Fireworks Photographs

Photos of recent Chislehurst Fireworks events, taken by local amateur photographer Helen Stephenson.

All the photos on this page are courtesy of Helen Stephenson, who has kindly granted their copyright-free use for promotion of the Chislehurst Rotary Fireworks event. Please credit Helen with any photo that you use for this purpose (and contact her via her website should you require high-resolution copies of any of them).

See all the photos of the 2015 event.

For pictures of the events in prior years, please click on 20102011, or 2012.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Welcome to the website of the Rotary Club of Chislehurst, a very lively, active club of which I have the honour of being President during the year 2023-2024.


Throughout the year the Club makes a number of Donations. Details of which are shown below.


The Safeguarding regulations that are observed by Chislehurst Rotary


End Polio Now!

Since 1967, the Chislehurst Rotary Club has been a source of enjoyment to its members and the local community.

Our members enjoy an active social programme and the opportunity to help others. The Rotary Club encourages service to the community both locally and internationally.


Chislehurst Fireworks, Tickets are now available on line.


Rotary Clubs operate within areas of service - to their local, national and international communities and to the Club itself. The service areas within our Club are: Community; International; Foundation (Rotary"™s charity organisation); Club; and Social.


Community Service is the Club's link with the local community. Emphasis is placed on links within the immediate Chislehurst area, where substantial efforts and contributions are made to help local charities and to undertake projects to help those in need.


We are a small, but enthusiastic, Club with a strong commitment to helping those less fortunate overseas; ensuring that any aid is provided where it is needed and managed locally so that all funds are used wisely and effectively.


The Rotary Foundation is a world wide charity whose aim is to support the efforts of Rotary International in its mission to achieve worldwide understanding and peace through local and national humanitarian, educational and cultural support programmes.


The Club Service Committee works with our elected Club Council to ensure, as far as possible, the smooth running of the Club


The Social team (a sub-committee of Club Service) deals with all the social aspects of the Club. If we can raise some money for charity, then that is an extra bonus!!


Becoming part of the Rotary family.
