A human sundial which commemorates a former member of the Rotary Club of Cambridge Rutherford has been unveiled in Cambridge.
The time-telling artwork has been installed on Jesus Green, near the base of the old bandstand, remembering Vernon McElroy. He was a former director of estate management at Cambridge University and a member of the Rotary Club of Cambridge Rutherford, which funded the installation.
Vernon was also a keen sculptor who designed and made the bronze tactile models which sit outside Great St Mary's Church and on the Backs as a guide for tourists. These were funded by Cambridge's four Rotary clubs.
The idea of the Jesus Green sundial was conceived by Vernon before his death a year ago.
Symbols representing the hours are sunk into the grass, and a stone slab is set facing them. A person stands on the slab, and their body casts a shadow to indicate the hour. Sourcing the stones and their installation was expertly managed by Peter Northmore, Chairman of the Rotary Club of Cambridge Rutherford's Vocational Committee.
The sundial was unveiled at a ceremony attended by Cllr Paul Saunders, the Mayor of Cambridge, with the Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire Hugh Duberly and Dr Frank King of Churchill College, the chairman of the British Sundial Society. The ceremony was also attended by members of Rutherford and Cambridge Rotary Clubs. Sadly the sun did not make an appearance!
Dr King said Cambridge had many fine sundials. He added: "This will be one in a public place that people can go along and use."
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