Fellowship Evening - The Fabulous Four will regale us with their exploits in Kenya

Thu, Apr 23rd 2015 at 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm

Fellowship Evening

Raffle : Alan Armes

Reception : David Batty / Richard Brown

On Thursday 23rd April, Rotarians and partners enjoyed a magnificent meal at the Hawes Inn, South Queensferry. Courtesy of landlord Nial Magennis, a multi-course tasting menu was served, in which guests were able to sample the brand new range of dishes and drinks on offer in the popular restaurant. In his opening remarks, President Charles Fletcher thanked Nial for this generous gesture and expressed the club's appreciation of the service and attention we received from Niall and his staff at our weekly meetings. 

There followed an evening of fellowship and, after the meal, a presentation by the team who had recently returned from working at the Kenya Children's Home near Nairobi which the club has supported for ten years. Craig MacKenzie, Graham Leith and Jim McCulloch gave a spirited account, rich in amusing anecdotes, about their experience of working there and the trips they made to nearby locations like the Mashimoni Squatter's Primary School, also supported by the club, and a Masai Girl's School in the Rift Valley. Craig spoke warmly about the friendships that had been made.  During their stay, the party had kept in touch by Facebook, and, thanks to Graham, made a memorable Skype link to the Hawes Inn to share a club meeting. Details of their time in Kenya may still be seen by visiting www rcsq.org.uk  and following the links. In conclusion, President Charles presented Craig, Graham and Jim with International Service Awards. Brian Robertson, who could not be present, received an award and was made a Friend of Rotary. In thanking the club, Craig MacKenzie said that the project would not have been possible without the support of the International Committee, particularly Ed Kelly, Gerald Smith and Derek Clark. The speakers were introduced by David Batty, the vote of thanks was proposed by Richard Brown.