Business Meeting

Thu, Oct 15th 2020 at 7:30 am - 8:30 am


Evening Meeting Thursday 15th October 2020 @ 8.00pm online

Present:               Pat; Andrew & Jean; Kathy; Sue; Dave C; David B; David K; Lesley; Pete; Godfrey.

Guests:                Margaret Cox; Caroline Mumford

Apologies:           Hilary

General:              Kathy said it was Myfannwy’s birthday this week.

Car Parking:        Godfrey confirmed that he had enough volunteers for next time ie Sunday 25thOctober.  Volunteers will of course be needed for the time after that, Saturday 28th November.

Polio Day:            Thanks due to Sue who has succeeded in getting All Saints church to mark the event by having their cross lit up in purple.  Sue and Iain have delivered / handed out numerous leaflets locally.  There will hopefully be something about this in the Whitstable Gazette.  Polio Day itself is on Saturday 24th October.  On 21st October District are hosting a talk about Polio online.

Shoe Boxes:       The Board meeting has suggested we go with Rotary Shoe Boxes.  This is an all-year event, not just at Christmas, so we are not tied to a particular delivery date.  It costs £2.00 per box.  When they are ready, Rotary will come and collect them.  The Board will arrange for an evening talk on this subject.

Sky Dive:              The money raised by this is now up to £2,250.  There may be a small amount still to come in.  Sue and Pat would like to make up the total to a round £2,400 so that each of the three charities for this year can have £800 each.  This was unanimously agreed by members present.

International:    Last night, Andrew B said that four schools have confirmed participation in Walk4Water next March.  He will remind the others in a week or so.  That’s if the event is able to go ahead ie if the pandemic restrictions are lifted.  It’s not looking good at the moment.

                                Andrew has circulated to the Board an appeal by a charity called Orchid which campaigns against female genital mutilation.  While this is obviously a good cause, the Board is aware that our charity income is down this year, so we will wait and see before taking on a new initiative.

Special General Meeting:  This will be at 8.00pm online on Thursday 19th November.  There are vacancies for officer posts for next year, including President Elect, Meals Steward, and a new post - Speaker Finder.  Lesley has approached some potential nominees, but is still waiting for a response.  At tonight’s meeting, David K kindly agreed to fill the new post of Speaker Organiser.

Christmas Collection:  Not entirely whether we will be able to go ahead with this.  Sue has collected the Santa outfit from Gordon.  David K has agreed to be Santa.  There was some discussion about whether it would be OK to wear the beard from last year.  Dave C suggested it would be more in keeping with the times to buy and wear a Santa Claus face mask.

                                Jean said, if the event does go ahead, there is the issue of how we sort the donated food and arrange for its collection or delivery.  Last year we were helped out by Red Zebra taking a large amount off our hands.  Caroline said that the Umbrella Centre already has established links to a number of beneficiaries.  Lesley and Sue, and Jean and Andrew will co-ordinate with Caroline.

                                We may need to make a decision about whether to go ahead at our next evening meeting on the 19th  November.

Ron’s Garage:    Dave C said that Ron has asked when the club can come and take the display stuff out of his garage.  David M, Andrew B and Dave C have been deputed to go round and see what we still need to store and what can be chucked.  Dave C will email Ron for a date to go round.

Any Other Business:  Any news about a revised date to do the gardening at the Whit & Tank hospital?  Not yet.  We don’t know if the rats have vacated the premises.

                                Lesley has arranged a meeting with her working party to decide how to put into action points raised by the membership satisfaction survey.

                                Dave C said he will edit the old notice of last year’s Special General Meeting, then run the draft by Kathy and Lesley before circulating.

                                David B said that the Herne Bay clock tower is also being lit up in purple, to mark World Polio Day.

                                Kathy mentioned that she will be having a meeting at her school to tell students about Interact.

Next Meeting:

Thursday 29th October online @8.00am

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our GDP policy covering our Club and Rotary Club of Chestfield Trust Fund, Charity activities


International Committee


Community & Vocational Committee


Social Committee


Club Protection and Health and Safety


Club President Elect and Membership Officer


Fund Raising Committee


Rotary Foundation - our International Charity


Our Club President for 2013/14


Our Secretary helps keep the Club in line!


Club Treasure - looks after Club and Charity funds raised by the Club


This is where we interact with younger members of our Community.
