Speaker Evening

Thu, Oct 13th 2016 at 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm

Roger Crossthwaite - A History of Gin

Raffle - Neil McKinlay.

Reception - Craig Mackenzie /Alan McCloskey

Mother's Ruin was the title of a fascinating talk at the Rotary Club of South Queensferry on Thursday 13th October. Roger Crossthwaite, who spent a lifetime in the brewing and hospitality business, explained how gin was a Dutch medicinal product issued to troops during the Thirty Years' War (Dutch Courage), which then became so popular in 18th century London that women even abandoned their children because of it (Mother's Ruin). There were gin riots which led to the strict legislation to control the product we know today. Gin is currently experiencing a rebirth - or ginnaisiance - as Roger called it. Small artisan gin distilleries are springing up all over the UK - many in Scotland. One of the lesser-known facts revealed in Roger's talk was that, although gin is considered the typical English spirit, 70% of all gin produced in the UK is distilled in Scotland!

Roger's talk prompted many questions from the floor. He was introduced by Craig MacKenzie. The vote of thanks was proposed by Alan McLoskey. Vice President Neil McKinlay chaired the meeting.