Abbotts Ann Primary School

Garden Equipment for Abbotts Ann Primary School

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Over the past year the Rotary Club of Andover funded the purchase of garden equipment for Abbotts Ann Primary School. We were so please to receive the following words of thanks from Claire Vignaux, Co-Headteacher:

"We have enjoyed supporting Rotary through the Aluminium recycling Challenge, the Shoe Box Appeal and organising a sponsored walk for Polio.  The garden equipment you funded has been put to very good use and we were able to enter our produce into the village show.  We were awarded nine first places, a couple of second places and a third, and only missed out on the overall trophy by a couple of points. Our garlic was awarded Best in Show! The children are becoming experts at growing things and have raised some of their own funds by raffling a box of the school garden produce and collecting sunflower seeds, making their own seed packets and selling them at the end of the school day. We have some budding entrepreneurs."

This is another example of how the Rotary Club of Andover is making a difference to our community.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Music on the Test


Garden Equipment for Abbotts Ann Primary School


English Channel Relay Swim in aid of ABF the Soldiers Charity

An Ariel View of the Lights

The Rotary Club of Andover Supports Christmas Lights Event


The Chapel Arts Studio


The Rotary Club of Andover fund Mobile Hoists for Icknield School


Andover Choral Society

Past President Christopher Taylor presents Rotary Awards to Paul Bulpitt

Bulpitt Print produces Andover Rotary Club Brochure


International Day of Celebration Sunday, June 30


Antiques Valuation Day


An evening to promote local charities


Our Club's annual cycling event at Thruxton Racing Circuit.


Youth Competitions


Lendwithcare is a revolutionary way to help people in low income countries to work their way out of poverty with dignity

Christmas parcels delivered to oild people

Christmas Parcels and Kindling Wood.


Supporting the Young People of Andover. 1) Youth Speaks 2) Young Photographer 3) Young Writer


This page contains links to press articles featuring the Rotary Club of Andover.
