6:45 for 7.00pm Fellowship & Social

Thu, May 23rd 2013 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Charity speaker - Trussell Trust

James Milton (South West Area Development Officer) and Andy Irwin (East Bristol Foodbank). James and Andy will be speaking about Foodbanks and will be pleased to answer Questions. 

Rotary visitors:

RC Kingswood

PE Brian Waring
Dave Hope

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our privacy policy and how we protect your personal data


Recent activities, current and future events. Due to Covid many of our planned events have been cancelled. We still meet regularly to plan for when we are able to re-introduce established and new events.


Club Events: What we do: Fundraising, Service and Social. Always with Fellowship and Fun


General information


Events and projects that the Club has been involved with
