Officers & Team Leaders 2023.24



1.1 Club Officers 2023.24

President: Robin Bowler
President Elect: Richard Spicer
Vice President: 
Secretary: Maureen Jerman
Treasurer: Mark Woodland
Immediate Past President: Stuart Mucklejohn

1.2 Service Leads

Membership Development: Andrew Robinson
International & Foundation: Jack Hunter
Community Service: Chris Trivett
Vocational Service: Theresa Phillips
Youth Services: Linda Foster
Fund Raising & Fellowship: Mary French
Environment: Stuart Mucklejohn

1.3 Other Roles

Attendance Officer: David French
Drug Awareness: Robin Bowler
Family of Rotary: Theresa Phillips
Protection: Robin Bowler
Health and Safety: Robin Bowler
Programme: Robin Bowler
Website: Malcolm Riddle
Social Media: Malcolm Riddle
Leicester Clubs Liasion: Chris Trivett
Sergeant at Arms: Chris Trivett (Deputy) Mark Woodland

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Venue .Loughborough University.


Located on the A5199 Welford Road, between Foston Rd and Arnesby, The entrance location ///crew.broad.branch. SEE DETAILS BELOW...


.The club continues to undertake a varied and active involvement with environmental projects - NEXT WORK PARTY DATE = TBA


Another new member joins the club....
