What Rotary West Wickham is all about, and what is it not about:
Politics- we do NOT discuss them.
Religion- believe in what ever you want- we do NOT discuss a person's faith and faith does not stop anyone joining Rotary as far as we are concerned.
Community- we DO discuss this- what needs to be done, who needs help and what we can do to assist. We then act, whether with practical help or by fundraising.
Youth- we DO support our young citizens- they are our future. We love to hear the input of younger people and you can join Rotary from the age of 18. There is not an upper age limit.
Occupation- you DO NOT have to be a businessman-our membership is split 50/50% between the sexes. Our peoples' occupations-past or present- include firefighter, banker, television engineer, retailer, nurse, quality control manager, gardener and architect.
Costs- yes, of course there are costs to membership, but we have a scheme to reduce these in the first year of membership.
We meet on a weekly basis and have a meal together, but if this is not for you, then fine, you do not have to come to the meal. What we value is you joining us later to give your contribution to helping others, whilst having fun and forging friendships at the same time.
You have seen us in the High Street, at community events in the West Wickham and Hayes area, running free community concerts and more. Hopefully you enjoyed them, so why not join us?