Speaker - Mr Richard Burgessl Digital Learning

Thu, Dec 11th 2014 at 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm

Richard Burgess Digital Learning

Raffle : Lee McCombie
Reception : Jill Templeton / David Batty

Digital learning was the topic at the meeting of South Queensferry Rotary Club on Thursday 11th December. Richard Burgess, development officer of Edinburgh City Council's Digital Learning Team, took the floor in the newly refurbished Hawes Inn. Richard described the ongoing project to provide every pupil in Edinburgh schools with a one-to-one facility for digital learning. After trialing several systems like I-pads, tablets and notebooks, I-pads were chosen as the most adaptable for educational software, many examples of which are now available free of copyright. The I-pad lets teachers tailor the lesson to suit specific uses such as homework. A training scheme equips them to maximise digital cross-curricular technology. At present 11,300 I-pads are in use in Edinburgh schools - one third of those in all Scotland's schools. Each pupil receives a personal I-pad which stays with them until they finish their schooling. Of the thousands issued, only one has gone missing! In video interviews, teachers from Sciennes School agreed that digital learning was a more effective use of time than the former computer laboratories and was an excellent creative tool. To find out more about the project, visit http.digitallearningteam.org.
Richard Burgess was introduced by David Batty who also proposed the vote of thanks.
The Rotary Carol Service at Kirkliston Parish Church was thoroughly enjoyable evening. Pupils for Kirkliston Primary School sang outstandingly. Ian Fowler's mulled wine was most welcome after the performance and over