About Tenterden Rotary Club

We use our skills and networks to empower local and global projects

Past Presidents board and fundraising pig

Rotary is a world-wide network of like-minded individuals united in the development of acquaintance as an opportunity to serve society. We use our skills, our networks and friends, and our energy to make Tenterden (and the rest of the world) a better place.

In the last few years we have raised money by collections and events to support local charities such as the Tenterden Social Hub (Day Centre), the local Air Ambulance, Kench Hill, Tenterden Food Bank, Pilgrims Hospice and others. Have a look at our recent track record on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TenterdenRotary
Twitter https://twitter.com/TenterdenRotary
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tenterdenrotary

We regularly fundraise for Shelterbox, a humanitarian charity who are often first responders to natural disasters around the world.

Sometimes clubs will collaborate to support larger global causes such as Eradicating Polio, or more modest causes such as our recent donation of a solar fridge to a charity in Papua New Guinea solar fridge to a charity in Papua New Guinea

Would you like to help us? You could make a donation through our Just Giving page https://www.justgiving.com/rotarycluboftenterden

Maybe you can see yourself as a Rotarian, now or in the future. Get in touch with Chris Northen chris@northen.net

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Tenterden Rotary Club

Some of the earlier activities of our Club

Christmas 2019 Mulled Wine stall

About Community Service.

Past Presidents board and fundraising pig

We use our skills and networks to empower local and global projects

Rotary Club of Tenterden

We connect with people locally, regionally and globally.

Tenterden Rotary Club

Our fundraising events support not only at a local level but also at an International level.
