Rutherford's Charity Fundraising

2023 Charity Golf Day raises funds for The Arthur Rank Hospice

ARH cheque presentation: Rutherford Golf Day organisers Charlie Kidman, Dick Barker and David Munro with Jodie Vaughan and Carolyn Start from the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

The 2023 Golf Day raised substantial funds for local causes, and on 30 November 2023 we had the pleasure of presenting The Arthur Rank Hospice with £6,000. Further donations are to be made to The Red Hen Project and The Wildlife Trust

The 2023 Wine Tasting Party was again held at Anstey Hall, Trumpington by kind permission of owner John de Bruyne, and organised by Suzie and Bob Tydeman. Rutherford members, partners and guests attended and enjoyed a range of interesting wines and cheese.

A brilliant raffle was organised by Rutherford's Vocational Committee enabling the overall sum raised to close on £1,500.  We have now raised over £9,500 from seven of these wine tasting party events.

The funds raised from this event enables Rutherford to purchase another ShelterBox. There will also be a donation to Flying Kites, a charity which promotes education for the poorest students in Kenya. A further donation is to be made to The Bantaba Project, helping a village community in The Gambia.

Photo above: the winning Swiss Laundry team of our 25th Charity Golf Day with trophy presented by (in centre) Past President Colin Chrebelski

Our 25th Charity Golf Day was held in May 2022 and the most successful fundraising allowed the Club to again support local causes with sizeable donations. This year we are supporting The Arthur Rank Hospice and MIND. Representatives of both charities will be attending a lunch in December to receive cheques. The Club is very grateful to sponsors Adcock Refrigeration Ltd and to Club member Trevor Chapman whose firm AngliEar provided refreshments at the half-way house; and to all those participants who contributed to the fundraising on the day. The auction of items donated proved especially successsful and our thanks to all those who donated, and to those who bid for them.

Rutherford has helped many good causes over the years and done so through different types of enjoyable fundraising events including a Charity Gin Tasting (pictured above) held in the Old Hall at Queens' College, Cambridge.

We support the annual Children in Need appeal and have done so for many, many years. Covid prevented our traditional bucket shake collection but, undeterred, the Rutherford cycling group came together for sponsored riding events which in 2020 raised £3,062 and in 2021 raised over £3,700 (photo above: a bike team about to set out). This was again repeated in November 2022 and raised over £3,300

Rutherford has held fundraising sporting dinners and lunches, and an annual Christmas Wine Tasting which raises funds to send disadvantaged youngsters on Calvert Trust adventure weeks in the Lake District. We continue to send funds to ShelterBox, the charity which sends support to countries suffering from weather extremes and other emergency situations.

During Covid we kept our fellowship going through holding lunches for small groups in our gardens (photo above). As the situation eased we have occasionally continued these in our homes too. This enabled us to find a way to continue fundraisng with members contributing their normal lunch fee, much of which went to our charity account.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Attendance at our Thursday lunch and dinner meetings must be pre-booked by 12 noon latest on the Tuesday of meeting week, using our online Tito booking system. Visitors information and booking link details below

Giant Elms at Queens' College

A plan to propagate disease resistant Elm saplings to enable a new generation of Elm trees in Cambridge


2023 Charity Golf Day raises funds for The Arthur Rank Hospice

Marvin with collected tools

Rutherford supporting the charity Tools For Self Reliance by organising the collection of usable tools, which are then shipped to Africa

Pudsey Cycle

In November 2023 Rutherford raised over £1,500 with a Sponsored Cycle Ride.


Rutherford's Youth Speaks 2023 competition won by Impington Village College

Tea party at the Gardner's

Rutherford supports the charity Re-engage with tea parties for elderly guests


Bulletins are published three times per year and record all our meetings and events. Click links below to read

Colin and Mike with IT equipment

Rutherford's help for home schooled children that have been disadvantaged by not having adequate access to IT equipment

Celebrating the completion of the project

Rutherford members, staff and pupils celebrate the completion of the Castle School make over


Unveiling of a special plaque to commemorate Rutherford's support of the Library by the Mayor of Cambridge

Sophie Philip

We are delighted to welcome Sophie Philip who was awarded a Rotary Global Grant Scholarship to study an MPhil in Criminological Research at Cambridge University


To celebrate World Polio Day on 24 October, Rutherford joined other Cambridge Rotary Clubs to raise public awareness of the continuing fight to eradicate Polio from the World

The Human Sundial in memory of Vernon McElroy

The Human Sundial in memory of Vernon McElroy is officially unveiled by the Mayor of Cambridge on 8 May 2014

Author John Dickins with President Richard Crabtree

Rotary Club of Cambridge Rutherford's History 2003 - 2013
