If this year has taught us anything it is this fact, with evidence worldwide including London, that the polio virus needs to be eradicated from the last remaining countries where it is endemic – Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a paralyzing and potentially fatal disease that still threatens children in some parts of the world. Poliovirus invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in hours. It can strike people of any age but mainly affects children under five. Polio can be prevented by vaccines, but it is not curable. Unlike most diseases, polio can be eradicated!
As Knighton Rotary International Chair Paul Barrett said “World Polio Day is on October 24th to create awareness of the fact that polio can be eradicated. Rotary, the Gates Foundation and other organisations have been working towards total eradication of polio worldwide and with only 19 cases recorded in Pakistan this year and 1 in Afghanistan we have nearly achieved this goal. “
Afghanistan and Pakistan face unique challenges, including political insecurity, highly mobile populations, difficult terrain, and, in some instances, vaccine refusal and misinformation. With sufficient resources, the commitment of national governments, and innovations that improve access to remote areas, Rotary and its partners are optimistic that we can eliminate polio.
As Knighton Rotary President Kim Smith said today “The Knighton and District Rotary Club have supported the polio eradication programme for the last 30 years and will continue to do so until we have a polio free world.” Come to the Knighton Community Market on October 22nd and see how you can help too. We look forward to seeing you there.
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moreWe are involved with Rotary's push to rid India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria of polio and hence ensure our children, and their children, will never know the crippling affects of this disease.
moreThis scheme is designed to give your personal medical information to the emergency services in the event that they are called to your home.