You work in a business team to set up and run your own real company for up to one academic year. you wil
- elect a board of directors, carry out market research, develop a product or service, manage your finances, promote your company, market and sell your product or service to the public
- be supported and guided by a volunteer Business Adviser and your Centre Lead (Teacher/Tutor)
- access resources including a Company Programme Kit and YE Online. YE secure extranet facility (new in 2015)
- have the option to enter the YE Company of the Year competition, with events taking place in your local area in the Spring term.
All Young Enterprise programmes are based upon the priciple of "Learning by Doing" Instead of having to absorb large amounts of theory before you start, you will learn about business in a hans-on way.
The Benefits of Taking Part in this Programme
Enjoying real successes and overcoming real setbacks will make for a truly valuable life experience. You can be sure that, whatever you decide to do in the future, being an active participant in the Company Programme will give you an insight into the world of business and work, and help when considering your career choices.
You will learn about the essence of enterprise - understanding customers, selling and marketing products, making difficult decisions, working as a team, taking ans sharing responsibility, etc.
Most importantly, you will develop and be able to demonstrate key employability skills, such as problem solving, communication, resilience and organisation.
Rotary Club of Langley & Iver have been involved with Young Enterprise for over 8 years and have helped and supported a number of students in this programme. If you are interested in becoming a Business Adviser or just want more information please contact Malcolm Granger
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Saturday 29th June 2019 BURGER BASH IN WINDSOR How would you fancy cooking a whole load of burgers on the hottest day of the year? well that's exactly what a number of Rotarians did on the 29th June.
moreMembers of our club and Ron’s family met on the morning of Saturday 10th February 2018 and we planted an English Maple tree in the Rotary Avenue of Remembrance in Langley Park.
moreA list of organisations and charities that we have helped by donating money, providing advice and assistance and the involvement within the actual organisations
moreArticles and photographs regarding international committee and our international links
moreA Welcome to Malcolm, our 2016-17 Club President
moreA list of past presidents