's MEGA Easter egg raffle currently ongoing in loads of local pubs and clubs. All proceeds to charity
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 March 2018
Just a quick reminder 7-30 tomorrow night (Wednesday) Walton Park Hotel Wellington terrace presentation about the Glastonbury festival. Everyone welcome. Collection at the end in relation to Prostate Cancer appeal at Southmead hospital.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club It's about an hour or so, PowerPoint presentation hopefully be interesting (To raise money For a good cause)
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
10 March 2018
So much happening so here goes!
Firstly our crocuses are now coming out at the locations around the town as a reminder of the Rotary effort to eradicate Polio. We have also refurbished the 'Welcome to Clevedon' Stone on the Motorway roundabout near Aldi. Well done Helen for your hard work.
Next-A reminder there is a talk on the Glastonbury Festival by one of our members on Wednesday 21st March at 7-30 at the Walton Park Hotel. A collection will be made at the end of the night for the Prostate Cancer appeal at Southmead.
Come along if you are interested
Next, We have a display about the work of our club going up in the Clevedon Library so pop in and have a look.
Our fabulous and Sensational Easter Egg raffle is well underway at the following pubs in Clevedon namely Walton Park hotel, Conservative club, Drum and Monkey, Bristol, Little Harp and Moon and Sixpence. Have a go, support local charities and hopefully be a winner!
Finally we are holding another of our sensational quizzes at the Friary Hall Marine Hill, Clevedon on Friday 6th April again with all proceeds to the Clevedon and District foodbank.
For a place (ideally teams of 4 to include supper) please ring Tony on 01275-218987
Just so you are aware of our recent donations we will again be providing the funds to insure the Clevedon First responders vehicle for another year and have committed to provide funds to the Summer play scheme in Clevedon
Clevedon Yeo Rotary a small club doing GREAT things in our community
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
22nd February 2018
Please keep an eye out for our purple crocuses this spring at the following locations.
Entering the town from Tickenham, the motorway roundabout near Aldi, the ring road roundabout near Tesco and Six ways roundabout. All 5000 of these bulbs, planted by our members brighten up the town but also act as a poignant reminder of the tragedy of polio and the efforts of Rotary around the world to eradicate this terrible disease.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
31 January 2018
Want to know a little more about the Glastonbury festival? One of our members that has worked as a senior manager on the security operation is giving a talk with a powerpoint presentation at the Walton Park Hotel at 7-30pm on Wednesday 21st March.
There is no charge for the event but a collection will be held for the prostate cancer appeal at Southmead hospital at the conclusion.
A bar is available (but you'll need to buy your own!)
If you are interested just come along.
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
20 January 2018
A little story. When we started selling the tickets for our Christmas hamper raffle to raise money for local good causes the very first ticket was brought by a lad who stated
"I'm living in the woods in Clevedon-This would be good for me to win" He handed over his £1 and was given ticket number 1!
Unfortunately he didn't win but his gesture to support local charities was appreciated.
It wan't until I saw the North Somerset Times this week that I recognised him again as Paul Spencer (see page 5) living in the woods.
We couldn't hesitate in supporting him and will be giving £50 to his Go Fund me appeal. We'd love to give more but we like to spread our donations far and wide and have recently given £1300 to the Clevedon and District foodbank.
Good luck Paul-Your generosity of spirit deserves it's rewards
Best wishes-All at Clevedon Yeo Rotary club
PS Come on Clevedon-It's nice to see you giving Paul your support
Clevedon Yeo Rotary Club
03 January 2018
Presenting the foodbank cheque for £1300! AND our Treasurer has a smile on his face! Great cause supported by a great little club!
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