Associate Membership

Seaford Rotary has introduced a new level of membership, Associate Membership

Seaford Rotary is very pleased to announce a new way in which adults can experience being a Rotarian at a modest cost. 

A new ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP scheme was launched on 1st January 2023 where for 1 year a person can join Seaford Rotary as an associate for a one-off fee of just £25.  During that year the member will find out how Seaford Rotary is organised and run, and will be able to be involved with our projects, committees, fund raising events and social occasions.  Associates are able to attend any of our weekly lunchtime meetings where we enjoy an excellent meal for £14.  The only limitation on being an associate member is the inability to become a formal officer, such as a committee chair, or to vote on key decisions, but of course any feedback will be most welcome.  Every associate will be assigned full member as a mentor and will be asked to help with 2 committees during the year.

At the end of the year we would hope that the associate would become a full member of Seaford Rotary having experienced all the fun, friendship and the service we provide to our local community.  The £25 associate joining fee will be deducted from the full member one-off joining fee (currently £50).  Should the associate discover that Rotary is not for them, then they have the option of simply leaving Seaford Rotary, or signing up as one of our many friends and volunteers (zero cost) who we call upon from time to time to help us with our events, for example with the Christmas sleigh runs.  As you would expect Seaford Rotary have the right to terminate any membership for valid reasons.

One lady has already joined as an associate and we hope for many more.  As you can see this is an excellent way to find out if Rotary is for you, and that it will provide you with an invaluable insight as to what we do and how we do it.  If you are interested then please contact us via our website and click on the Join Us link on the home page.  Please indicate that you are interested in Associate or Full Membership and we will get in touch with you.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Seaford Rotary has introduced a new level of membership, Associate Membership

Geoff Lowles and Mike Roper cleaning the exterior panelling working their way from the rear to the front of the Children with Cancer Fund (CWCF) caravan

Reports on Support for the Local Community


Reports of Meetings, Social Events and Vocational Visits


Reports on Fundraising Activities

Ewan being presented with the Colin Seymour Shield by Seaford Rotary President Clive Livingstone

Reports on Support for Youth Activities, Competitions and Individuals


Reports on Support for Activities of Overseas Charities


The Seaford Rotary Business Partners Scheme operates, in conjunction with our website, to develop closer contacts with and support from local businesses.
