Annual BBQ

Sun, Aug 31st 2014 at 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Our annual BBQ took place at Allan's.

Western theme makes barbecue swing.
Sixty Club members and partners enjoyed a late summer barbecue on Sunday 31st August. The weather was perfect, as was the location at The Forts, South Queensferry. Our thanks go to Rotarian Allan Smith for his hospitality and good humour as his garden took on a country theme for the afternoon. Norman Watson, renowned in Queensferry vocal circles, sang a selection of country and western songs and was also responsible for organising a brain-teasing treasure hunt in the grounds. Gordon and Heather McInally took the prize.  Among many activities, a spirited game of rounders took many Rotarians back to their youth.  In addition to our host, thanks are due to Liz Mackenzie and her helpers on the programme committee for organising such a great afternoon of fellowship and fun.