On Saturday 11 May President Angela, Incoming President Robin and Secretary Paul attended the first post Covid face-to-face District Assembly. We made an early start and travelled through the beautiful Brecon Beacons where Dave Barwick will soon be doing his sponsored Trek 26 for Alzheimer's Society.
Rotarians from all over South and mid-Wales met at the Aberdare Community School. An extensive modern venue , with bright and welcoming facilities, the latest technology- and dual gender toilets!
We were shocked and saddened by the irony of hearing that Aberdare Rotary Club is closing after 100 years because new officers are not forthcoming.
Incoming District Governor Malcolm Hallewell, having been inspired by Cathy's many Facebook posts and our club newsletters , invited President Angela to give a presentation to the audience of over 120 Rotarians.
Angie , "Tigger" , did an engaging presentation (despite shaking for 70 minutes until it was her turn to speak).
Having endured an hour or so of very text-heavy PowerPoint presentations "Tigger" hit exactly the right spot with just spoken word, lots of photographs and props telling the audience about her year’s projects. She also tackled head on the issues facing Rotary membership and the need to change before we too become another dining club and fade away, like Aberdare. There was a huge round of applause, many appreciative comments and even requests to speak at other events.
After the presentations we all attended individual breakout sessions. Paul joined a "cabinet of secretaries" to hear of exciting developments in the world of databases , compliance and reporting. Angie attended Rotary Image and Robin attended the membership breakout group.
After reconvening for closing presentations, a roast beef school dinner (enjoyed by pupils every Wednesday apparently)and enjoying the fellowship of our fellow Rotarians we headed home.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
We support a wide range of charities and good causes every year. Find out more about them here....LATEST PRESENTATION JUNE 28TH 2024.
moreEach year we raise money to support a wide range of international charities. UPDATE MAY 2023 The latest spring/summer update from Classrooms in the Clouds....
moreOur fundraisers are many and various! Raising money, in many ways, for the many charities we support.
moreNew members add a vibrancy and enthusiasm to the Club as well as adding the enjoyment of our friendships....
moreKeep up to date with the latest news on speakers, social events, fundraising and much more. Update SEPTEMBER 2024 Our latest Knight Club newsletter is issued...
moreWe are involved with Rotary's push to rid India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria of polio and hence ensure our children, and their children, will never know the crippling affects of this disease.
moreThis scheme is designed to give your personal medical information to the emergency services in the event that they are called to your home.