During 2016/17 as well as monitoring all the appeals for help and the District initiatives the Committee has supported the following:
The Open Doors Special Education Centre in Jos, Nigeria (www.opendoorsnigeria.org).
Open Doors is a registered non governmental and not for profit organisation dedicated to the provision of quality special education, vocational training, speech and language therapy and physiotherapy for children and young people with learning handicaps at The Open Doors Special Education Centre.
The District Micro Loans project. (Google Rotary District 1040 Micro Loans)
The provision of a small loan for those who are too poor to have access to conventional financial services.
Life Boxes (www.disasteraiduk.org)
Organised by Disaster Aid UK and Ireland with a mission to respond to natural disasters with the supply of humanitarian aid to the affected communities and/or individuals. Each box typically contains 72 items as specified by the Red Cross; tools clothes, blankets, babycare/hygiene items, toys, classroom materials and water filters. The box provides a few basic items that would allow a family to survive who have lost everything, however the contents of the boxes can be tailored to specific needs as identified by the first responder teams.
We have been monitoring the Rotary Club of Roatan’s Schools Sanitation project following RI’s approval of a Global Grant last year to which our Club contributed $10,000. After a long delayed start due to local permissions having to be reapplied for the work is now underway. The project, “to provide bathrooms with septic tanks and water harvesting systems, hygiene training and training in the operation and maintenance of the systems in 7 schools on Roatan Island, Honduras” is under the direct control of the Rotary Club of Roatan.
In association with Stagecoach Theatre Arts Harrogate a concert was organised at Ashville College. Whilst not specifically an International and Foundation event some of the proceeds from the concert which realised £2,640.00 will be allocated to International and Foundation projects.
End Polio Now Campaign
We continue to support the campaign to eradicate polio. This week the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts meets in Geneva to review the global eradication status and advise on additional measures that should be undertaken to fully implement the Polio Endgame Strategic Plan and secure a lasting polio free world. There are just a handful of reported cases as of 25th April in Afghanistan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nigeria and Pakistan.
See www.polioeradication.org and www.endpolio.org.
Purple for Polio Jam.
Wilkin and Sons Ltd donated 52,000 jars of Tiptree Purple for Polio jam – in our case greengage. Club members were invited to donate at least £2 for a jar of jam and then to fill the empty jar with money.
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The Rotary club provided the opportunity to plant a tree in memory of someone or to commemorate a special event/occasion. This has now been discontinued.