Lunch - Speaker; Rtn Malcolm Tagg, District Governor, Rotary Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire (1040)

Thu, Nov 3rd 2022 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

12:00 for 12:30
C&W. AG - SH. AR


This should be of interest to members of other Rotary Clubs.

You are invited to join us 
for the visit of District Governor,
Malcom Tagg
On 3rd November 2022
12:00 for 12:30pm

West Bradford Golf Club, Golf Avenue, Off Chellow Grange Road, Heaton Village, 
Bradford, West Yorkshire. BD9 6NP

Dress code
As you wish

One course and coffee. 


To book your place:

please contact Rtn. Dr AnnE Raine by 24th October 2022
using the form below.
advising the details requested below.


Payment can be made to our bank - sort code – 560036 – Account no 70618003 Rotary Club of Bradford West quoting reference DG. 

Please advise for each person attending:
⦁    Name
⦁    Rotary Club & Position held
⦁    Any dietary requirements


AnnE RaineContact AnnE Raine about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our first project - Litter Picking in Horton Grange Park

Getting away from the traditional Rotary image.

Loading the plane

Links to a few of our completed 2022 / 2023 projects and events and some that are ongoing.

Working on All Souls Burial Groung

Our 50th Anniversary year. Links to our current and recently completed projects and events.

Shoeboxes for Bradford Metropolitan Foodbank

Delivering shoeboxes for families in need.

Planting herbs

Rotary Year Jul 2023 / Jun 2024

ENT examination in Malawi

We are involved in providing equipment and training to help prevent ENT disease in Malawi. The video below this picture is a wonderful way to express the work going on in Malawi.


Links to our current and recently completed projects and events.

Join our community

We need willing people to help us do more in the communities where we work.

Tree planting

Bradford West Sidekicks are members of the Bradford West Rotary Club. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things locally, nationally and internationally.


Rotary Club of Bradford West Charity Trust Fund, Charity number 1030339.


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Google Calendar

Our up and coming events on Google Calendar
