General Meeting - Live

Thu, Oct 20th 2022 at 7:45 am - 8:45 am

Our Normal Weekly Meeting - Reggie Taylor-Harding Life Talk


Breakfast Meeting 07.45am for 08.00am Thursday 20th October 2022

Present:               Dave C, Andrew M, Jean M, Maureen, Pat, Nick, Margaret, Sue, Lesley, David M, Paul, Elaine, Robert, Reggie.

Zoom:                   David K

Apologies:           Andrew B, Chris, Gerri, Godfrey, Hilary, Iain, Kathryn, Myfanwy, Marian, Pete, Pippa, Spyros, Trevor, David B.

Grace:                   Paul


Business:             Pat explained that we were meant to be joined by a speaker from the Ukraine via Zoom, but he can't be present out of respect for a hero of the resistance against Russia who was killed yesterday. 

                                Pat said a happy birthday to Pippa for next week.

Social:                   There is now a sheet in the events folder for the Valentine Safari Supper.  This will be from 6.00pm on Saturday 18th February 2023.  Pat said there has been no response re the Swing Ban next week, but she is going with some friends.

International:    Nothing to report since Andrew B wasn't present.  Andrew M said no-one tells him anything!

Community / Vocation:                 Pat reminded everyone that shoe boxes should be brought for collection next week.

                                David M raised the issue of a family whose twins attend Swale Cliff School.  The latter are due to take a group of children away on a school trip and the parents are short of £100 to pay for both twins to attend.  The family do not meet the school's own criteria for financial help.  This was discussed and the members present voted by a show of hands to donate £100 to the family.

Fund Raising:      Paul confirmed that the car parking this Sunday is sorted.  He was asked if he could email a list of the times reminding people which shift they are on.  Dave C offered to circulate this.  Note also, can members please push the sale of the purple crocuses (croci?) on Sunday?  A propos World Polio Day, we haven't been able to contact Rev Simon about lighting up All Saints church, and no-one else at the church seems to have authority to make a decision.

                                David M said that tickets for our Quiz Night are going well.  There are about 30 places left to sell.  This will be from 7.00pm Saturday 12th November 2022.

Youth Opportunities:     The Young Chef competition will be at the Whitstable School on Saturday 26th November 2022.  Pat's partner, Robert is one judge, Robert S another.  Margaret said she may need more help on the day.  Mel at the Plough will pay for the ingredients.  She continues, by the way, to provide up to 45 lunches for local senior citizens.  Margaret said she absolutely hates to be given any praise for what she does.  We should invite her for a breakfast at the golf club sometime soon.

Any Other Business:        Note: we have also had a poster about a quiz night a week later than our own for Faversham Rotary, ie 7.00pm for 7.30pm Saturday 19th November 2022.  Venue is the Queen Elizabeth school hall; bring your own food & drink.  Cost is a recommended donation of £5.00.  For tickets, contact:  Dave C will circulate an image of the poster.

                                Our next evening meeting is Thursday 10th November 2022 @ The Plough.  Robert said that if you can't come, please fill out the sheet in the events folder - or he will assume you are coming.

                                Margaret said she needs more raffle prizes.

                                Dave C reported he saw David B whizzing around town on his mobility scooter, so presumably he is much better.

Greetings from Other Clubs:        Robert brought greetings from Canterbury Sunrise where he attended a talk by a retired air vice marshal -someone we might consider asking as a speak for a future evening meeting.

Raffle:                   Won by Margaret.

Master-at-Arms:              Today is International Chef's Day, also International Statistics Day.

Next Meeting:                  

07.30am for 07.45am Thursday 27th October 2022 @ the Golf Club

Note:                    Various members reported their experiences of being scammed on the internet.  One of the latest scams is a message which purports to be a member of your family asking for small amounts of money - as a way in.  Other scams include very realistic emails which appear to come from your own bank.  Moral of the story: don't click on anything when asked to do so unless you yourself have initiated the contact. 

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our GDP policy covering our Club and Rotary Club of Chestfield Trust Fund, Charity activities


International Committee


Community & Vocational Committee


Social Committee


Club Protection and Health and Safety


Club President Elect and Membership Officer


Fund Raising Committee


Rotary Foundation - our International Charity


Our Club President for 2013/14


Our Secretary helps keep the Club in line!


Club Treasure - looks after Club and Charity funds raised by the Club


This is where we interact with younger members of our Community.
