The Rotary Club of Burntisland & Kinghorn have joined forces with the Rotary Club of Forth Bridges and Dunfermline to extend the NEW4U clothing bank through from the area currently in place for the Rotary club of Forth Briges to Kirkcaldy.
Latest update: A bin has been placed in Morrison's store Kirkcaldy for the collection of donated packs of new underwear for children 12 months to 18 years.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
President Ken Kirkwood representing the Club laid a wreath at Kinghorn War Memorial remembering all those who had fallen in past wars.
moreThe Club’s past President’s garden party was a huge success. In the hottest day of the year, members, partners and friends enjoyed great food, plenty of wine and great company, thank you David & Ishbel for hosting the social event of the year in your beau
moreGreat weekend helping Sands Hotel with their Inaugural Beer & Gin Festival in exchange for fundraising
moreA very successful Burns recitation competition was held in each of the Primary schools, Burntisland, Kinghorn and Auchtertool. What a lot of talented youngsters there are! The three worthy winners performed at the Clubs Burns supper.
moreAfter a wet but successful Yard sale held in several locations, £1,600 was raised to support local charities. Fun and fellowship was the name of the game, raising funds was a bonus.
moreBurntisland RotaKids have delivered their Christmas gifts to the residents of Links View, Burntisland. Everyone had a great time and the residents enjoyed their gifts and cake etc. Many of the residents sang along with the children.
moreThanks to all of you who joined us for our Burns evening, over 500 tickets were sold to support the work of Rotary. The money raised, £2121 will be split between Rotary Foundation and “End Polio Now”
moreSchool Events, Sport & Fellowship, Environmental, Supporting Young People,Local Support, International Projects and Medical Charities.