Speaker - Mr Frank Hay - Queensferry during WW1

Thu, Aug 14th 2014 at 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm

Speakers - Mr Frank Hay - Queensferry during WW1.

Raffle : Graham Clarkson

Reception : Norman Watson / Jill Templeton

Rotary Diary Item Journal & Gazette Friday 22nd August 14
On Thursday 14th August President Charles Fletcher welcomed Mr Frank Hay of Queensferry History Group to the Rotary Club of South Queensferry. Introducing Frank, Rotarian Eric Proven said that they had attended the same school, but had not met for years though he was aware of Frank's keen interest in history. This was well borne out in Frank's talk which featured many aspects of Queensferry life during the First World War. To mark the centenary, three working parties of the History Group are concentrating on Queensferry life, War memorials and military history. In a talk rich with anecdotes and illustrated by photographs made available by Queensferry families, Frank covered the call up of the Royal Scots Territorial Cyclists Battalion. After being posted to East Lothian, they complained of boredom and were soon sent to the Western Front. On a more local note, the military commandeered Queensferry School and lessons took place in the Parish Church. The large naval presence in and around the town also made for many stories. With so many men away from home, Emily Borrowman, the Post Office Telegraphist, was particularly popular. Frank showed a selection of cards she had received from all over the world from men grateful for her assistance in sending messages. Mention was also made of local traders who often supplied ships with fresh foodstuffs before the days of centralised victualing. Lesser known naval facts included the hospital ship Sheelah, a steam yacht converted and funded by Admiral Beatty's wife, based in Port Edgar and the succession of Guard Ships regularly anchored off Queensferry up to and including WW1 to act, among other things, as training vessels for the Royal Navy Reserve.  In summing up, Frank said his short talk only touched the surface of the information available. The History Group is currently developing a website which can be accessed at www.queensferry-at-war.org.uk 
In his closing remarks, President Charles conveyed the thanks of the Ferry Fair Committee to all Rotarians who had assisted with stewarding and safety throughout the festival. The contribution of Rotary was crucial to the success of the Ferry Fair and the enjoyment of the many spectators and participants.