Rotary Club Lunch Meeting

Fri, Jun 7th 2019 at 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm

We meet as usual for lunch after which Paul Kerr will speak about the charity, Changing Lives.

Changing Lives is a national, registered charity which provides specialist support for thousands of vulnerable people and their families.

The notes on the Rotary District Speakers List give the following information:

Changing Lives is an organisation which supports vulnerable people and families to make positive and lasting changes towards a fulfilling life. The Changing Lives Charity Furniture Store is supported by the Changing Lives Employment Team and aims to provide volunteering opportunities to people who have experienced difficulty getting back into work following mental health issues, long-term unemployment, caring duties and recovery from an addiction. We offer volunteering opportunities in driving, retail, online sales and warehousing. Following request from customers and residents of Newcastle, it was decided to pilot an upcycle scheme where donated furniture is upcycled by the volunteers and sold onto the public. Once established we will be able to allow customers to buy an item and support them with upcycling their own furniture thus providing them with the skills which would benefit them in the future. Since November 2018, we have been working with Cambrian Dilston College, an independent further education college for those with special educational needs providing volunteering opportunities in the Changing Lives Furniture Store. The students attend every Wednesday and have been invaluable with the upcycling of furniture on behalf of Changing Lives. This has improved students confident and raised awareness of their needs when working alongside the staff and volunteers working in the furniture store. Paul Kerr E : M: 07808328537

We are trying to raise some money towards purchasing paints, sandpaper and materials to support the upcycling project as the pilot has been a resounding success. The furniture store also offers a collection service and unwanted furniture and electricals. We also have a Charity Shop based in Gateshead which accept clothes, shoes or household items.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Object of Rotary was first formulated in 1910 and adapted through the years as Rotary's mission expanded. It provides a succinct definition of the organization's purpose as well as the club member's responsibilities.

Rotary Areas of Focus

Rotary is dedicated to seven areas of focus to build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever. Read this page and the connected pages to see how we go about this.


One of our objectives is to make a difference in our local community. Here are some of the things we are doing and have done in the past to fulfil this objective.

A simple dental surgery with Brazilian Rotarians

Rotarians believe in the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. See this page for how we have put this into practice.


Read about our History.


THE ROTARY CLUB OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE TRUST FUND is a Registered Charity (Registered with the Charity commission of England & Wales, No. 702557)


CLUB PROJECTS COMMITTEE. The Projects Committee of the Rotary Club of Newcastle upon Tyne is the main organising group of the Club and combines the functions of the previous Vocational Service; Community Service and International Service Committees.


Explanation of the Paul Harris Fellowship Award. Paul Harris is the founder of Rotary. For a brief history, follow the link on the CLUB HISTORY page
