50th Business Partner joins

1st February 2019

THE Rotary Business Partner scheme has been set up to enable members of the local business community to help Rotary Club of Seaford meet the many needs that exist locally and give good publicity to our business partners. This new approach to align business with the highly regarded and successful Rotary movement was launched in December 2017 to connect the local business community with the work Rotary undertakes.

The annual membership fees paid by our Business Partners can help us to satisfy projects in the community that otherwise may not be met from Rotary’s normal fund raising activates.
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Seaford we wish to thank our business partners for their support, this very successful scheme has just registered its 50th member.
Business Partners are provided with a record of fund-raising activities and receive a window sticker for their premises signifying recognition of their support of which the public are becoming aware. Their business logos are posted on our website to help advertising within the community, and they receive a monthly copy of our club’s monthly newsletter Newsmonger.
Businesses that have joined the scheme range from garages, high street retailers, nursing Homes, legal professionals, estate agents, public houses, restaurants and medical services. New business partners would be welcome to come and join this exciting scheme and connect with our community.
Three Business partners have been invited to a Rotary meeting in March to talk to the club about their businesses and why they choose to partner with Rotary, the world’s largest charity.
Membership is available to any business wishing to support the local community in helping those who need support. Come and join us and together WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Rotary is a not for profit Charity serving the community.
For details how to join telephone Tony Osborne 07775606499 who will be pleased to explain the benefits and details of the Business Partner Scheme.

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Business Partners

back The Seaford Rotary Business Partners Scheme operates, in conjunction with our website, to develop closer contacts with and support from local businesses.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Seaford Rotary has introduced a new level of membership, Associate Membership

Geoff Lowles and Mike Roper cleaning the exterior panelling working their way from the rear to the front of the Children with Cancer Fund (CWCF) caravan

Reports on Support for the Local Community


Reports of Meetings, Social Events and Vocational Visits


Reports on Fundraising Activities

Ewan being presented with the Colin Seymour Shield by Seaford Rotary President Clive Livingstone

Reports on Support for Youth Activities, Competitions and Individuals


Reports on Support for Activities of Overseas Charities


The Seaford Rotary Business Partners Scheme operates, in conjunction with our website, to develop closer contacts with and support from local businesses.
