The Rotary Work Club in Bromley is launching Phase 3, making new and renewed content available to help 2021's local unemployed people and those who are worried about losing their jobs.
Towards the end of 2020, the 8 Rotary Clubs in the London Borough of Bromley worked together to offer free new online learning opportunities to local people in Bromley who were unemployed or who felt at risk of unemployment. In that pilot 'Phase 1' of Rotary Work Club, participants learned useful skills to help them to gain new employment or to start a business. The Covid-19 pandemic is having a well-publicised and devastating impact on employment and businesses and the Rotary Work Club in Bromley was created to help people at this very difficult time.
Rotary Work Club Phase 2 took place and was completed in the first 3 months of 2021, whilst Phase 3 begins on the12th of April 2021. All sessions run from 10am-11am,
Some recent comments from participants:
From BM on17th Feb 2021
It was absolutely brilliant! The best one! A great presenter and so useful!
Thank you so much! (This was Ace your LinkedIn profile workshop)
From NV on 25th Feb 2021
I found the workshops that I attended very good, they were clear and the notes helpful.
I have enjoyed attending and participating with the others. They were interesting sessions.
From KZ 3rd March 2021
I just wanted to express my thanks to the Rotary Club and its members for its Job Club support over the last several months. I appreciate the time and effort you have all contributed to this. It meant a lot to me. It was useful with the best practice and learning new skills as well as picking up on experiences over the months from others.
From TB on 12th February 2021
I just got a new job.
Many thanks for all the support from Rotary.
From TB on 12th March 2021
I had the opportunity to attend a few of the virtual events organised by the Rotary Work Club and I had the pleasure to meet inspiring & kind people who were genuine and supportive.
Two people have obtained work!!
Why the Work Club?
The present circumstances of the Coronavirus pandemic can make a job search especially challenging. So, it is even more important that you do yourself full justice when applying!
Why Rotary?
Rotary in the Borough of Bromley comprises the membership of eight established Rotary Clubs. For all, support for issues that concern our local community is a key priority.
Why might you be looking for a new job just now?
Perhaps you have been made redundant from your previous job?
Or thinking about something that will better suit your abilities or circumstances?
So, how might our Work Club be able to help you?
Our trained volunteer facilitators come from many different professional and business backgrounds and experience. But they share the same purpose – to help you succeed in finding a job that is right for you. We cannot promise the outcome, of course, but gladly offer, free of charge, independent, practical guidance and support on:
• Understanding what your strengths are
• Setting yourself a goal and making a plan
• Where to look for jobs
• Filling in an application form
• Creating your C.V.
• Getting ready for an interview
• How to build your confidence
• Staying motivated
Please understand that we are not a recruitment agency or job brokerage – we don’t look for jobs for candidates or look for candidates for employers. We are also not a job referral scheme, so we don’t connect employers to candidates, or vice versa.
How does it work?
We would normally expect initial enquiries to be by e-mail to
In reply, we will ask for some basic information and give you more details.
The latest 2021 dates are:
You can access some information about past events here:
There will be further support opportunities for Work Club members, to be announced at a later date.
Do be assured that your private discussions with our facilitators will be treated as absolutely confidential.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Good luck,
Rotary Work Club Team
"All Rotary Work Club advice and information is given in good faith. Rotary or volunteers should not be held liable for actions taken as a result of such advice."
Click here to view the Rotary_Work_Club_Privacy_Notice.pdf
For media/press enquiries please email:
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Community Service is one of the most important aspects of Bromley Borough Rotary. It demonstrates the motto of Rotarians world-wide:
'Service Above Self'