The pantomime
season is with us – oh yes it is! The star studded cast of Rotary thespians grappled
with six scenes of Aladdin ranging from Widow Twankey’s laundry to the Royal
Palace. No money was spared spent on the scenery. Despite superhuman
efforts to memorise the lines (and many rehearsals) scripts were much in
evidence except for the Genie of the Ring who hid hers in her AA bra. Widow
Twankey had room for War & Peace in her G cup suspension.
Costumes and make-up were stunning (thank you Brenda & Carol) and were shown to perfection by the incredible lighting. Pulled from the audience, Eugene showed amazing dexterity at duvet folding.
Great fun was had by all, performers and audience alike. A copious supply of gormet food rounded off a splendid evening’s entertainment.
Can it be bettered next year, David?!?
'What We Do' Main Pages:
A Dementia Special Interest Group supports the activities of Dementia Friendly Cowbridge.
moreRotarians in Turkey have rallied to help in the earthquake disaster. The report below gives information of Rotary activities in the area.
moreItems concerning the Rotaract Club will be added here.
moreRotary can assist in the development of social skills and experiences for the Younger Members of our community, a varied and interactive programme through many avenues of service that assists in a brighter future.
moreThe ‘Fundraising and Events Committee’ (FREC) is pivotal to the activities that Cowbridge Rotary supporting developing and delivering initiatives and supporting other club activities and raising funds for good causes
moreThe Charitable arm of Rotary International, that have been supporting those in need for over 100 years around the world.