Club Handover July 1 & video

Thu, Jul 1st 2021 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Club Handover July 1 chat at 18.45, Meet 19.00


July 1st is a significant date for Rotary clubs: it is the date on which club presidents stand down and presidents-elect assume the leadership role.  In the case of the Bridge of Alan and Dunblane Rotary Club, President Russell Wheater received the chain of office from (now) Past President David Chisholm.  In turn, Craig Mair and Ivor Butchard took up their appointments as, respectively, President-Elect and President-Nominee.  There were no changes in other responsibilities with Stuart Brown continuing to act as Secretary, and Steve Bassett retaining the duties of Treasurer.

Welcoming Russell to his new role, David reflected on a year which, he joked, had Zoomed by, something which he had thought to be a virtual impossibility.  In a more serious vein, he commended Club committees and members for the efforts that had been made to battle against the repercussions of the pandemic.  With initiative and imagination, he said, the Club had been able to raise significant sums of money to ensure that its charities received support. In some instances that support had been even greater than in previous years.  This was a great credit to all involved, for which they could justifiably feel proud.

In receiving the chain of office, President Russell said he was conscious of the very difficult year through which David had guided the Club.   With the commitment and enthusiasm that was typical of members, he was sure that the incoming year could continue the successes of previous years. 

As his last action as President, David presented the award of a second Paul Harris Fellowship, in the form of a clasp, to both David Mackie and Rod Jones for their untiring efforts to support Rotary.  In the case of David Mackie, a founder member of the Club in 1973, it also acknowledged his retirement from the Club at the age of 95.

In response, David wrote: 

I write to thank you very much indeed for the Presentation. It really was unexpected, but greatly appreciated. I have derived much pleasure and enjoyment through my membership of Rotary, and if, along with many other Rotarians, I have given help and support where it was needed, I am delighted.  Long may the Club help and give support where there is a need, and enjoy doing so, as I have.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our charitable activities are administered by a trust fund, registered as a Scottish charity, number SC050998. Annual reports and accounts for recent years can be downloaded below.

Young Photographer Competition

Young Photographer Competition


Here you will find Links to the Current Club Activity and Volunteering Sheets


How the Club Committees Work

Club Diary

Club Diary, Programme & Duties
