Bury Rotarians go sea fishing 2019

Bury Rotarians go sea fishing

On 1st August 2019 8 members and friends of The Rotary Club of Bury made an early start to Wales for a day's fishing on the charter boat 'Incentive' out of Rhos on Sea. By 8.30am we had boarded and cast off into a grey but dry morning heading out about 4 miles towards the off shore wind farm. Although it was fairly calm, one or two members were decidedly queezy and felt quite seasick. This dissipated when we dropped anchor and began fishing when immediately we started catching mackerel. This continued for a couple of hours with all members catching fish.

The skipper took us out a little further to catch some different species including cod, gurnet, whiting and dabs before setting off back to shore in the sunshine with our catch.

 On the quay, people gaped in amazement at our catch and we finished up giving a number of fish to grateful passers by before returning to Bury to gut, fillet and freeze our catch.

We all had a good day and will be eating fish for some days to come

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