Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

Delivering shoeboxes for families in need.

2022 Christmas Shoebox appeal

The total number of Shoeboxes sent out was 320 which went to the following:

Tyersal Children’s Centre (BD4)

The Life Centre (BD4)

St Edmunds Nursery School and Children’s Centre (BD8)

Home-Start, Bradford (BD3)

We are Queensbury Foodbank

Bradford Metropolitan Foodbank

Miscellaneous Vulnerable Children and Adults

Of the 350 boxes sent out to schools, only 200 were returned filled (57%) reflecting the general lack of money due to economic climate. There were various other private donations of filled boxes (9), Bradford Rotary Club (35), Saltaire Methodist Church (16) and Bradford Ambulance Service (8).

The money received from Tesco bucket shake, Tesco book sale, We are Queensbury Foodbank and private donations allowed us to purchase items to either fill additional boxes or, following feedback in previous years, improve the quality of many of the boxes that came from schools which were below the standard we set.

In overall terms of expenditure (£1522) was £275 higher than the income but the Rotary District Grant application of £250 was successful and covered most of the overspend.

2021 Christmas Shoebox appeal

After a very successful 2020 Christmas shoe box appeal, this year we have provided almost 450 shoeboxes,  helped by various partner schools, companies and businesses. Each shoebox contained either toys, items suitable for teenagers or household items and were marked accordingly, and have been distributed via various organisations to local families in need. 

Pictured are two of our E Group members, Katie and Stuart, delivering ninety Shoeboxes to the Bradford Metropolitan Foodbank. These will be delivered to various accredited Family and Children’s centres within the city in time to be handed out as Christmas presents. Also pictured is Debbie of Tesco Queensbury handing over a cheque for the appeal.

A further report will follow shortly.

2020 Christmas Shoebox appeal

Our 2020 Christmas shoe box appeal was highly successful.

We delivered a final count of 269 Shoeboxes to Pastor Mark Chenery of Queensbury Life Church recently.

This was a superb effort and the response not only from our members, but from our friends, relatives and the local community, was amazing. Whilst we can't mention everyone, particular mention must be made of Katie Ainley who, with the help of many friends, donated over one hundred of the Shoeboxes, the staff and pupils of Shibden Head Primary Academy who filled 35 shoeboxes, Tesco Queensbury for allowing us to use their store as a collection point and last but not least Bradford Ravens cheerleading team at Bradford University who organised a collection amongst their members. 

The appeal was organised by our Community Team Leader Tony Caunt and was coordinated by Trish Greenwood.

Pastor Mark was delighted to receive the boxes and said  " This will make such a difference to a great number of families in the Queensbury area who are suffering financial hardship and will be particularly welcome during the upcoming festive season".

Katie Ainley said she was "overwhelmed by the generosity of so many people from different walks of life and it is an eye opener to the work being done in the community by Rotary in the Bradford area".

Rotary Club president Richard Greenwood commented that he was "pleasantly surprised by the response to the appeal which not only will benefit so many needy families in the Queensbury area but showcased the work that Rotary continues to do on so many levels in Bradford."


Contact Trish Greenwood about this page:

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Our 50th Anniversary year. Links to our current and recently completed projects and events.

Shoeboxes for Bradford Metropolitan Foodbank

Delivering shoeboxes for families in need.

Planting herbs

Rotary Year Jul 2023 / Jun 2024

ENT examination in Malawi

We are involved in providing equipment and training to help prevent ENT disease in Malawi. The video below this picture is a wonderful way to express the work going on in Malawi.


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Bradford West Sidekicks are members of the Bradford West Rotary Club. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things locally, nationally and internationally.


Rotary Club of Bradford West Charity Trust Fund, Charity number 1030339.


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