General Meeting - Live

Thu, Sep 22nd 2022 at 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Our Normal Weekly Meeting



Present:               Andrew B, Andrew M, Chris, Dave C, Elaine, Gerri, Godfrey, Jean M, Maureen, Marian, Nick, Pat, Paul, Pippa, Spyros, Reggie, David K, Sue


Apologies:           David M, Hilary, Iain, Kathryn, Lesley, Myfanwy, Margaret, Pete, Trevor, David B, Robert.


Grace:                   Paul




Business:             On behalf of the club, Pat wished Pete a Happy Birthday for Saturday. 

Membership:    Pat said that one of the potential new members referred to last week may be joining us for breakfast on 6thOctober.  She still hasn’t heard anything back from Red Zebra.  Jean M said she might be seeing Sharon later today, and will remind her to contact us.  It’s important that we do hear back from them; we are about to prepare new PR material and don’t want to feature Red Zebra if they don’t want a relationship with us.

Social:                   Reminder that the Adventure Golf will be from 11.00am on Tuesday 27th September.  If your name isn’t down on the sheet in the events folder, you can still turn up.  Be there 10.45 for a prompt start on the hour. 

                                Godfrey said he has spoken to the Crescent Turner about our Christmas dinner, but they can’t accommodate us on a Friday night.  He has pencilled us in for Thursday 8th December.

Fund Raising:     Car parking last week end raised an almost record-breaking sum of £701 cash, not counting the card machine.  Godfrey said well done to all who took part.

                                Reminder about the Quiz Night at All Saints church hall on 12th November.  Please start recruiting friends and booking tables.  No refreshments provided; bring your own food.

                                As mentioned last week, the board has declined a request to extend the range of our Christmas run to include parts of Whitstable.  However, we may do Father Christmas at the Whitstable Tesco superstore.  We are trying to book the sleigh for this, but are waiting for a response from the PCC.

International:    Andrew B spoke about the request from Emma Slade to contribute towards school uniform and school kit for poorer families in Bhutan.  These are mostly poor subsistence farming families.  The cost will be about £138 per student.  We will apply for a District grant towards this but will have to match fund to the tune of about £750.  Board has recommended this to the members.  Andrew now made the proposal, seconded by Andrew M.  This was agreed unanimously by the members present.

Community & Vocational:  On behalf of Kathryn, Pat handed out leaflets about the Shoe Box collection, for those who didn’t get one last week.  Please bring them back by the Thursday meeting on 27th October.  Elaine has kindly agreed to take delivery of them.

Youth Opportunities:     Pat has a leaflet for Margaret about the various youth competitions.  The Young Chef competition will be on 19th November.


Any Other Business:        Nick has contacted a supplier about new PR items, including a new banner, a flagpole for the feather flag, and a pop-up banner.  Including bags for the above, the suppliers have quoted £150 which was felt to be very good value.  Andrew M asked if we can have an up-to-date inventory of assets?  Nick said David M was already on top of this.

                Pippa said she called to see David B.  He is very frail, but is up and about.  Godfrey reported seeing David trolling about town on his electric scooter.

                Pippa has also seen Iain.  He has family problems and won’t be able to come to meetings for the next few weeks.

                Pat reported attending the Whitstable meeting at the Crescent Turner when they had a speaker talking about driverless cars.  The good news for Pat is that due to the limitations of driverless cars, she will still be in demand as a driving instructor.

                Pat said that she has received a 2022 Rotary Citation certificate on behalf of the club.  She will pass this to Spyros for the archives.


Raffle:                   Won by Andrew M


Master-at-Arms:              Nick said that today is World Car-free Day, as well as World Hobbit Day, and World Rhino Day.  On this day in 1955, ITV was first broadcast.  Nick invited members to guess what was the first product advertised on the new commercial channel?  (Answer below).


Final Toast:         By Nick.


Next Meeting:   Pat asked members to note the change of venue for next week’s evening meeting.  Please see below.


18.30 for 1900 Thursday 29th September @ The Plough

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our GDP policy covering our Club and Rotary Club of Chestfield Trust Fund, Charity activities


International Committee


Community & Vocational Committee


Social Committee


Club Protection and Health and Safety


Club President Elect and Membership Officer


Fund Raising Committee


Rotary Foundation - our International Charity


Our Club President for 2013/14


Our Secretary helps keep the Club in line!


Club Treasure - looks after Club and Charity funds raised by the Club


This is where we interact with younger members of our Community.
