The Centenary Cup

Tue, May 14th 2024 at 8:00 am - 11:30 pm

Do you play golf? Want to have fun, rub shoulders or play with celebraties?

A great day had by all, despite the weather. The Watford Rotary Centenary Golf Day was a great success, it really was a fun day which was made possible by our VIP guests, Luther Blissett, Harry Redknapp, Nigel Winterburn and Les Ferdinand. Our thanks to all the teams who participated and helped us to raise funds for local charities. We can confirm we will repeat this next year, so keep an eye out for our announcement and come and join us.
Photos are of our Past President David Silverston with Luther and Harry, plus a selection of photo's from the day. We would also like to thank our Sponsors Intelligent Cleaning Services and to Land Rover Watford for generously supplying a brand new Land Rover for a weekend to the winner of our online auction, link to follow.
Lastly, our thanks go to Luther, together with Lauren Fox who arranged the event, it was grrrrrreat.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Team Watford Rotary is a program that invites individuals to team up with Rotary without being a member.


What does a Rotary Club actually do?


Watford and St Alban’s Rotary Clubs combine to help the Peace Hospice buy much needed medical equipment due to the corona virus.


Criteria and form for applying for a grant

A typical sand dam in Africa

A typical sand dam in Africa


David Silverston is the Foundation Chair for the Watford Club


Give something back to the community


The Charter Document
