Guest speaker - Will Gilbank.

Thu, Jul 6th 2023 at 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm

Weekly Dunmow Club meeting with guest speaker Will Gilbank, an up and coming track & road cyclist.

Will being presented with a cheque from Sport England (East) by Dunmow Rotary President Peter Watson.

Up and coming road & track cyclist - Will Gilbank

Dunmow Rotary Club, following their fundraising event for Sport England (East), is funding a National Sport Development path for a hugely promising local track and road cyclist from Great Sampford, Will Gilbank.   Accompanied by his dad Charles, he was presented with Sport England’s cheque at Dunmow Rotary Club’s meeting this week.  Impressively tall (not the traditional build for élite cyclists!) he is embarking on his A-Level year, but nonetheless maintains an exhaustive régime of training and competing.  He says his fastest downhill speed so far was probably 70 mph.  Wearing Lycra.  

Gulp. You can read more about Will here

Dunmow Rotary has a history during more than 20 years of supporting aspiring and successful young sports stars. Most recently we sponsored Bethany Shriever MBE, a former Dunmow schoolgirl from Finchingfield who was crowned Olympic and World Champion BMX rider at the age of 22 in 2021. 

Here's wishing Will a similar glittering future — he already has some impressive successes under his belt.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Guests with Peter Watson, Rotary Club of Dunmow President.

Annual Sports Personality Dinner held on Friday 26th April 2024, with guest speaker Graham Gooch OBE, ex England and Essex Cricket Captain

Key dates for your diary

Key dates of Rotary Club of Dunmow public events through to June 2025 for your diary.

Pictures of recent donations and presentations.

Recent donations to local organisations from the Collinson Legacy Fund

Dunmow Rotary Youth Competitions 2024/25

Dunmow Rotary Youth Competitions 2024/25 Young Artist, Young Chef, Young Environmentalist, Young Photographer and Young Writer.

Music Project with HRS

Through the Rotary Club of Dunmow - Collinson Legacy Fund, we have been able to provide Helena Romanes School, Dunmow, with a number of new musical instruments.

Santa's Sleigh

Annual Santa's Sleigh Ride around Takeley, Priors Green, Little Canfield and Dunmow Grange, west of Dunmow Tesco.

Willie Fraser, President (2019/20) of the Rotary Club of Dunmow, presenting a donation of 1,000 face masks to the Redbond Care Home manager Sam Dearlove.

The Community Service Committee is responsible for organising events to give direct service to the community OR to raise funds for community groups and charities. Examples include: Father Christmas collections & Community Concerts.

Group picture with the Mayor of Great Dunmow Town, Cllr. Peter Childs

Annual Youth Competition Awards event took place on Friday 10th May

Charter dinner in 1949

The Rotary Club of Dunmow received it's Charter as a Club on 9th February 1949.


Further donation to local organisations, Wholesome, UCAN & Buffy Playbus Association.

Rotary Ad.

The Membership Service Committee looks after the welfare of members and recruitment of new members. Committee Chair: Barry Clark.

Kragero & Dunmow Rotary Club members enjoying a meal together on the visit to Kragero, Norway.

The international Service Committee is responsible for our international service, including raising funds for International Charities and Foundation. It organises member's visits and exchange programmes.

Philip Helps & Stan Keller with the Bowls Trophy.

Our club takes part in sporting competitions with other local Rotary clubs. This time featuring the Victorious Dunmow Rotary 2022 Bowls Team.
