Blackpool Gambia School Project was set up in 2003 to help deprived children in The Gambia with their education, We now, with the help of family & friends sponsor 40 children for their education. We have also help build the first three classrooms for Kotukala Primary School. With funding in 2013 from my Rotary Club, Blackpool Palatine, we used local workmen to make the furniture for the classrooms. In 2014 with the help of funding from Palatine Rotary Club we furnished, tiled, painted & plumbed the new toilets for the school. With the money left over we painted & had shelves made for a new library. We now need to raise funds to build the final 3 classrooms. Another project going on is to support a very poor school in the provinces that I discovered this year. It is called Jannehkunda School and has never had any charitable support and it is desperately needed. I gave them a small amount of money this year as a bush fire had destroyed a lot of the fencing around their school garden where they grow bananas, cassava & other crops to be able to supplement the very meagre food the children get. Without the fence it meant that cattle, sheep & other animals could get in & eat everything. The fence has now been renewed with wire so the crops can now grow again. I will be giving a lot more support to this school.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Family Fun Day Stanley Park
moreFour members of the Rotakids Club from the Baines Endowed Primary School attended the recently held Rotakids Conference at Lancaster. They were accompanied by their teacher. Our Club made it possible for them to attend by contributing £50 towards the cost
moreThe Annual Palatine Croquet Competition
moreBlackpool Palatine President Diane Glister opened the new facilities and the David Slack Garden
moreFamily Fun Day Stanley Park
morePalatine and the Choir and friends of St Johns Church Little Thornton organised a Charity Fundraiser for Ukraine
morePalatine Member Ges Naylor receives Paul Harris Fellowship
moreThe Special Schools Music Festival is a yearly event organised by the Superintendent Gerald Richardson Memorial Youth Trust
morePalatine working with Streetlife
morePictures of The Friends of Blackpool Palatine Rotary Club Garden Party held at President Ashok's home
moreBlackpool Tower's 125th Birthday Heroes Awards
moreFleetwood Beach Wheelchairs