We fully understand the pressures that the modern way of working puts on people with young families, or indeed, older family members as they help out with childcare etc.
We also understand that this can mean that people cannot commit to becoming "full time" members of clubs and societies etc, including our own, as they feel that the time is just not available!.
However, if you want to give something back to our community (and Rotary West Wickham exists solely to serve our community), why not consider volunteering to help us with our projects at times that are convenient to you? You do not have to "sign up" to a specified number of events and any help you can give will be gratefully received.
From experience, some of the events that have given past volunteers a feeling of satisfaction include stewarding at our annual Firework Display, assisting with our Christmas Collections (a couple of hours on a weekday evening or at our High Street collections on a Saturday morning in December) and when we help at events organised by others such as West Wickham Village Day or Hayes Fair.
You will never be "left alone to cope" if you can help us and as a volunteer you will be covered by our Rotary insurance.
Get involved- contact us - you will probably enjoy the experience of giving something back.